Binance Square
I am a teacher, writer, editor and translator who also loves Crypto and Social Mining.
Увесь контент
Переглянути оригінал
Майбутнє, твоє ім'я POL Polygon, один із найцікавіших #SocialMining проектів, підтримуваних @DAOLabs , пройшов довгий шлях після переходу з #MATIC✅ Мережі та вливання балканського духу в Індійські технічні ноу-хау та підприємливість започаткували нову еру, яка перенесла мережу $MATIC , яка на той час переживала труднощі, у фенікса, тобто @0xPolygon . Тепер, сильніше, ніж будь-коли, токен MATIC від Polygon також перейшов на $POL після року обговорень спільноти в дусі справжньої децентралізації. Але все це може дещо заплутати, якщо ви новачок у цій галузі, тому ось деякі з ключових запитань і відповідей на основі білої книги POL (доступна тут: і блог Polygon (доступний тут:

Майбутнє, твоє ім'я POL

Polygon, один із найцікавіших #SocialMining проектів, підтримуваних @DAO Labs , пройшов довгий шлях після переходу з #MATIC✅ Мережі та вливання балканського духу в Індійські технічні ноу-хау та підприємливість започаткували нову еру, яка перенесла мережу $MATIC , яка на той час переживала труднощі, у фенікса, тобто @Polygon . Тепер, сильніше, ніж будь-коли, токен MATIC від Polygon також перейшов на $POL після року обговорень спільноти в дусі справжньої децентралізації. Але все це може дещо заплутати, якщо ви новачок у цій галузі, тому ось деякі з ключових запитань і відповідей на основі білої книги POL (доступна тут: і блог Polygon (доступний тут:
Переглянути оригінал
Ігри Web3, WAX і NFT FTW! У короля NTF і одного з улюбленців @DAOLabs #SocialMining спільноти @WAX мережа має нового малюка на блокчейні – Pantheon TC, першу платформу для торгівлі цифровими картками з високими ставками гра. У цій статті ми вивчимо #web3gaming і його переваги над web2gaming, як-от шанс заробити #NFT​ або токен на зразок $WAXP . Мені завжди подобалися ігри, особливо пригодницькі з міцним сюжетом, такі як незабутній Sanitarium або серіал Icewind Dale, тому що Fantasy та SciFi завжди будуть моїми справжніми коханнями. Ми з моїми учнями перенесли наше розчарування одне в одного через кілька годин Diablo 2 або Medal of Honor, де вони вбили мене занадто багато разів, щоб порахувати. Причини, чому грають люди різних віків і культур, такі ж різноманітні, як і люди, які в них грають, але всі ми граємо. Ось чому для мене не дивно, що web 3 природним чином розвивається в бік цифрових ігор – надто багато синергії та багато переваг як для гравця, так і для розробника.

Ігри Web3, WAX і NFT FTW!

У короля NTF і одного з улюбленців @DAO Labs #SocialMining спільноти @WAX мережа має нового малюка на блокчейні – Pantheon TC, першу платформу для торгівлі цифровими картками з високими ставками гра. У цій статті ми вивчимо #web3gaming і його переваги над web2gaming, як-от шанс заробити #NFT​ або токен на зразок $WAXP .
Мені завжди подобалися ігри, особливо пригодницькі з міцним сюжетом, такі як незабутній Sanitarium або серіал Icewind Dale, тому що Fantasy та SciFi завжди будуть моїми справжніми коханнями. Ми з моїми учнями перенесли наше розчарування одне в одного через кілька годин Diablo 2 або Medal of Honor, де вони вбили мене занадто багато разів, щоб порахувати. Причини, чому грають люди різних віків і культур, такі ж різноманітні, як і люди, які в них грають, але всі ми граємо. Ось чому для мене не дивно, що web 3 природним чином розвивається в бік цифрових ігор – надто багато синергії та багато переваг як для гравця, так і для розробника.
Переглянути оригінал
Настав час токенізувати RWA, і я знаю правильних хлопців для цієї роботи! Переходьте далі, і ! Рухайтесь далі ! У місті є нова гра, і вона наздожене всіх! Нещодавно я опублікував статтю про токенізацію реальних активів ( ) з точки зору соціального майнінгу, де я обговорював потенціал токенізації навіть таких активів, як скакові коні чи заморожена сперма. Здається, це було справді передбачливо, оскільки цей напрямок розслідування призвів до виявлення нового гравця в блоці, #RWAInc . Активи в реальному світі були улюбленими для інвесторів, які довго бачили. Однак, хоча вони добре працюють, якщо вам не потрібен безперервний доступ до готівки, ви, можливо, відчували біль від необхідності ліквідувати реальні активи, такі як будинок, земельну ділянку, автомобіль чи навіть золото, лише щоб зрозуміти, що швидкість дорівнює (інколи значній) втраті. Токенізація реальних активів пропонує альтернативне вирішення цієї проблеми, і #RWAInc має намір значною мірою революціонізувати інвестиції в активи завдяки багаторівневому підходу.

Настав час токенізувати RWA, і я знаю правильних хлопців для цієї роботи!

Переходьте далі,


! Рухайтесь далі

! У місті є нова гра, і вона наздожене всіх!
Нещодавно я опублікував статтю про токенізацію реальних активів (
) з точки зору соціального майнінгу, де я обговорював потенціал токенізації навіть таких активів, як скакові коні чи заморожена сперма.

