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#BTC #TrendingTopic 🚀10 倍的研究分析师预测,到 2024 年,比特币可能会达到 70,000 美元🚀 10X Research 的 Markus Thielen 预测,在宏观经济因素和美国大选周期的推动下,比特币价值将上涨 65%,到 2024 年底将达到 70,000 美元。 比特币的看涨预测: 10X Research 专家 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币 (BTC) 正处于大幅反弹的风口浪尖。 Thielen 预计比特币的价值将飙升 65%,到年底可能达到 70,000 美元。这一乐观预测基于对各种宏观经济因素、即将到来的美国大选周期以及传统金融 (TradFi) 投资者对比特币 ETF 兴趣上升的分析。 价格变动和历史趋势: 尽管比特币多年来表现出色,13 年中有 10 年上涨,但 1 月份的回报并不一致。蒂伦的预测强调了这种波动,但也注意到了比特币过去在美国总统大选期间的成功,这表明这种趋势可能是未来价值上涨的好兆头。 当前状态和期望: 尽管今年年初表现平平,比特币下跌 4%,交易价格约为 42,700 美元,但蒂伦的分析仍然坚定看涨。通货膨胀率、经济增长和美联储政策等因素预计将有利于比特币在未来几个月的上涨。他之前的预测显示出一定程度的准确性,增强了他当前观点的可信度。

#BTC #TrendingTopic

🚀10 倍的研究分析师预测,到 2024 年,比特币可能会达到 70,000 美元🚀

10X Research 的 Markus Thielen 预测,在宏观经济因素和美国大选周期的推动下,比特币价值将上涨 65%,到 2024 年底将达到 70,000 美元。


10X Research 专家 Markus Thielen 表示,比特币 (BTC) 正处于大幅反弹的风口浪尖。 Thielen 预计比特币的价值将飙升 65%,到年底可能达到 70,000 美元。这一乐观预测基于对各种宏观经济因素、即将到来的美国大选周期以及传统金融 (TradFi) 投资者对比特币 ETF 兴趣上升的分析。


尽管比特币多年来表现出色,13 年中有 10 年上涨,但 1 月份的回报并不一致。蒂伦的预测强调了这种波动,但也注意到了比特币过去在美国总统大选期间的成功,这表明这种趋势可能是未来价值上涨的好兆头。


尽管今年年初表现平平,比特币下跌 4%,交易价格约为 42,700 美元,但蒂伦的分析仍然坚定看涨。通货膨胀率、经济增长和美联储政策等因素预计将有利于比特币在未来几个月的上涨。他之前的预测显示出一定程度的准确性,增强了他当前观点的可信度。

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#BTC #Halving2024 🚀The Halving Phenomenon: Bitcoin's Built-in Scarcity Mechanism 🚀 The article provides an insight into the Bitcoin halving event, its impact on miners and market dynamics, and the evolving nature of Bitcoin investment and valuation. Understanding Bitcoin Halving: With the advent of a new exchange-traded fund (ETF) and Bitcoin's price rebounding towards $50,000, the focus shifts to the anticipated mid-April Bitcoin halving. Occurring every four years after 210,000 blocks, the halving reduces miner rewards, thus upholding Bitcoin's scarcity by curbing the influx of new coins into circulation. Historically, these events have buoyed Bitcoin’s value, as they underscore the cryptocurrency's scarcity and lure fresh investment to the sector. Halving Impact on Market Dynamics: Examining the halving's impact from 2010 to 2024, data from CoinDesk reveals a narrowed distribution of Bitcoin returns and a market evolving from a niche interest to an institutionally-recognized asset. This maturity leads to diminishing returns and volatility over subsequent halvings, suggesting investors temper their expectations, as past performance does not guarantee future results. The Miner's Perspective: Halving directly influences Bitcoin miners by slicing block rewards, prompting potential industrial consolidation due to heightened competition and cost pressures. Over time, as the finite supply cap of 21 million Bitcoins is reached, mining will pivot to transaction fee-based revenues. Moreover, the advent of supporting crypto innovations offers additional revenue avenues for miners in this evolving landscape.
#BTC #ProfitPotential 🚀Bitcoin's Supply in Profit Nears 95% Mark: A Top Signal? 🚀 Bitcoin's supply in profit is nearing 95%, a level that often signals a potential peak in market value. Understanding Bitcoin's Supply in Profit: Recent on-chain data indicates that the percentage of Bitcoin supply in profit is nearing the critical 95% mark amidst the latest price rally. This threshold is often viewed as a potential signal for the asset reaching a peak in value. The Percent Supply in Profit metric evaluates the proportion of Bitcoin that has unrealized gains by examining the blockchain history and comparing past transaction prices with the current spot price. Historical Trends and Indicators: An increase in the Percent Supply in Profit, as seen in a provided chart, generally aligns with price surges for Bitcoin. Notably, during this uptrend, Bitcoin's price approached $49,000 before a slight pullback. The chart highlights zones where past market behaviors have been indicative of potential tops and bottoms for the cryptocurrency. Market Implications: Holding a high percentage of supply in profit could suggest that many investors may soon sell to realize their gains, potentially resulting in a market top. Conversely, when the indicator is below 50%, it suggests that the market has fewer investors with profits to take, often signaling a bottom. With Bitcoin's Percent Supply in Profit approaching the 95% mark, there is speculation that the currency might be at a local top, especially considering the price has recently corrected to around $47,900.




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