Binance Square
Electron ARC20 Community
ARC-20 代币现已在 #Binance​ Inscriptions 市场上线!您现在可以通过市场在我们的多协议上以零费用交易 Atomicals(ARC-20 代币)。开始使用 #Web3Wallet 社区钱包支持该项目获得奖励 0x3646070207E4087adF489C99cb9Bb40CE494341B Usdt(以太坊) 更新:Atomicals#ARC20拆分代币技术。 我们今天与您分享我们在不久的将来更新#ARC20协议的计划,以允许转移少于 546 聪灰尘限制的代币数量。 正如你们许多人所知,原生 BTC 协议将最小转移大小限制为 546 聪,以防止对比特币区块链进行所谓的“垃圾邮件攻击”。由于#ARC20是纯彩色硬币解决方案,因此粉尘限制必然也会影响代币转移,并且使得转移少于 546 个单位粉尘限制的代币数量变得不可行。 经过仔细考虑和社区反馈,似乎最优雅的技术解决方案是允许部分着色 UTXO,不超过 UTXO 中的总单位。这尊重 1 个代币 >= 1 个 Satoshi 不变量。 #ARC20Satoshi 支持的硬币的强大之处在于,每个代币至少由 1 个 Satoshi 支持,并且永远不会改变。部分着色 UTXO 的能力有 3 个主要优势,我们在这里描述它们。 1. 能够发送最少 1 个代币单位。 单个代币单位可以位于至少 546 个 UTXO 内,并且可以轻松转移。这是社区对该协议的主要关注点,我们将优雅地解决这个问题。任何代币数量都可以放在 UTXO 中,只要它严格小于或等于 UTXO 中的总 Satoshis 即可。 2. 代币意外销毁将大大减少。 通过启用部分着色,多余的代币可以溢出到下一个可用的 UTXO 中,捕获任何可能被销毁的代币,并提高因钱包或用户错误而恢复资产的可靠性。 3. Atomicals 虚拟机 (AVM) 交换和功能。

ARC-20 代币现已在 #Binance​ Inscriptions 市场上线!您现在可以通过市场在我们的多协议上以零费用交易 Atomicals(ARC-20 代币)。开始使用 #Web3Wallet





我们今天与您分享我们在不久的将来更新#ARC20协议的计划,以允许转移少于 546 聪灰尘限制的代币数量。

正如你们许多人所知,原生 BTC 协议将最小转移大小限制为 546 聪,以防止对比特币区块链进行所谓的“垃圾邮件攻击”。由于#ARC20是纯彩色硬币解决方案,因此粉尘限制必然也会影响代币转移,并且使得转移少于 546 个单位粉尘限制的代币数量变得不可行。

经过仔细考虑和社区反馈,似乎最优雅的技术解决方案是允许部分着色 UTXO,不超过 UTXO 中的总单位。这尊重 1 个代币 >= 1 个 Satoshi 不变量。

#ARC20Satoshi 支持的硬币的强大之处在于,每个代币至少由 1 个 Satoshi 支持,并且永远不会改变。部分着色 UTXO 的能力有 3 个主要优势,我们在这里描述它们。

1. 能够发送最少 1 个代币单位。

单个代币单位可以位于至少 546 个 UTXO 内,并且可以轻松转移。这是社区对该协议的主要关注点,我们将优雅地解决这个问题。任何代币数量都可以放在 UTXO 中,只要它严格小于或等于 UTXO 中的总 Satoshis 即可。

2. 代币意外销毁将大大减少。

通过启用部分着色,多余的代币可以溢出到下一个可用的 UTXO 中,捕获任何可能被销毁的代币,并提高因钱包或用户错误而恢复资产的可靠性。

3. Atomicals 虚拟机 (AVM) 交换和功能。

免责声明:含第三方内容,非财务建议。 详见《条款和条件》。
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About electron electron is an ARC-20 token that is issued on the Bitcoin chain using the Atomicals Protocol. This protocol offers a simple yet versatile framework for minting, transferring, and updating digital objects (often called non-fungible tokens or NFTs) within unspent transaction output (UTXO) blockchains like Bitcoin. An Atomical, or “atom”, provides a method for managing the creation, transfer and updating of digital objects, effectively establishing a chain of digital ownership governed by some basic rules. The Atomic specification is the simplest possible way to organize digital ownership on blockchains like Bitcoin. Its implementation is simple and guarantees maximum flexibility to manage both static and dynamic assets, artifacts and digital objects. The rules are designed to be so clear that using Atomicals as mining fees by mistake is virtually impossible. Additionally, it simplifies verification of ownership transfers to the intended recipient, eliminating the need for third-party verifications or running an indexer. Atomicals are self-evident stories of digital objects. Atomicals essentially provide self-evident histories of digital objects. Despite this, most developers and services will likely still opt for the convenience of running their own indexer to access additional benefits. Atomicals Protocol addresses the long-standing challenge of representing arbitrary fungible assets on the Bitcoin blockchain. The ARC-20 fungible token standard finally brings colored coins to Bitcoin and uses each satoshi to represent units of ownership of the implemented tokens. As a result, each token unit is perpetually backed by 1 satoshi, which serves as “digital gold content” that underpins the value of the token. This also implies that the value of each token can never fall below 1 satoshi, by definition. ARC-20 uses the native satoshi unit to represent each token, allowing them to be split and combined just like traditional Bitcoin. #Bitcoin $BTC #ElectronARC20
We are running an experimental donation fundraiser for AVM launch. ⚡️ We will be assigning the copyright notice of the Atomicals Virtual Machine #AVM core interpretor over to all the donators. The code is open source MIT license and we have the opportunity to ascribe the names and messages by donators to the code as a symbolic appreciation. As the days go on we will gradually reveal more about the #Atomicals Virtual Machine architecture and design which will culminate in a Public BETA launch within a few weeks. We have not finalized the details of the donation fundraiser, but the ultimate purpose is to ensure there is a strong funding base for long term developments. We repeat that we are committed to delivering AVM and building our vision even if we receive absolutely nothing. We will never launch a token for fundraising and not launch a security of any kind. The community has many projects and options and we wish to keep this fundraising as pure as possible while also thinking of what we can offer in return. The Atomicals Virtual Machine and Smart Contracting on Bitcoin will set a trend in the entire ecosystem and we are preparing for the long battle ahead once everyone realizes our method is absolutely superior to all the other solutions out there. That's why we are seeking fundraising to prepare for the long multi year war ahead of us. Donate below if you find our work valuable and if you wish for your name and/or a short message to be attached to the open source license of the #Atomicals AVM interpretor and be immortalized. We are open to creating a commemorative NFT drop and other ideas as well. Stay tuned as we reveal the details of this system we have been working on and stay tuned for other ideas for how we can show appreciation to all contributors. Donate Address: wizz wallet bc1pyfsp8a40r97nvvxma2cqf45stux7azkzv8cxgff2szqr3mgjqjmsdeaacc




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