Здається, це було справді передбачливо, оскільки цей напрямок розслідування призвів до виявлення нового гравця в блоці, #RWAInc . Активи в реальному світі були улюбленими для інвесторів, які довго бачили. Однак, хоча вони добре працюють, якщо вам не потрібен безперервний доступ до готівки, ви, можливо, відчували біль від необхідності ліквідувати реальні активи, такі як будинок, земельну ділянку, автомобіль чи навіть золото, лише щоб зрозуміти, що швидкість дорівнює (інколи значній) втраті. Токенізація реальних активів пропонує альтернативне вирішення цієї проблеми, і #RWAInc має намір значною мірою революціонізувати інвестиції в активи завдяки багаторівневому підходу.
Переглянути оригінал
$MATIC to $POL - ви можете прочитати все про точку зору успішного соціального майнера тут 👇👇👇
$MATIC to $POL - ви можете прочитати все про точку зору успішного соціального майнера тут 👇👇👇
Велика міграція починається в Polygon: від MATIC до POL
Сьогодні великий день у Polygon, платформі масштабування рівня 2. Сьогодні, 4 вересня 2024 року, компанія Polygon, яку з самого початку підтримує #Binance , переходить від мережевого токена $MATIC до #PolygonPOL . Тож чому ця зміна така важлива для екосистема Polygon і навіщо потрібен токен $POL?
Потужність маркера POL, що рухає багатокутник вперед

POL оснащений новими функціями, які дозволять екосистемі стати більш децентралізованою та інтерактивною. У той час як MATIC використовується для газу та ставки для транзакцій, POL матиме ширший спектр використання та відіграватиме активну роль у таких важливих функціях, як управління, надаючи користувачам більший вплив на мережу.
Мем-монети їх вплив на технологію Blockchain.
Нещодавно меми-монети привернули увагу інвесторів та інвесторів у криптопростір. Багато з цих монет черпають свою тему з інтернет-мемів і тенденцій у соціальних мережах, отже, є новою тенденцією на ринку цифрових валют. Серед них можна виділити Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) як видатний приклад токенів мемів, що відображає як концепцію сектора.
Основна концепція монет-мемів подібна до інших криптовалют, таких як Bitcoin або Ethereum; однак більшість мем-монет не мають жодної корисності чи робочої моделі функціонування. Натомість їхня цінність значною мірою залежить від спільноти та Інтернет-культури. Меми-монети можна простежити до Dogecoin, який спочатку був створений із забави, а потім був оцінений на Reddit.
Переглянути оригінал
Memecoins, Gone to the Dogs? Ми як #SocialMining спільнота @DAOLabs вміємо найкраще слідкувати за останніми новинами у криптовалюті, і оскільки #DOGSONBINANCE набирає обертів, настав час перевірити #MemeWatch2024 A #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 є різновидом криптовалюти, але її джерелом є жарт або персонаж, який став загальновідомим мемом. Собаки всіх видів домінують у просторі memecoin Отже, мемекойни — це, по суті, жарт, який збирає силу спільноти, яка створює силу за собою, надаючи їй цінності на основі їхньої залученості. Dogecoin ( $DOGE ), який був створений як жарт, але набув величезної популярності, і Shiba Inu (SHIB), схожий на Dogecoin, є відомими прикладами.

Memecoins, Gone to the Dogs?

Ми як #SocialMining спільнота @DAO Labs вміємо найкраще слідкувати за останніми новинами у криптовалюті, і оскільки #DOGSONBINANCE набирає обертів, настав час перевірити #MemeWatch2024 A #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 є різновидом криптовалюти, але її джерелом є жарт або персонаж, який став загальновідомим мемом.

Собаки всіх видів домінують у просторі memecoin
Отже, мемекойни — це, по суті, жарт, який збирає силу спільноти, яка створює силу за собою, надаючи їй цінності на основі їхньої залученості. Dogecoin (

$DOGE ), який був створений як жарт, але набув величезної популярності, і Shiba Inu (SHIB), схожий на Dogecoin, є відомими прикладами.
Переглянути оригінал
RWA Inc має величезний потенціал для зростання, і майбутній RWA Hub відкриває двері для зацікавлених осіб, щоб взяти участь у їх розширенні через завдання залучення спільноти. Читайте нижче, щоб дізнатися більше 👇👇👇👇
RWA Inc має величезний потенціал для зростання, і майбутній RWA Hub відкриває двері для зацікавлених осіб, щоб взяти участь у їх розширенні через завдання залучення спільноти. Читайте нижче, щоб дізнатися більше 👇👇👇👇
DAO Labs
Тому ми весело представляємо вам RWA HUB – Social Mining V1 від DAO Labs & RWA
і RWA Inc. нещодавно представили нову платформу соціального майнінгу, відому як

який прагне включити часткові активи в екосистему Web3. Ця ініціатива є серйозною подією в

оскільки він прагне використовувати створення та обмін контентом як спосіб взаємодії користувачів із цифровими активами.

