Binance Square
粉丝投稿:我为什么必须要炒币 在深圳,我的工资为15k,算是平均水平 我每个月的固定开支有: 1.房租:3k 2.伙食费:3k 3.交通费:0.5k 4.衣服以及社交费:1k (以上都是最节俭的计算) 大概我一个月可以攒下来7.5k 深圳的房价均价为6w元,我想要立足的话大概需要一个50平的房子。也就是300w元 如果我老老实实的把钱都攒着的话,大概需要33年,如果我在银行贷款的话,大概需要50年才能还清,也就是一辈子了。 但是我并不想老老实实工作一辈子换一个50平的房子,因此我会将余钱投入一些高风险,但是可能回报更多的领域,例如加密货币,虽然我可能一无所有,但是我并不care,因为7.5k其实本就没什么用,不如去博一个梦想,就和中年大叔买彩票一样。你可以说我投机,并不能我是错误的,更何况,我已经成功赚到了50wu,实现了我一辈子才能实现的目标。 是我错了?还是这个社会错了?为什么我如此激进的行为,现在却显得这么的合理 #ETH #BTC走势分析









#ETH #BTC走势分析

Tuyên bố miễn trừ trách nhiệm: Bao gồm cả quan điểm của bên thứ ba. Đây không phải lời khuyên tài chính. Có thể bao gồm nội dung được tài trợ. Xem Điều khoản & Điều kiện.
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Important News! Important News! Tomorrow's early morning will be the most significant day in the crypto market since June. Are you prepared? BTC experienced a significant crash last night, and the market seems to have entered a standstill, awaiting the Federal Reserve's inflation data to be released tomorrow evening. This data release from the Federal Reserve will be crucial as it determines whether interest rates will be reduced, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) will also be announced, adding more uncertainty to the market. There are two possibilities for tomorrow: First, if the inflation in the U.S. continues to soar, and the Federal Reserve decides to maintain the current interest rates, this will have a significant negative impact on the market, and the BTC price may plummet, potentially falling to 63,000orevenbreakingthecrucialsupportlevelof60,000. Second, if the inflation in the U.S. declines and the Federal Reserve decides to reduce interest rates this year, this will be a huge boost to the market, and the BTC price may easily surpass $70,000 or even reach new heights. Why did the market decline? My personal opinion is that it was triggered by the selling of market makers and large whales. Firstly, for risk avoidance, as there is much uncertainty before the Federal Reserve announces its decision. Secondly, it could be deliberate selling to suppress prices and accumulate more coins at the bottom. If the news is favorable, BTC could surge significantly, allowing them to reap significant profits. The market has been declining since April. Many of us missed the profits when the market was rising, but got caught in the downturn, resulting in significant losses. However, we must remain calm and not panic. The crypto market is generally trending upward. If you hold valuable coins, things will eventually improve. #Binance200M #IOprediction $IO $BTC

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