Binance Square
13 年前的今天,中本聪就比特币发表了最后的演说。 十三年前的 4 月 23 日,神秘人物中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 发表了他对比特币 (BTC) 生态系统的最后指示。这一具有里程碑意义的时刻发生在中本聪于 2010 年 12 月发表最后一次公开声明仅四个月后,标志著世界领先加密货币发展轨迹的关键时刻。 在前比特币核心开发人员迈克·赫恩(Mike Hearn) 透露的电子邮件中,中本聪表达了一种传递火炬的感觉,他表示:「我已经转向其他事情了。这一切都在加文和每个人的精心照料下。 关于中本聪退出该专案的动机有很多猜测。有些人认为愿景存在分歧,特别是考虑到将比特币与维基解密捐赠等措施结合的努力。其他人则指出外部压力,例如据报导中央情报局对密码学界关键人物加文·安德烈森(Gavin Andresen)进行调查。 好手。 不管背后的原因为何,中本聪离开后的一段时间见证了比特币的知名度迅速上升。比特币从其卑微的起源开始就迅速流行起来,激发了科技爱好者和投资者的想像。 加密货币的价格飙升,达到前所未有的高度,并建立了数位金融的新典范。 如今,比特币证明了中本聪的愿景,即一股重塑经济并挑战传统金融范式的去中心化力量。 尽管多次尝试揭露这位难以捉摸的创造者,中本聪的身份仍然笼罩在神秘之中,这增加了围绕比特币起源故事的阴谋。中本聪是否会走出阴影并向世界展示自己仍然是加密货币领域最有趣的谜团之一。 #PEPE #BTTC #BONK

13 年前的今天,中本聪就比特币发表了最后的演说。

十三年前的 4 月 23 日,神秘人物中本聪 (Satoshi Nakamoto) 发表了他对比特币 (BTC) 生态系统的最后指示。这一具有里程碑意义的时刻发生在中本聪于 2010 年 12 月发表最后一次公开声明仅四个月后,标志著世界领先加密货币发展轨迹的关键时刻。

在前比特币核心开发人员迈克·赫恩(Mike Hearn) 透露的电子邮件中,中本聪表达了一种传递火炬的感觉,他表示:「我已经转向其他事情了。这一切都在加文和每个人的精心照料下。

关于中本聪退出该专案的动机有很多猜测。有些人认为愿景存在分歧,特别是考虑到将比特币与维基解密捐赠等措施结合的努力。其他人则指出外部压力,例如据报导中央情报局对密码学界关键人物加文·安德烈森(Gavin Andresen)进行调查。







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Bitcoin's First Satoshi Sold for $2.1 Million. 🖤🪙 In a historic move last week, ViaBTC, the mining pool that mined Bitcoin's first block, made headlines by selling the very first satoshi for a staggering $2.1 million. This transaction comes hot on the heels of Bitcoin's fourth halving event, underlining the growing significance of the cryptocurrency in the global financial landscape. The sale, conducted in collaboration with an exchange, saw the first satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, being auctioned off for 33.3 BTC. To put it in perspective, at the time of the sale, one satoshi was valued at approximately $0.0065. What makes this sale truly remarkable is not just the eye-watering price tag but also the symbolic importance attached to the origin of Bitcoin. ViaBTC's discovery of the block containing the first satoshi during the 840,000th block halving is a testament to the early days of Bitcoin mining and the pioneering efforts that laid the foundation for the crypto revolution we see today. Despite being a fraction of a Bitcoin, the first satoshi holds immense sentimental and historical value within the crypto community. The auction itself garnered significant attention, attracting 34 bids, with the winning bid of 33.3 BTC ultimately securing the prized asset. The identity of the buyer remains undisclosed, adding an air of mystery to the transaction. Moreover, the concept of categorizing satoshis based on their rarity or significance, particularly through protocols like Ordinals, adds an intriguing dimension to the world of crypto collectibles. With designations such as Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical Satoshi, enthusiasts have found a new way to engage with the history and lore of Bitcoin. ViaBTC selling the first satoshi is a significant moment for Bitcoin, highlighting its value beyond just currency. It's a reminder of Bitcoin's remarkable journey since its beginning as it evolves in the crypto landscape. That's why we predicted a little slope down to bearish for the weekend 🤫 #SatoshiNakamoto #Satoshi #BTC #ViaBTC
Here's How Much It Costs to Mine 1 Bitcoin (BTC). Mining Bitcoin costs money, and it's getting pricier for miners considering the most recent reward halving. CoinShares tells us it's about $53,000 to mine one Bitcoin these days, and that's an average that large mining companies spend on one BTC. For those who don't know, halving means miners get half the Bitcoin they used to get for decoding blocks that contain data about the Bitcoin network. Because they'll be getting less Bitcoin, what it costs to run their mining machines, mostly the electricity, could feel like it's doubled. And there's more: experts think the total power of Bitcoin mining might jump up to 700 Exahash by 2025. A whole lot more power will be needed to run the Bitcoin network. But right after the halving, some less profitable mining machines might get turned off, dropping that number by about 10%. There's a bright side, though. Some smart miners are moving to places where they can get cheaper, often wasted energy, like gas that would be burned off anyway. And they're starting to use Al to make more money in countries where energy is stable and not so expensive. This could be a game-changer that would fuel the network in the foreseeable future. So, after the halving, the cost of mining a Bitcoin could go even higher. The miners' bills for things like electricity and the machines themselves might almost double on paper, while the price for Kw/h stays the same. They're trying to deal with this by getting better deals on their gear and finding cheaper power. They're using extra cash from the bullrun and cheap mining cost to pay off debts and getting ready for a shift in the miners' market. #BTC #BTTC #PEPE




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