RWA HUB — це платформа, призначена для сприяння процесу випуску токенів, забезпечених активами, якими є акції та нерухомість, зокрема в блокчейні. Цей процес призначений для покращення досвіду технології блокчейн у сегментах інвестицій, які раніше мали меншу ймовірність залучати їх. Тепер соціальні майнери можуть виявити ці токенізовані активи, і вони можуть зробити внесок в екосистему, публікуючи вміст пропозицій RWA Inc.
Переглянути оригінал
Ян Віткопп та Інал Кардан, колишні старші члени @ton_blockchain #TONFoundation , створили #TONVentures , нову компанію венчурного капіталу з фондом у 40 мільйонів доларів для підтримки криптопроектів на ранніх стадіях в екосистемі $TON . TON Ventures зосереджуватиметься на споживчих програмах, які використовують соціальні функції Telegram, такі як Telegram Mini Apps (TMA), і інструменти для створення масового впровадження та довгострокової стійкості. Ідея полягає в тому, щоб інвестувати в різні вертикалі, включаючи децентралізоване фінансування, ігри, рекламу/маркетинг і регульовані фінансові продукти. Для отримання додаткової інформації прочитайте тут:
Ян Віткопп та Інал Кардан, колишні старші члени @Ton Network #TONFoundation , створили #TONVentures , нову компанію венчурного капіталу з фондом у 40 мільйонів доларів для підтримки криптопроектів на ранніх стадіях в екосистемі $TON . TON Ventures зосереджуватиметься на споживчих програмах, які використовують соціальні функції Telegram, такі як Telegram Mini Apps (TMA), і інструменти для створення масового впровадження та довгострокової стійкості. Ідея полягає в тому, щоб інвестувати в різні вертикалі, включаючи децентралізоване фінансування, ігри, рекламу/маркетинг і регульовані фінансові продукти.
Для отримання додаткової інформації прочитайте тут:
Переглянути оригінал
RWA, токенізація та соціальний майнінг – схоже на провидіння, чи не так? У той час як обговорення майбутнього $BTC і того, чи виправдає $TON ажіотаж, є ще один герой! Народжений із бачення децентралізованої вільної валюти, блокчейн-ландшафт розвивається майже деформованою швидкістю, і зараз залучає на свій бік тих, хто традиційно перебуває в опозиції, наприклад, банки. Як член спільноти @DAOLabs #SocialMining я, як ніхто інший, в захваті від нових перспектив, що відкриваються. Однією з найцікавіших подій є можливість токенізації <t-70/>#realworldassets (<t-73/><t-74/>#RWAs ), що означає перетворення прав власності у фізичних активах, таких як нерухомість, товари чи навіть образотворче мистецтво, у цифрові токени на блокчейні. Ці токени представляють частку активу, що дозволяє легше й ефективніше купувати, продавати або торгувати ним, подібно до того, як акції представляють право власності в компанії.

RWA, токенізація та соціальний майнінг – схоже на провидіння, чи не так?

