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应对 2023 年朝鲜加密货币黑客浪潮。🇰🇵🏴‍☠️ 2023 年,网络环境中来自朝鲜相关黑客的威胁大幅增加。尽管攻击激增,但被盗资金显着减少,从上一年的 37 亿美元降至 17 亿美元,这主要归因于 DeFi 平台违规事件的减少。 ▪️加密货币黑客浪潮的变化: 今年网络入侵事件从 219 起增加到 231 起。不过,总损失减少至 17 亿美元,这表明 DeFi 平台泄露事件有所下降。值得注意的是,DeFi 平台被盗总价值下降了 63.7%。包括 Euler Finance 和 Curve Finance 在内的重大抢劫案分别损失 1.97 亿美元和 7350 万美元。 ▪️攻击向量: 朝鲜黑客利用链上漏洞、智能合约漏洞,并采用涉及私钥泄露的链下策略。 ▪️朝鲜的加密货币野心: 朝鲜在 2023 年实施了创纪录的 20 次黑客攻击,从战略上转向更频繁但不那么引人注目的行动。目标多元化,包括中心化服务、交易所和钱包提供商。 Atomic 钱包漏洞造成 1.29 亿美元的损失,展示了国家资助的黑客的狡猾程度。 ▪️加密安全的未来之路: 2023 年的情况好坏参半——DeFi 黑客攻击有所减少,但事件有所增加——强调改善该行业的安全状况至关重要。安全专业人员和网络犯罪分子之间的永久军备竞赛仍在继续。关键措施包括加强智能合约审计、强化私钥管理、实施主动监控和快速响应机制。 #northkorea #NorthKoreaHackers #HackerAlert #hack #hackers

应对 2023 年朝鲜加密货币黑客浪潮。🇰🇵🏴‍☠️

2023 年,网络环境中来自朝鲜相关黑客的威胁大幅增加。尽管攻击激增,但被盗资金显着减少,从上一年的 37 亿美元降至 17 亿美元,这主要归因于 DeFi 平台违规事件的减少。


今年网络入侵事件从 219 起增加到 231 起。不过,总损失减少至 17 亿美元,这表明 DeFi 平台泄露事件有所下降。值得注意的是,DeFi 平台被盗总价值下降了 63.7%。包括 Euler Finance 和 Curve Finance 在内的重大抢劫案分别损失 1.97 亿美元和 7350 万美元。




朝鲜在 2023 年实施了创纪录的 20 次黑客攻击,从战略上转向更频繁但不那么引人注目的行动。目标多元化,包括中心化服务、交易所和钱包提供商。 Atomic 钱包漏洞造成 1.29 亿美元的损失,展示了国家资助的黑客的狡猾程度。


2023 年的情况好坏参半——DeFi 黑客攻击有所减少,但事件有所增加——强调改善该行业的安全状况至关重要。安全专业人员和网络犯罪分子之间的永久军备竞赛仍在继续。关键措施包括加强智能合约审计、强化私钥管理、实施主动监控和快速响应机制。

#northkorea #NorthKoreaHackers #HackerAlert #hack #hackers

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Google launches Project Astra in response to OpenAI. 🧠 At the recent Google I/O event, the tech giant unveiled its latest innovation: Project Astra. This groundbreaking development marks a significant milestone in the realm of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. During the event, Google showcased a mesmerizing demo of Project Astra, highlighting its remarkable capabilities. This revolutionary tool serves as an advanced visual and conversational interface, empowering users to engage with their surroundings using nothing but their smartphone cameras. ▪️Project Astra boasts several key features that set it apart: Real-time Interaction: Responding to spoken commands in real-time, Project Astra showcases its ability to understand and act upon user queries instantaneously. Contextual Awareness: Powered by Gemini AI, Project Astra exhibits an impressive ability to recognize objects and recall past interactions. In a striking demonstration, it effortlessly locates misplaced items without explicit commands. Wearable Integration: Seamless integration with wearable devices enables users to effortlessly switch between smartphone and wearable perspectives, expanding the possibilities of Project Astra beyond traditional handheld devices. Central to Project Astra is Gemini, a cutting-edge technology that continuously encodes video frames, merges speech and visual inputs, and optimizes data processing for swift responsiveness. Project Astra's release date is unspecified, but it's an evolving project with ongoing enhancements. It's hinted that it could integrate into personal devices like smartphones and glasses, possibly reviving wearable tech. Community reactions vary, from skepticism about the demo's authenticity to reflections on tech's rapid advancement. Nonetheless, its unveiling has excited tech enthusiasts globally. #Google #ProjectAstra #OpenAI




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