
CEX 就像一家餐馆,你可以快速方便地吃饭(购买加密货币),但你要支付大笔小费并面临安全问题。而DEX就像是在家吃一顿丰盛的大餐,你可以自己准备食物(加密货币),控制资金的质量和安全。

Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (CEX) are among the popular platforms for buying and selling cryptocurrencies.


The most popular CEXs are Coinbase, Binance, OKX, and Bybit.

However, despite their popularity, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have their drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages is the risk of hacker attacks. Last year, many exchanges were subject to exploits that resulted in millions of dollars in cryptocurrency being stolen.
According to BitOK, hackers managed to steal more than $300 billion in cryptocurrency in November last year alone

CEX 的另一个缺点是缺乏匿名性。在中心化交易所注册时,用户必须提供个人信息:护照数据、居住地址和电话号码——这意味着监管机构将能够监控交易并冻结交易,直到查明原因为止。


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