У той час як обговорення майбутнього $BTC і того, чи виправдає $TON ажіотаж, є ще один герой! Народжений із бачення децентралізованої вільної валюти, блокчейн-ландшафт розвивається майже деформованою швидкістю, і зараз залучає на свій бік тих, хто традиційно перебуває в опозиції, наприклад, банки. Як член спільноти @DAO Labs #SocialMining я, як ніхто інший, в захваті від нових перспектив, що відкриваються. Однією з найцікавіших подій є можливість токенізації <t-70/>#realworldassets (<t-73/><t-74/>#RWAs ), що означає перетворення прав власності у фізичних активах, таких як нерухомість, товари чи навіть образотворче мистецтво, у цифрові токени на блокчейні. Ці токени представляють частку активу, що дозволяє легше й ефективніше купувати, продавати або торгувати ним, подібно до того, як акції представляють право власності в компанії.
Переглянути оригінал
Оскільки @Movement_Labs продовжує інтеграцію @0xPolygon Agglayer, як розробники, так і кінцеві користувачі отримають вигоду від надзвичайно розширеного пулу можливостей! @marpaci містить повну інформацію👇👇👇
Оскільки @Movement Labs продовжує інтеграцію @Polygon Agglayer, як розробники, так і кінцеві користувачі отримають вигоду від надзвичайно розширеного пулу можливостей! @marpaci містить повну інформацію👇👇👇
Лабораторії багатокутників і руху: майбутнє блокчейну
Movement Labs на шляху до створення мережі, орієнтованої на спільноту, наголошуючи на таких цінностях, як безпека, швидкість і гнучкість у світі #blockcain . Їхня мета — розкрити повний потенціал технології блокчейн і отримати вигоду від сильної екосистеми, такої як #Polygon у цьому процесі. Ця подія має важливе значення як для мереж на основі Move, так і для екосистеми @Polygon і @DAO Labs спільноти #SocialMining . Я вважав, що настав правильний час оголосити про це, і хотів поділитися цим із спільнотою #Binance Square.
DAO Labs
Gas-Free Transactions with Tonkeeper's W5 Smart Wallet!
Hi, cryptolovers and #TCHub Social Miners
I am here with a news that is useful for all of us, now all the transactions you will make on @Ton Network Wallet TonKeeper are gas-free! That is why in such a rapidly developing field as blockchain technology, solutions that affect the convenience of operating at a lower cost are valuable.
Gas fees, familiar with cryptolovers, mean the price needed to execute operations on various blockchains, such as $ETH or $BNB . Such fees may escalate according to the network traffic, complexity of transactions, and are normally imposing, hindering users’ capability to transfer their assets efficiently.
Thus, the Tonkeeper W5 Smart Wallet has opened the opportunity for users to transfer USDT or Notcoin without paying the usual gas for a blockchain network transaction. This capability also eradicates a significant inconvenience invective of users who expected to incur very high charges, say, when transferring tokens between wallets or to an exchange.
So, what will #DAOLabs TC Hub miners do in this mission?
You will start by reviewing the W5 Smart Wallet, information can be found here:
You will create a Meme that reflects this innovation, W5 Smart Wallet, that both informs and makes you laugh, and we have no doubt that you will make an impact on the crypto world by sharing your Meme as a post on X!
Once you have completed all these steps, you can submit the task on DAO Labs' TC Hub platform.
Just think of scenarios where you can transfer USDT hosted on the ETH network and do not have ETH to pay for Gas or directly sending USDT hosted on the BSC network and do not have BNB for Gas – all that is physically possible with Tonkeeper’s W5 Smart Wallet.
The ability to make gasless transactions based on W5 Tonkeeper Smart Wallet rearranges the further development of TON Blockchain concerning its innovations and effective usability in practice.
Higher education is a gate, and the fees that one needs to pay keep the gate closed to many. That is one reason for @DAOLabs #SocialMining concept being so near and dear to this educator's heart! Read below to see why! 👇👇👇
Higher education is a gate, and the fees that one needs to pay keep the gate closed to many. That is one reason for @DAO Labs #SocialMining concept being so near and dear to this educator's heart! Read below to see why! 👇👇👇
DAO Labs
SMoTH Featured: Taiwo Arogbo
For DAO Labs social miners, Fridays have a different meaning than others. Friday is SMotH day. @Beautyqueenamara hosts an inspiring social miner on the global chat and hosts the community to recognize the Social Miner of the Hour with a warm conversation. Her guest last week was a very new social mining student.
Meet Dr. Taiwo from Africa!
Taiwo, a student at the Federal Technological University of Nigeria, is the child of a low-paid family overwhelmed by university education loans, bills to be paid for living, and extra expenses for school projects.
Dr. Taiwo's Social mining journey starts on June 12th. DAO Labs is currently conducting social mining studies at $MATIC , $KAVA , @Ton Network , #DAOVERSE , @WAX and $AVAX HUBs.
His friend, veteran social miner Arolee, tells him about #SocialMining and #DAOLabs . Let's read the rest from his words:
‘’My first reward I earned through social mining was a research grant worth $100. It was a milestone moment for me as it validated my efforts and showed the potential of social mining to support meaningful research. The grant enabled me to further my studies and fuel my passion for data-driven social impact.’’
“Social Mining offers opportunities to improve your financial situation. It can provide supplementary income, help pay off debts, or even lead to becoming a full-time entrepreneur. Dedication, hard work, and continuous learning are essential to maximising these opportunities.”
Doctor Taiwo's story is a powerful example of how Social Mining can transform lives. Taiwo, who has been doing social mining for 2 months, can make more hopeful plans for his future.
You can follow the rewards this successful miner received from currently active project hubs from his infographic.
You can find more blog
Also, you can write to his telegram and X accounts to meet him.
Polygon Agglayer and Movement Labs Build More than Network BridgesCrypto never sleeps, and we as #SocialMining community @DAOLabs keep the pulse of our projects ( $AVAX , , MATIC , $TON for example) as we are proud of their innovative solutions. In this article, we will take a look at what @Movement_Labs #MoveVM and @0xPolygon #AggLayer integration means and how they work to increase interoperability and liquidity, to create a more connected blockchain network. What is MoveVM? MoveVM is an open-source, chain-agnostic smart contract execution engine (1). It was first developed for Meta’s Libra (now known as Diem, a cryptocurrency project that later shut down 2) The key principles of Move are default security features, runtime and Aptos-specific formal verification, and over all, simplicity (1).  For developers features such as unit testing, coverage tooling, IDE plugins, and on-chain decompilation, data model, upgradeability, cross-interaction, code storage and sponsored transactions are only some of the advantages that Move offers (1). That is why it is a great choice for dApp developers. What is Polygon's Agglayer? At its heart, AggLayer is simple and minimalist, relying on a pessimistic proof mechanism for safe transactions between different blockchains. (3) Liquidity fragmentation is a key issue that creates speed bumps along the transaction highway, and the AggLayer solves this problem by aggregating liquidity across a number of blockchains. The ZK (Zero Knowledge) EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) provides a wide array of chains to operate like a single chain, which makes it faster. (4)   MoveVM and Agglayer Integration MoveVM and Agglayer integration promises to be a game-changer. With this integration, MoveVM devs and users will have the opportunity to connect to EVM-ecosystem blockchains. Polygon ecosystem on the other hand is expected to receive $160 million in Total Value Locked (TVL) through the integration. That number is impressive to say the least! SUI Move and Aptos Move ecosystems and more will be supported by Polygon and all of that will go a long way towards boosted liquidity, security and access, all the while for end-users, asset management gets simplified. It also goes without saying that lower transaction fees will have their own impact. Investment Potential Although a new project, Movement Labs caught the interest of investors, and already raised $38 million. Backers including Binance Labs prove the potential of MoveVM to hugely impact and transform the blockchain sector.   We the DAOLabs community believe in supporting our projects on their way to greatness through Social Mining. This DAOLabs innovation is an alternative that allows you to take part in this great paradigm shift, and earn through your own hard work and efforts towards building a community behind a project you believe in. Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR! $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)   Sources: 1 APTOS DEV: 2 BBC 3 POLYGON 4 CHAINLINK 5 BINANCE 6 BINANCE 7 MOVEMENT LABS 8 COINDESK 9 MEDIUM

Polygon Agglayer and Movement Labs Build More than Network Bridges

Crypto never sleeps, and we as #SocialMining community @DAO Labs keep the pulse of our projects ( $AVAX , , MATIC , $TON for example) as we are proud of their innovative solutions. In this article, we will take a look at what @Movement Labs #MoveVM and @Polygon #AggLayer integration means and how they work to increase interoperability and liquidity, to create a more connected blockchain network.
What is MoveVM?
MoveVM is an open-source, chain-agnostic smart contract execution engine (1). It was first developed for Meta’s Libra (now known as Diem, a cryptocurrency project that later shut down 2) The key principles of Move are default security features, runtime and Aptos-specific formal verification, and over all, simplicity (1).  For developers features such as unit testing, coverage tooling, IDE plugins, and on-chain decompilation, data model, upgradeability, cross-interaction, code storage and sponsored transactions are only some of the advantages that Move offers (1). That is why it is a great choice for dApp developers.
What is Polygon's Agglayer?
At its heart, AggLayer is simple and minimalist, relying on a pessimistic proof mechanism for safe transactions between different blockchains. (3)
Liquidity fragmentation is a key issue that creates speed bumps along the transaction highway, and the AggLayer solves this problem by aggregating liquidity across a number of blockchains.
The ZK (Zero Knowledge) EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) provides a wide array of chains to operate like a single chain, which makes it faster. (4)  

