Binance Square
Thumbs up for Binance and Fellow Binanicians, we are all in this together. I enjoy going on Binance, not have to worry so much about scammers. Thank you
Увесь контент
l have a question for My most trusted platform - Binance , l have been contacted regarding investment in EQUITY EDGE can anyone clarify for certain if this is a legit investment, or a scam? Regards Dani
l have a question for My most trusted platform - Binance ,

l have been contacted regarding investment in EQUITY EDGE

can anyone clarify for certain if this is a legit investment, or a scam?

Regards Dani
Godmorgen fellow Binanicians l see alot of insecurity and flapping about crypto being a scam. l honestly believe in crypto and the 'independence' it can bring to a certain level. Have any of you not heard when people say they are independent? - well,for me,because l can only speak for myself,- that utter load of crap. So unless you actually have a quite large farm,where you can do your own drilling for water,garden with wheat,vegetables ,a few cattle for meat and so on.. then you are not independent...still you have to drive in a car that needs gas,oil,water to just move. A road to drive on,the car doesnt make itself. lm from an older generation ,where we just took over after WWII. Life is on easymode today,but its a mental state. For those who actually work 6.30 - 6.30 every day except sunday,we know the value of money. And still then,l had a 40acre farm,with all that,but l still had to pay a 4%housetax pro anno ,to the state- after l bought the farm once and paid for it. l could choose not to pay tax,but l would be sent to prison for not giving the state the bribe every year. we dont have to go that far back,when we went to war over 2% tax,now in Denmark, l pay 68% tax total. and thats before l Even go buy food,- where l pay tax again... So l support Binance and do all l can to not be a much..cuz in reality,,,we are all slaves of the powerplay thats going on with the top 1%. And with that l have a request for Binance - will you,pretty please with sugar on top,open the promotions so l,as a normal citizen of Denmark,can take part in just some of these promotions? l can registrer but when l want to trade,'its not available in My region'. 95% of the promotions l get a No,because l am from Denmark? l was a little sidetracked,but it started with some saying crypto is a scam. No its not. oppertunities come ,when you make it possible, thats luck. With that ,l wish everyone a risk managed trade. 🙏 #DYOR #BTC #Write2Earn
Godmorgen fellow Binanicians

l see alot of insecurity and flapping about crypto being a scam.

l honestly believe in crypto and the 'independence' it can bring to a certain level.

Have any of you not heard when people say they are independent? - well,for me,because l can only speak for myself,- that utter load of crap. So unless you actually have a quite large farm,where you can do your own drilling for water,garden with wheat,vegetables ,a few cattle for meat and so on.. then you are not independent...still you have to drive in a car that needs gas,oil,water to just move.
A road to drive on,the car doesnt make itself. lm from an older generation ,where we just took over after WWII. Life is on easymode today,but its a mental state. For those who actually work 6.30 - 6.30 every day except sunday,we know the value of money.
And still then,l had a 40acre farm,with all that,but l still had to pay a 4%housetax pro anno ,to the state- after l bought the farm once and paid for it. l could choose not to pay tax,but l would be sent to prison for not giving the state the bribe every year.
we dont have to go that far back,when we went to war over 2% tax,now in Denmark, l pay 68% tax total. and thats before l Even go buy food,- where l pay tax again...
So l support Binance and do all l can to not be a much..cuz in reality,,,we are all slaves of the powerplay thats going on with the top 1%.

And with that l have a request for Binance
- will you,pretty please with sugar on top,open the promotions so l,as a normal citizen of Denmark,can take part in just some of these promotions? l can registrer but when l want to trade,'its not available in My region'. 95% of the promotions l get a No,because l am from Denmark?

l was a little sidetracked,but it started with some saying crypto is a scam. No its not. oppertunities come ,when you make it possible, thats luck.

With that ,l wish everyone a risk managed trade. 🙏

#DYOR #BTC #Write2Earn
Переглянути оригінал
давайте подивимося, як буде працювати BTC наступного тижня Я думаю, що він знизиться і перебудується до 73 тис
давайте подивимося, як буде працювати BTC наступного тижня
Я думаю, що він знизиться і перебудується до 73 тис
Mastering Crypto
Цей $PEPE Whale тріумфально повертається всього за кілька годин

Ось кілька ключових моментів про видатне повернення інвестора PEPE:

- Інвестор, відомий як dimethyltryptamine.eth, спочатку інвестував 45 000 доларів США в PEPE і заробив приголомшливі 26,7 мільйонів доларів.
- Після 10-місячної перерви кит продав 10 мільярдів PEPE за 32,73 ETH, що оцінюється приблизно в 112 000 доларів США.
- Повернення кита збільшило тиск продажів на PEPE, що призвело до падіння ціни на 5,9% протягом 24 годин, довівши ціну до 0,00001077 доларів США.
- Згідно з даними CoinGecko, PEPE посідає третє місце в категорії мемів після Dogecoin і Shiba Inu.
- За даними Spot On Chain, кит все ще зберігає 1,99 трильйона PEPE, вартістю 21,4 мільйона доларів.


🫂Пам’ятайте: для того, щоб надати вам найкращі інвестиційні статті, потрібно докласти багато зусиль. Ваші щедрі поради посилять нашу місію та допоможуть нам працювати ще наполегливіше, щоб надавати вам найкращі інвестиційні поради.

