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Câu hỏi thường gặp | Binance FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions on Binance Card Refund

Frequently Asked Questions on Binance Card Refund

2020-09-02 08:16
Note: Binance Card services in EEA will close on 20 December 2023. Binance accounts are unaffected and continue to operate as usual.
1. How long does it take for the refund to return to my Card Account?
Typically, you will receive the refund from the merchant within 20 business days. You will receive the refund in EUR.
2. Will Binance deduct my cashback in the case of a refund?
In case of a refund, Binance has a right to deduct the cashback that was given to the user after the initial settled transaction. For more details, please refer to Binance Card Cashback.