MoveVM and Agglayer Integration
MoveVM and Agglayer integration promises to be a game-changer. With this integration, MoveVM devs and users will have the opportunity to connect to EVM-ecosystem blockchains. Polygon ecosystem on the other hand is expected to receive $160 million in Total Value Locked (TVL) through the integration. That number is impressive to say the least! SUI Move and Aptos Move ecosystems and more will be supported by Polygon and all of that will go a long way towards boosted liquidity, security and access, all the while for end-users, asset management gets simplified. It also goes without saying that lower transaction fees will have their own impact.
Investment Potential
Although a new project, Movement Labs caught the interest of investors, and already raised $38 million. Backers including Binance Labs prove the potential of MoveVM to hugely impact and transform the blockchain sector.  
We the DAOLabs community believe in supporting our projects on their way to greatness through Social Mining. This DAOLabs innovation is an alternative that allows you to take part in this great paradigm shift, and earn through your own hard work and efforts towards building a community behind a project you believe in.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article are for informative and educational purposes, and are not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR!

While $BTC falls below 50K mark, @DAOLabs #SocialMining keeps giving and here is a great explanation why 👇👇👇
While $BTC falls below 50K mark, @DAO Labs #SocialMining keeps giving and here is a great explanation why 👇👇👇
Bitcoin Falls into Demand Zone: A Beacon for Social Mining Stability
#Bitcoin❗ ( $BTC ) the leading cryptocurrency, recently experienced a massive drop, breaking below the psychological $60,000 support level. This decline has stirred concerns across the crypto market, with top coins such as #binancecoin ( $BNB ) , @Ethereum ( $ETH ) , @Ton Network ( $TON ) , @Avalanche_CN ( $AVAX ) , @Solana Official ( $SOL) and many altcoins following suit. Despite the current market turbulence, an interesting contrast emerges: which is the relative stability and resilience of @DAO Labs #SocialMining as a means of earning in the crypto field. This current market condition presents a unique opportunity to explore the stability and advantages of Social Mining especially in times of market volatility.

Bitcoin’s Market Dynamics
Bitcoin's recent plunge is attributed to several factors, including a broader market correction and external economic influences. This has pushed Bitcoin into a critical demand zone between $55,724 and $53,485. Historically, such zones attract buyers, suggesting a potential rebound.
The current technical indicators, including the 20-day exponential moving average (EMA) and the relative strength index (RSI), suggest that Bitcoin might experience some resistance if it attempts to recover. However, the presence of significant whale activity—such as large accumulations and withdrawals from exchanges—indicates that many investors remain optimistic about Bitcoin’s long-term prospects.

The Stability of Social Mining Amidst Market Fluctuations

While Bitcoin's volatility can lead to significant fluctuations in its price and impact traditional crypto investments, #SocialMining presents a contrasting scenario.
@DAO Labs #SocialMining , a concept introduced by DAOVERSE, involves participating in community-driven activities that reward users with cryptocurrency such as $MATIC for @Polygon hubbers, $WAX for @WAX hubbers, $KAVA for Kava hubbers and $TON for @Ton Network Hubbers for their engagement and contributions. This model operates independently of market fluctuations, making it a unique form of earning within the crypto space. It offers major benefits such as
Stability in Earnings: Unlike trading, #SocialMining offers consistent earnings unaffected by market dips, crucial during bear markets as rewards are based on individual contributions and community growth.
Increased Earning Potential in Bear Markets: In bear markets, #SocialMining can be more lucrative, providing stable income as trading slows, offering valuable consistency when traditional investments falter.
Community Engagement and Growth: #SocialMining fosters active participation, supporting individual earnings and ecosystem health. During market uncertainty, it sustains long-term value through community growth and collaboration.

As Bitcoin navigates its current demand zone and the broader market seeks equilibrium, the consistent value proposition of #SocialMining stands out. For those looking to earn in the crypto field without being at the mercy of price fluctuations, #SocialMining offers a compelling and resilient alternative. By focusing on community and engagement, it provides a stable and potentially lucrative path, even amidst the unpredictable tides of the crypto market.

What a great idea for Binance to keep on giving to the community - join forces with @DAOLabs to give everyone the chance to learn about #SocialMining - see why below, with all the advantages of this win-win proposal
What a great idea for Binance to keep on giving to the community - join forces with @DAO Labs to give everyone the chance to learn about #SocialMining - see why below, with all the advantages of this win-win proposal
Web3 Preacher
Binance Joining Social Mining Could Revolutionize Blockchain and Web3
Have You Ever Imagined Binance Joining the Social Mining World?

Have you ever thought about the immense benefits that #Binance joining the #SocialMining world could bring? Imagine the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange integrating with social mining hubs like @DAO Labs #AvalancheHub #PolygonHub #KavaHub and @Ton Network . The possibilities are endless with BinanceHub 💯
Unleashing Community Creativity
Social mining is renowned for fostering creativity within blockchain communities. Unlike traditional incentive mechanisms, social mining rewards users for innovative contributions, content creation, and community-building efforts. If Binance integrates social mining, it can unleash a wave of user-generated content and projects. This could range from educational materials, innovative dApps, to community-led initiatives that drive engagement and growth.
Decentralized Marketing and Outreach
Social mining hubs often include mechanisms for community-driven marketing and outreach. By incorporating these features, Binance could leverage its vast user base to spread awareness and adoption organically. Community members can be incentivized to create and share marketing content, host events, or develop educational campaigns. This grassroots approach not only builds trust but also taps into the creativity and reach of the entire Binance community.
Empowering Developers with Microgrants
Social mining hubs frequently provide microgrants and funding opportunities for promising projects and developers. Binance could implement a similar feature, creating a decentralized fund that rewards innovative projects based on community votes and participation. This would empower developers to build and experiment with new ideas without the need for large, centralized funding, fostering a more inclusive and diverse ecosystem.
Localized Community Hubs
One unique feature of social mining platforms is the ability to create localized community hubs. These hubs focus on specific regions or languages, ensuring that users worldwide can participate in a meaningful way. Binance could adopt this model, creating regional hubs that cater to local communities, fostering a sense of belonging and ensuring that global participation is truly inclusive.
Governance Participation and Rewards
While Binance offers staking and governance through BNB, integrating social mining can take this a step further by directly rewarding participation in governance. Users who actively engage in governance proposals, vote, or contribute to decision-making processes can earn additional rewards. This incentivizes a higher level of participation and ensures that the governance process is more democratic and representative.