Fellow Binanicians l made a post of how l lost a great deal of money to a scammer. Then Jelal,made some comments of how uneducated l must be if l can get scammed. He meant it was My own fault,because people like (himself/she/it/they,them/ whatever.. are so smart it wouldnt happen to him. unfortunatelyl do not have alot of IT knowledge as Mr. Jeezebel do - or l would love to dig out his lifesavings and see how judgemental he is then. l like Binance ,due to the responses,which are most about helping each other. Not like Mr. Jeanal,which seems like he had a rough childhood with his mama. #BTC #Bonkers
Fellow Binanicians

l made a post of how l lost a great deal of money to a scammer.

Then Jelal,made some comments of how uneducated l must be if l can get scammed. He meant it was My own fault,because people like (himself/she/it/they,them/ whatever.. are so smart it wouldnt happen to him. unfortunatelyl do not have alot of IT knowledge as Mr. Jeezebel do - or l would love to dig out his lifesavings and see how judgemental he is then.
l like Binance ,due to the responses,which are most about helping each other.
Not like Mr. Jeanal,which seems like he had a rough childhood with his mama.

#BTC #Bonkers
Dear Fellow Binanicians l lost My life savings after working My behind of as a bricklayer. So l fully support every step one can take in securing the leftovers we get as the fruit of our own labour. l joined the crypto world - l started with coinbase,only to find out,that l couldnt make withdrawal since l am a danish citizen. so l tried a few more ,and Even with My IT knowledge - l just felt something way off,and thats how l found Binance. l had a 'friend' help me setup an account,and l have My passwords dobbel checked( written down in 2 extra notebooks). what l didnt know,he was doing something he wasnt supposed to,l dont know what. All l know is,l spoke to support and they wrote,kick him out and make a New account,New email,New device,New password,all New. so now ,at 47,ruined by scammers,l sit here and try ro make a few dollars here and there,but My plan of bying a house abroad and enjyoing My retirement, - crashed due to (€31.400.00,and Joy Hannah Samuels(Proearnershub,$26.000) , Evelyn Lacks(New company name every week on telegram,SCAM.) ln the end its My own fault for being so stupid to actually belive,there are wealthy people ,wanting to help the less fortunate. My Arms,shoulders are so filled with pain after lifting and stacking Stones since l was a kid. lm on disability pension and l can tell you people out there,l feel so buttmauled by the state and some private individuals/scam companies,that l Will never be able to get that money back. in total l lost about half a million,and l still need to eat,pay rent,and lm currently living with My mother,so we shop together,or we simply cant afford to eat. and l pay almost 3/4 in tax,so as My parents and grandparents before me. l really Hope in case you catch some scammers,then do send their coordinates My way. Just tell them theres a huge giftbox to them, with chains&locks inside🤷‍♂️ #BTC #Write2Earn #BNBHODLer
Dear Fellow Binanicians

l lost My life savings after working My behind of as a bricklayer.

So l fully support every step one can take in securing the leftovers we get as the fruit of our own labour. l joined the crypto world - l started with coinbase,only to find out,that l couldnt make withdrawal since l am a danish citizen.
so l tried a few more ,and Even with My IT knowledge - l just felt something way off,and thats how l found Binance.

l had a 'friend' help me setup an account,and l have My passwords dobbel checked( written down in 2 extra notebooks).
what l didnt know,he was doing something he wasnt supposed to,l dont know what. All l know is,l spoke to support and they wrote,kick him out and make a New account,New email,New device,New password,all New.

so now ,at 47,ruined by scammers,l sit here and try ro make a few dollars here and there,but My plan of bying a house abroad and enjyoing My retirement, - crashed due to (€31.400.00,and Joy Hannah Samuels(Proearnershub,$26.000) , Evelyn Lacks(New company name every week on telegram,SCAM.)

ln the end its My own fault for being so stupid to actually belive,there are wealthy
people ,wanting to help the less fortunate.

My Arms,shoulders are so filled with pain after lifting and stacking Stones since l was a kid.
lm on disability pension and l can tell you people out there,l feel so buttmauled by the state and some private individuals/scam companies,that l Will never be able to get that money back. in total l lost about half a million,and l still need to eat,pay rent,and lm currently living with My mother,so we shop together,or we simply cant afford to eat. and l pay almost 3/4 in tax,so as My parents and grandparents before me.

l really Hope in case you catch some scammers,then do send their coordinates My way. Just tell them theres a huge giftbox to them, with chains&locks inside🤷‍♂️
#BTC #Write2Earn #BNBHODLer
🚨 Сповіщення про шахрайство 🚨

Остерігайтеся шахраїв, які використовують чужі особи.
Криптопростір повний шахраїв і шахраїв, які намагаються пограбувати ваші гроші. Ніхто не може подвоїти ваші гроші, тільки ви можете.

Не роби цього,

‼️ Ніколи нікому не надсилайте гроші
‼️ Ніколи не надсилайте гроші на ім'я премій
‼️ Ніколи не купуйте щось під назвою «дешево з базару»
‼️ Ніколи не відкривайте невідомі посилання
‼️ Ніколи нікому не повідомляйте облікові дані свого гаманця

#scammers. #ScamAlert
Переглянути оригінал
Колеги-бінанічани Хтось, крім мене, має проблему з відповіддю «бла-бла-бла ...не підтримується в моєму регіоні». Я можу вносити депозит і торгувати. Все добре. Але навіть у чемпіонаті світу з Binance я не можу взяти участь. Дуже небагато рекламних акцій, які рекламуються на Binance, я можу зареєструвати, але коли я переказую кошти для торгівлі, мені сказали, що вони не підтримуються в моєму регіоні. Я б припустив, що в такій країні, як Данія, де громадяни Данії сплачують понад 50% податку, ці акції будуть доступні 🙊🙉🙈 Я не розумію, чому 90% цих акцій недоступні для такого регіону, як Данія? