Binance Square
周二下午香港交易期间,比特币和以太币以及所有其他市值排名前 10 名的非稳定币加密货币均下跌。自上周有报道称币安交易所与其英国支付合作伙伴终止合作关系以来,币安的原生代币 BNB 的交易价格一直接近年度低点。 请参阅相关文章:每周市场总结:恒大破产后比特币跌破 26,000 美元 比特币和以太币与所有十大加密货币一起下跌 截至下午 4:30,比特币交易价格为 26,088 美元。上周五在香港跌至两个月低点 25,409 美元后。 以太坊在亚洲下午交易中小幅下跌 0.11% 至 1,665 美元,过去一周下跌 9.57%。 加密支付应用程序 Oobit 总裁 Phillip Lord 表示,加密市场需要比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 申请更加明确,才能开始获得动力。 经过为期 21 天的公众咨询后,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 于 8 月 11 日推迟了批准 Ark Investment Management 现货比特币 ETF 申请的决定,一周后,该机构宣布将把待决比特币 ETF 申请的决定推迟到 2024 年。该机构已接受总共六只现货比特币 ETF 的审查。 洛德写道:“一旦[证券交易委员会]事件的迷雾散去,上升势头将会重振。” 周二,BNB 在过去 24 小时内下跌 2.17%,至 208 美元,接近周一创下的年度低点 207 美元。 据报道,由于与其支付合作伙伴之间的问题日益严重,币安周日在欧洲设置了欧元取款限制。币安于 6 月宣布,将从 9 月 25 日起更换其欧元银行合作伙伴 Paysafe Payment Solutions。8 月 17 日,出于对洗钱和合规性的担忧,总部位于伦敦的支付处理商 终止了与该交易所的合作伙伴关系。币安对这些理由提出质疑,并暗示他们可能会寻求法律追索。 #bitcoin #dyor #cryptocurrency

周二下午香港交易期间,比特币和以太币以及所有其他市值排名前 10 名的非稳定币加密货币均下跌。自上周有报道称币安交易所与其英国支付合作伙伴终止合作关系以来,币安的原生代币 BNB 的交易价格一直接近年度低点。

请参阅相关文章:每周市场总结:恒大破产后比特币跌破 26,000 美元


截至下午 4:30,比特币交易价格为 26,088 美元。上周五在香港跌至两个月低点 25,409 美元后。

以太坊在亚洲下午交易中小幅下跌 0.11% 至 1,665 美元,过去一周下跌 9.57%。

加密支付应用程序 Oobit 总裁 Phillip Lord 表示,加密市场需要比特币交易所交易基金 (ETF) 申请更加明确,才能开始获得动力。

经过为期 21 天的公众咨询后,美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 于 8 月 11 日推迟了批准 Ark Investment Management 现货比特币 ETF 申请的决定,一周后,该机构宣布将把待决比特币 ETF 申请的决定推迟到 2024 年。该机构已接受总共六只现货比特币 ETF 的审查。


周二,BNB 在过去 24 小时内下跌 2.17%,至 208 美元,接近周一创下的年度低点 207 美元。

据报道,由于与其支付合作伙伴之间的问题日益严重,币安周日在欧洲设置了欧元取款限制。币安于 6 月宣布,将从 9 月 25 日起更换其欧元银行合作伙伴 Paysafe Payment Solutions。8 月 17 日,出于对洗钱和合规性的担忧,总部位于伦敦的支付处理商 终止了与该交易所的合作伙伴关系。币安对这些理由提出质疑,并暗示他们可能会寻求法律追索。

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When FTX fell apart last year, the repercussions were devastating. The contagion not only caused crypto assets to tumble and damaged the portfolios of professional traders, but it also eliminated a prominent investment pool for blockchain startups. Countless individual investors witnessed their life savings evaporate, and I sympathize with all the victims.  While acknowledging past mistakes and repercussions, there is a silver lining that cannot be ignored. Although unpopular in some quarters, the news of a potential FTX relaunch under a new name has sparked a wave of optimism in the crypto community, and with good reason. A relaunch could bring about a range of positive outcomes for the industry, investors and customers alike. Relaunching FTX has its merits One of the most significant advantages of a successful FTX relaunch would be the potential to attract more investors back into the crypto space. Should the exchange re-emerge with a new management team and a realized commitment to rectify past issues, it may garner renewed interest from the wider investing community. And the positive effects would compound. Increased investor participation would infuse the exchange with additional funds, which could then be used to repay users who have experienced losses in the past, again instilling trust in centralized crypto exchanges. While the crypto community is rightly skeptical of the motives behind launching FTX 2.0, there is precedent showing that it is in fact possible to make creditors whole through restructuring. The Bitfinex incident is a great example. In 2016, crypto exchange Bitfinex was hacked, and 120,000 Bitcoins were subsequently stolen. In response to the hack, Bitfinex released the “recovery rights tokens” (RRT), designed to serve as an IOU to affected customers. These tokens promised a share of future profits to compensate for the losses. Within a year, all the tokens were redeemed and customers were repaid.  #crypto2023 #cryptocurrency #BTC
US Judge Lewis Kaplan allowed the former CEO of FTX – Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), to meet with his lawyers and thus prepare his defense for the October trial.  However, the meeting can only proceed between 8.30 am and 3 pm on August 22, with all other previous requests being denied. A Few Hours Out of the Cell As stated in Kaplan’s order, SBF will be able to talk to his counsel in the Marshal’s cell block attorney room. He is allowed to bring one Internet-enabled laptop and a Wi-Fi device. The judge also dismissed all other requests that the fallen crypto tycoon had displayed over the past few weeks. “The balance of the request for August 22 is denied,” the document reads. Spending a few hours outside his prison cell is not exactly what SBF insisted on. His lawyers urged Judge Kaplan to grant freedom for their client during weekdays, claiming that the jail conditions are too restrictive and would not allow him to properly prepare for the upcoming trial on October 2. Despite being accused as the main culprit behind the FTX meltdown, the US magistrates let Bankman-Fried spend several months at his parents’ house under a whopping $250 million bond. However, the following leak of Caroline Ellison’s (former CEO of FTX’s sister company Alameda Research) private diary became a reason for the authorities to send SBF behind bars. The US Department of Justice was the main agency that insisted on prison time, arguing that Bankman-Fried’s actions could have intimidated the woman who is expected to testify against him in less than two months.  From a Cozy House to One of the Worst Jails SBF spent nearly eight months at his parents’ $4 million home in Palo Alto, California, leaving many to wonder why a suspect of massive crypto fraud is allowed to live in luxury.  In a sudden twist of events, though, the US authorities sent him to jail on August 12 over witness tampering allegations. It is worth mentioning that he will spend the days until his trial in one of the worst prisons in New York City – MDC Brooklyn. #crypto2023 #cryptocurrency


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