Enhanced Reputation Systems
A robust reputation system is a hallmark of effective social mining hubs. Binance could implement a decentralized reputation system where users earn reputation points for their contributions. These points can unlock additional benefits, access to exclusive features, or higher voting power in governance. This system rewards positive behavior and contributions, fostering a more constructive and collaborative community environment.

Cross-Platform Synergies
By joining the social mining world, Binance can create synergies with existing hubs like DAO Labs, AvalancheHub, PolygonHub, Kava, and TONCommunityHub. This collaboration can lead to shared best practices, cross-platform innovations, and a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem. Users and developers can benefit from the combined strengths of these platforms, creating a more robust and resilient web3 landscape.

In conclusion, Binance's entry into the social mining world holds the potential to revolutionize blockchain and web3. By incorporating features such as decentralized marketing, developer microgrants, localized community hubs, and enhanced educational incentives, Binance can significantly enhance its ecosystem. As Binance continues to lead in the cryptocurrency space, its integration with social mining could set new standards for the industry, leaving us all in awe of the possibilities.

Politics and finance, even DeFi, are forever intertwined and this analysis by @marpaci provides the context behind the recent up- down-surges the market is experiencing, take a look!
Politics and finance, even DeFi, are forever intertwined and this analysis by @marpaci provides the context behind the recent up- down-surges the market is experiencing, take a look!
Political Reasons for the Rise and Fall in the Crypto Market
Those who are members of @DAO Labs and do #SocialMining as me know. When the crypto market is negative or stagnant, we keep an eye on the price of #BTC and #ETH on the #Binance screen, but we also investigate the new work of the projects we are partners with. Here, I try to announce new developments from time to time.
But today, I'm going to get into the political side of the business. What caused #Bitcoin to push past 70K and then fall back to 60K in recent weeks?
Summer seasons have been like this for years. A little up, a little down. Then you realize that you are actually in the same place 😊 That's why I love social mining, with the content I make on such days, I can collect the tokens of our partner projects at cheap prices 😊
Let us now look at the biggest political reasons for the rise and then for the fall. These are of course excuses for the rise and fall. However, such events increase the expectation that communities will react similarly to similar developments. As a result, even if it is an excuse, there is an expectation about how the wheel will turn.

Yes, before the rise started, unfortunately, news of an assassination came. US Presidential candidate Trump survived this attack with minor injuries. This event led to an increase in Trump votes and ultimately Biden's withdrawal from the race.
Known to be close to the crypto market, Trump's approach to winning ignited the first fuse. Later, Trump, who attended the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, praised Bitcoin. This created great enthusiasm and provided an increase of up to 70K. If I summarise what Trump said at the conference in headings:
As soon as I become president, I will fire (SEC Chairman) Gary Gensler.If elected president, I will not sell any Bitcoin that the US government currently holds or will purchase.Never sell your Bitcoins, Bitcoin will rise like never before...
Trump, whose similar discourses received great applause, brought great movement to the market.
This rise had to have a fall. Excuses began to be sought. MtGox will make new payments, Grayscale has mobilized so much $BTC , etc. And finally, the best excuse was found. War!!!

