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🚨 突发新闻:SCAMALERT🚨 黑客瞄准加密货币巨头,大量比特币 (BTC) 被盗! 事态急转直下,黑客再次出击,这次瞄准的是加密货币世界的主要参与者。这些网络犯罪分子不满足于捕食小投资者,他们将目光投向了加密货币项目甚至巨头,留下了一连串的损失。 截至今天,又发生了一起毁灭性的加密货币盗窃案,一名巨头被黑客窃取了价值 7100 万美元的比特币 (BTC)。 据加密货币领域领先的数据提供商 Look On-Chain 称,这次明目张胆的攻击的细节已被揭露。受害者成为网络钓鱼攻击的受害者,损失了 1,155 个 Wrapped 比特币 (WBTC),价值 7100 万美元。 这起大胆盗窃案背后的作案手法既狡猾又险恶: 💔就在六个小时前,受害者创建了一个新地址,无害地命名为“0xd9A1b0B1e1aE382DbDc898Ea68012FfcB2853a91”,并向其中转移了少量 ETH。 💔抓住机会,欺诈者迅速创建了一个几乎相同的地址,狡猾地将资金转移到自己的钱包,同时让它看起来像受害者历史记录中的合法交易。 💔利用一个常见的用户界面功能,钱包地址通常缩写为“...”,欺诈者利用了这种视觉欺骗。 💔命运的悲剧转折是,当鲸鱼试图将 WBTC 转移到他们的新地址时,他们无意中复制了欺诈地址,导致他们的资产不可挽回地损失。 这起令人痛心的事件向所有加密货币爱好者发出了严厉的提醒:面对不断演变的网络威胁,保持警惕至关重要。每次转账都必须经过严格审查,以阻止加密货币黑客的邪恶阴谋并保护您辛苦赚来的资产。 保持安全,保持警惕,我们可以共同打击困扰我们社区的加密货币盗窃祸害。 #cryptosolutions #scamalert


黑客瞄准加密货币巨头,大量比特币 (BTC) 被盗!


截至今天,又发生了一起毁灭性的加密货币盗窃案,一名巨头被黑客窃取了价值 7100 万美元的比特币 (BTC)。

据加密货币领域领先的数据提供商 Look On-Chain 称,这次明目张胆的攻击的细节已被揭露。受害者成为网络钓鱼攻击的受害者,损失了 1,155 个 Wrapped 比特币 (WBTC),价值 7100 万美元。


💔就在六个小时前,受害者创建了一个新地址,无害地命名为“0xd9A1b0B1e1aE382DbDc898Ea68012FfcB2853a91”,并向其中转移了少量 ETH。



💔命运的悲剧转折是,当鲸鱼试图将 WBTC 转移到他们的新地址时,他们无意中复制了欺诈地址,导致他们的资产不可挽回地损失。



#cryptosolutions #scamalert

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The First Bitcoin Transaction: A Look Back at Bitcoin Pizza Day On May 22, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made history by paying Jeremy Sturdivant 10,000 bitcoins for two Papa John’s pizzas, which Sturdivant later delivered to Hanyecz’s home. This transaction is significant because it marks the first known instance where bitcoin was used as a medium of exchange in commerce. Bitcoin Pizza Day is often celebrated with a mix of amazement and humor. People often remark, “Wow, that guy is dumb. If he kept those bitcoins, today they’d be worth more than $700 million! Instead, he just got two pizzas.” However, this perspective overlooks a crucial point. In 2010, 10,000 BTC was only worth approximately the cost of two pizzas. For Bitcoin to appreciate in value, it needed to be used, which is why May 22 is so important. The rationale applies more broadly to the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While the incredible gains in Bitcoin’s value have led to such statements, it's important to understand the context. Consider this hypothetical scenario: A tech company with four co-founders hires its first employee, offering a $50,000 annual salary and 1 percent of the company’s stock, which is worthless at the time. The employee quits after a year. If the company goes public eight years later and becomes a social media giant, the initial offer could translate into a fortune. This statement might seem unfair because it disregards the value of the company at the time the offer was made. Similarly, Hanyecz did not pay $700 million for pizza but 10,000 bitcoins because that was the value of the coin at the time. The significance of Bitcoin Pizza Day lies in its role in demonstrating Bitcoin's utility and paving the way for its future growth. #cryptosolutions #pizzaday
The Forgotten Speech: Andreas Antonopoulos on Bitcoin at $100 Eleven years ago, when Bitcoin was around $100, Andreas Antonopoulos delivered one of the greatest speeches in crypto history to an empty room. Despite the lack of audience, Andreas passionately explained the revolutionary potential of Bitcoin. He highlighted how Bitcoin could empower individuals by providing a decentralized, global currency, free from the control of banks and governments. His speech covered the fundamentals of Bitcoin, including its finite supply, secure transactions, and the innovative blockchain technology underpinning it. Andreas emphasized how Bitcoin could change the financial landscape by enabling peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries, reducing fees, and increasing accessibility. At that time, Bitcoin was a niche topic, understood by few and dismissed by many. Yet, Andreas's vision and conviction in the transformative power of Bitcoin were unwavering. He foresaw a future where Bitcoin would play a crucial role in financial inclusion and freedom. This speech, though delivered to an empty room, has become legendary in the crypto community. It marks a pivotal moment in the history of Bitcoin, showcasing Andreas's foresight and dedication. His words continue to inspire and educate new generations of Bitcoin enthusiasts, underlining the importance of belief and perseverance in the face of skepticism. Today, as Bitcoin's value and influence have soared, Andreas's early insights remain profoundly relevant, reminding us of the journey Bitcoin has taken from obscurity to global significance. #cryptosolutions




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