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Solana 对 Pantera Capital 加密基金筹集的影响力不断扩大。🆙💰 Pantera Capital 的加密基金在 2024 年第一季度飙升了 66%,引起了加密货币领域许多人的关注。这一惊人增长背后的一个重要因素是 Solana 的出色表现,Solana 是一个区块链平台,以其速度、可扩展性和充满活力的生态系统掀起了波澜。 Pantera Capital 的 Liquid Token Fund 价值显着增长,飙升至近 3 亿美元。这一激增在很大程度上可以归因于对 Solana 和其他有前途的山寨币(如 Ribbon Finance、Aevo 和 Stacks)的投资战略转向。有趣的是,虽然比特币和以太坊在此期间面临一些挑战,但 Pantera Capital 超越这两大巨头的多元化战略被证明是非常有益的。 投资 Solana 的决定被证明是特别有成效的,Pantera Capital 抓住机会以大幅折扣从陷入困境的 FTX 交易所收购 SOL 代币。Solana 的价格在第一季度飙升了惊人的 99%,达到 200 美元以上,为 Pantera Capital 的基金增长做出了重大贡献。 Solana 作为 memecoins 中心的出现进一步推动了其生态系统的增长,使其在去中心化交易所的平均每日现货交易量增长了惊人的 319%,达到 15 亿美元。此外,仅在第一季度,基于 Solana 的项目就筹集了惊人的 8920 万美元,这表明该平台的开发和采用轨迹良好。 总之,Solana 的出色表现极大地提振了 Pantera Capital 的加密基金。通过战略多元化并投资于比特币和以太坊以外的有前途的项目,Pantera Capital 将在加密领域继续取得成功。Solana 的持续创新和日益增长的关注巩固了其作为加密货币领域关键参与者的地位。 #Solana⁩ #SOL #PanteraCapital #Funding #BullorBear

Solana 对 Pantera Capital 加密基金筹集的影响力不断扩大。🆙💰

Pantera Capital 的加密基金在 2024 年第一季度飙升了 66%,引起了加密货币领域许多人的关注。这一惊人增长背后的一个重要因素是 Solana 的出色表现,Solana 是一个区块链平台,以其速度、可扩展性和充满活力的生态系统掀起了波澜。

Pantera Capital 的 Liquid Token Fund 价值显着增长,飙升至近 3 亿美元。这一激增在很大程度上可以归因于对 Solana 和其他有前途的山寨币(如 Ribbon Finance、Aevo 和 Stacks)的投资战略转向。有趣的是,虽然比特币和以太坊在此期间面临一些挑战,但 Pantera Capital 超越这两大巨头的多元化战略被证明是非常有益的。

投资 Solana 的决定被证明是特别有成效的,Pantera Capital 抓住机会以大幅折扣从陷入困境的 FTX 交易所收购 SOL 代币。Solana 的价格在第一季度飙升了惊人的 99%,达到 200 美元以上,为 Pantera Capital 的基金增长做出了重大贡献。

Solana 作为 memecoins 中心的出现进一步推动了其生态系统的增长,使其在去中心化交易所的平均每日现货交易量增长了惊人的 319%,达到 15 亿美元。此外,仅在第一季度,基于 Solana 的项目就筹集了惊人的 8920 万美元,这表明该平台的开发和采用轨迹良好。

总之,Solana 的出色表现极大地提振了 Pantera Capital 的加密基金。通过战略多元化并投资于比特币和以太坊以外的有前途的项目,Pantera Capital 将在加密领域继续取得成功。Solana 的持续创新和日益增长的关注巩固了其作为加密货币领域关键参与者的地位。

#Solana⁩ #SOL #PanteraCapital #Funding #BullorBear

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In the 1970s, sci-fi writer J.G. Ballard predicted conversational AI like ChatGPT. ⚡🤯 In the 1960s and 1970s, British science fiction writer J.G. Ballard, along with his colleagues, ventured into the realm of computer-generated poetry, foreshadowing today's debates about generative AI technologies. Ballard's early experiments with computers to produce poetry highlighted the profound impact technology could have on artistic creation. His works often questioned societal norms and speculated about the future, a future that is increasingly becoming our present reality. During the 1970s, Ballard collaborated with Dr. Christopher Evans from the National Physical Laboratory to publish computer-generated poems in Ambit magazine, where Ballard was an editor. These poems, created using random word selection, pointed to a future where technology could potentially overshadow human creativity. This early form of AI-generated content laid the groundwork for more sophisticated systems we see today, like ChatGPT and Google's "Verse by Verse." In his 1961 story "Studio 5, The Stars," Ballard depicted a world where automated poetry devices made poets lazy and stifled creativity. This story was a prescient commentary on the potential downsides of technological advancement in the creative arts. The collaboration between Evans and his colleague Wilson demonstrated that computers could generate poetry by randomly selecting words, creating thousands of unique sentences with a simple program. Today’s AI applications are complex, using vast databases and advanced algorithms, but the core principles and concerns remain similar to those Ballard identified: the impact of automation on human creativity. Ballard’s work foreshadowed the future of AI in creative processes, highlighting ongoing discussions about balancing human ingenuity and artificial intelligence. As we navigate this new era of creative AI, Ballard’s insights remind us to integrate technology into our creative processes without losing the essence of what makes art uniquely human. #chatgpt #JGBallard #ai #OpenAI




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