Increasing Iran-Israel tensions in the Middle East led to sharp declines in the cryptocurrency market 🌍💥. Israel's escalation of tension in the region in recent years has also negatively affected the financial markets. War rhetoric put stock and cryptocurrency markets under pressure.
The growing tension between Iran and Israel wiped $ 3 trillion from global stock markets in one day. A pessimistic atmosphere prevails in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin (BTC) fell as low as $ 60,500, while Ethereum ($ETH ) fell below $ 3,000. These declines caused a large outflow of money from altcoins, and many altcoins lost over 10 percent.
According to CoinGlass data, $289 million worth of positions were liquidated in the last 24 hours. Of these liquidations, $ 247.5 million consisted of long transactions. In the last 24 hours, 87,750 investors received liquidation notifications and lost their open positions. The biggest losses were in BTC with $87.34 million in liquidations and ETH with $80.14 million in liquidations.
The Layer-2 index was also affected by this situation and lost 7 percent in value in the last 24 hours. $ZK , one of the layer-2 solutions, fell by 10 percent 📉.
I think we will spend the summer period going back and forth in the range of 60K and 70K. Of course, this is not investment advice, just it is my opinion. With the autumn, I hope that bitcoin will slowly enter the bull market ...
As a teacher myself, I find Ms Yam's willingness to open this amazing gate for her students commendable! Our students truly need exposure to the #SocialMining opportunity as early as possible! Congrats!!
As a teacher myself, I find Ms Yam's willingness to open this amazing gate for her students commendable! Our students truly need exposure to the #SocialMining opportunity as early as possible! Congrats!!
DAO Labs
Einshen Yam: Balancing Science Teaching and Social Mining
It’s my pleasure to introduce to you Einshen Yam, a high school teacher in the field of Science from the land of the rising sun, the Philippines, who will teach us what the line of teaching combined with social mining is like. Einshen's adventure into #DAOLabs ' #SocialMining started thanks to her colleague, Ms. Karen, and she’s been making waves ever since by balancing her two loves: teaching and crypto within the total earnings of $101.42 !
It is also notable how punctual Einshen is and how efficiently she can manage her time well for her schedule. She completes her teaching tasks and when she is done, transcribes into Social Mining whenever she is free. This wise strategy allows her to have the cake and eat it too – get nice work clothes without having to negate her intelligence.
Regarding her goals, one of Einshen’s goal is to introduce her students to the world of Social Mining. She is looking forward to presenting to them the concept of learning while earning so that their learning process is also enjoyable and comes with some achievement. She’s ready to lead them through this new area introducing them to the possibilities of decentralized technology that are both practical and adventurous.
She has also dealt with some rather serious subjects such as aggregated blockchain and Polygon Peregrin; however, she can explain them in a rather simple manner. This kind of learning experience enables her to be abreast with technological developments in the school and society, and pass new and proper knowledge to the learners.
Generally, Einshen has a few favourite tasks on DAO Labs' platforms but one of them is her favourite one; creating a meme for the #USDt launch on #TON . She was happy to transform a lot of data that one could expect to read in a textbook into something that people would enjoy learning about, that creativity is key even when it comes to the identification of particular signs that mark a certain state.
Last but not least, for those who want to try Social Mining, according to Einstein, the first thing that a teacher should do is do some research about it, define a goal, and gradually use Social Mining as a tool just like teachers teach something to their pupils. Her biography is indeed colourful and inspiring one of how you can marry your professional job with new tech experiences or projects, thus having your job and passion come alive. You can find the story of Einshein and many other Social Miners like her on our blog.
Are we in for a dot-com type market crash? We as the @DAOLabs #SocialMining community keep our eyes on the current market context, although our first focus is always on our own projects ($AVAX , $KAVA , $MATIC for example). So are we in for a dot-com type bubble burst? #US_Job_Market_Slowdown #July_NonFarmPayrolls_Shock #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions Here are some facts: - S&P 500 Performance: The S&P 500 index has increased by 45% since January 2023, largely due to the rise in artificial intelligence (AI) stocks. Key AI companies have shown significant gains: - Nvidia: 745% - Meta Platforms: 305% - Amazon: 117% - Alphabet: 106% - Microsoft: 85% - Market Valuations and Comparisons: Current valuations in the technology sector are high but not as extreme as during the dot-com bubble. The S&P 500 is currently trading at 21.2 times forward earnings, which is above its five- and ten-year averages. During the dot-com bubble, the index traded at 25 times forward earnings. AI and the Gartner Hype Cycle - Gartner Hype Cycle Framework: This framework describes the lifecycle of new technologies in five phases: 1. Innovation Trigger 2. Peak of Inflated Expectations 3. Trough of Disillusionment 4. Slope of Enlightenment 5. Plateau of Productivity - AI's Current Phase: Generative AI is nearing the Peak of Inflated Expectations and might soon enter a correction phase, based on this framework. Differences Between AI Boom and Dot-Com Bubble - Valuation Discrepancies: - Technology stocks today trade at about 30 times forward earnings, whereas during the dot-com bubble, they traded at 55 times. - The largest AI companies (Microsoft, Nvidia, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms) trade at an average of 49 times forward earnings compared to 59 times for the top dot-com companies (Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, Lucent, IBM) in 2000. - Profitability and Market Dynamics: Today's AI companies are already profitable and provide essential infrastructure for AI adoption, unlike many unprofitable companies during the dot-com bubble. Anticipated Market Dynamics - Market Correction Expectations: Historically, markets experience cyclical corrections. While a downturn is expected at some point, current valuations suggest it might not be as severe as the dot-com crash. - Historical Example of Recovery: Amazon's stock fell 90% after the dot-com bubble but has since increased significantly in value. The current enthusiasm for AI stocks has led to high market valuations. While some analysts draw parallels with the dot-com bubble, differences in current valuations, profitability, and market conditions suggest a less severe impact. The Gartner Hype Cycle indicates that AI may soon move past its peak of inflated expectations. Social Mining is a unique concept that provides regular income to participants while building strong, informed communities deeply invested in the projects they support. It not only rewards community contributions but also encourages members to be active stakeholders in governance and development. Despite any market fluctuations, social miners can keep earning through their investment of time and effort. Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article is for informative and educational purposes, and not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR! Source: The Motley Fool

Are we in for a dot-com type market crash?

We as the @DAO Labs #SocialMining community keep our eyes on the current market context, although our first focus is always on our own projects ($AVAX , $KAVA , $MATIC for example). So are we in for a dot-com type bubble burst?
#US_Job_Market_Slowdown #July_NonFarmPayrolls_Shock #ETH_ETFs_Approval_Predictions
Here are some facts:
- S&P 500 Performance: The S&P 500 index has increased by 45% since January 2023, largely due to the rise in artificial intelligence (AI) stocks. Key AI companies have shown significant gains:
- Nvidia: 745%
- Meta Platforms: 305%
- Amazon: 117%
- Alphabet: 106%
- Microsoft: 85%
- Market Valuations and Comparisons: Current valuations in the technology sector are high but not as extreme as during the dot-com bubble. The S&P 500 is currently trading at 21.2 times forward earnings, which is above its five- and ten-year averages. During the dot-com bubble, the index traded at 25 times forward earnings.
AI and the Gartner Hype Cycle
- Gartner Hype Cycle Framework: This framework describes the lifecycle of new technologies in five phases:
1. Innovation Trigger
2. Peak of Inflated Expectations
3. Trough of Disillusionment
4. Slope of Enlightenment
5. Plateau of Productivity
- AI's Current Phase: Generative AI is nearing the Peak of Inflated Expectations and might soon enter a correction phase, based on this framework.
Differences Between AI Boom and Dot-Com Bubble
- Valuation Discrepancies:
- Technology stocks today trade at about 30 times forward earnings, whereas during the dot-com bubble, they traded at 55 times.
- The largest AI companies (Microsoft, Nvidia, Alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms) trade at an average of 49 times forward earnings compared to 59 times for the top dot-com companies (Microsoft, Cisco, Intel, Lucent, IBM) in 2000.
- Profitability and Market Dynamics: Today's AI companies are already profitable and provide essential infrastructure for AI adoption, unlike many unprofitable companies during the dot-com bubble.
Anticipated Market Dynamics
- Market Correction Expectations: Historically, markets experience cyclical corrections. While a downturn is expected at some point, current valuations suggest it might not be as severe as the dot-com crash.
- Historical Example of Recovery: Amazon's stock fell 90% after the dot-com bubble but has since increased significantly in value.
The current enthusiasm for AI stocks has led to high market valuations. While some analysts draw parallels with the dot-com bubble, differences in current valuations, profitability, and market conditions suggest a less severe impact. The Gartner Hype Cycle indicates that AI may soon move past its peak of inflated expectations.

Social Mining is a unique concept that provides regular income to participants while building strong, informed communities deeply invested in the projects they support. It not only rewards community contributions but also encourages members to be active stakeholders in governance and development. Despite any market fluctuations, social miners can keep earning through their investment of time and effort.

Disclaimer: All the information provided in this article is for informative and educational purposes, and not intended as financial advice. Any trades bear the risk of partial or total financial losses and must be approached with utmost caution. DYOR!

Source: The Motley Fool
As liquidity and integration are two Achilles heels of the blockchain systems, this @0xPolygon AggLayer integration with @Movement_Labs MoveVM promises to be a major breakthrough.
As liquidity and integration are two Achilles heels of the blockchain systems, this @Polygon AggLayer integration with @Movement Labs MoveVM promises to be a major breakthrough.
DAO Labs
Polygon is in Movement: MoveVM is Coming to AggLayer
Hi, social miners. There's a New ' task to earn !
The @Polygon Aggregated Layer, known as AggLayer, has attracted significant attention in the crypto space. Recently, Movement Labs has expressed its intention to join this powerful structure. The Movement testnet boasts $160 million in committed total value locked (TVL), facilitating the integration of future MoveVM-based chains with AggLayer.

To complete this task, you need to conduct thorough research on Movement Labs using the provided blog link and create a detailed Maxipost or an X Thread along with a meme visual. The research should cover the following aspects:

-Movement Labs: Understand what Movement Labs is, and how the integration with AggLayer benefits them.
-Integration Details: Explore what Movement Labs is building and how the MoveVM-based chains will function with AggLayer.

Additionally, create an engaging meme visual that illustrates the integration between Movement Labs and AggLayer, forming the MoveVM.


Hashtags and Mentions
When sharing your Maxipost, X Thread, or meme visual, ensure to include the following hashtags and mentions to increase visibility and engagement:

- Mentions: @0xPolygon, @movementlabsxyz
- Hashtags: #Polygon , #PolygonHub

Participants who submit valid entries will receive 50 points. The top 5 submissions will earn up to 700 points and a 0.1 REP boost.

Dive in, create your content, and become a part of this exciting integration between Movement Labs and AggLayer!
Security may be the most important aspect of holding cryptocurrency, and @WAX has the key points to remember 👇👇👇👇
Security may be the most important aspect of holding cryptocurrency, and @WAX has the key points to remember 👇👇👇👇
DAO Labs
Essential Security Tips for WAX Collectors and Social Miners
Good tidings to the #SocialMining , and especially #WAXHub and $WAXP community! These security tips, which are also closely concerning the users on #WAX Hub, are with you. Besides these important security tips in @WAX , Social mining is not a mere concept designed to help people earn incentives and other gifts; it is a great tool to always be informed and protected in a world that is quickly running into a digital one. One can also gain a lot of insight on the current trends in security that would help him/her to execute social mining activities in the right way. So, Let's examine these security tips about WAX together

It sits well to mention that safety comes as a must in the junior world of digital collectables. So if you are a collector or just starting to collect rare coins, you should take a step to ensure that your digital collections are safe.

First, let comes with password protection, here we should take strong passwords. It is the master access to your digital chest and when generating one the use of combinations of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols is very crucial. It is also important to change your passwords often; and never use the same password in different accounts to reduce risks.

Next, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) has to be on the list of tools each company and organization must have for protection. This is similar to if you have ADDED another lock to your door, even if someone hacks your key, they cannot get into your home without a code. Ensure the backup of the Recovery Phrase for they will be useful, especially in the case where the 2FA is lost or misplaced.

Collectors require their coins to be more secure hence they use cold wallets like the Ledger. As compared to online wallets, cold wallets work in the offline space thus minimizing the risks of online vulnerabilities. You should view them as the storage boxes of your most precious digital assets.

The last tip to consider is also always be on the lookout for phishing attacks. These can become progressively complex and thus it is recommended to always review the URLs and be wary of any received emails. This is probably one of the most important pieces of advice for those who are involved in trading activities, buying and selling, or investing in any way possible; if an offer sounds unbelievable, then it is most likely just that, unbelievable. One must always check the genuineness of the message being received to avoid being locked into a trap.

Precisely by following these directions, everyone can secure themselves in the sphere of digital assets. Be alert, be aware and protect those precious possessions of yours online. It also benefits WAX Hub users to follow these guidelines, as no one leaves their door unlocked.
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