#STRK The current price of Starknet (STRK) is around $0.18524, with a 5.67% increase in the last 24 hours ¹. Its market capitalization stands at approximately $517.71 million, ranking it #126 among all cryptocurrencies ². The circulating supply of STRK is 2.74 billion, with a maximum supply of 10 billion ¹ ².
Looking at its recent price movements, STRK has experienced significant volatility. Its price has decreased by 94.94% from its all-time high of $3.66 ¹. However, it's up by 35.97% from its all-time low of $0.13623 ¹.
Analysts predict that STRK's price may fluctuate based on various factors, including market sentiment, adoption and usage, technological developments, competition, and token supply and distribution ¹. Some experts even predict that STRK could reach new highs as the StarkNet ecosystem continues to grow and develop.
*Key Statistics:*
- _Market Cap:_ $517.71M ¹
- _24-hour Trading Volume:_ $256,534 ¹
- _Circulating Supply:_ 2.74B ¹
- _All-time High:_ $3.66 ¹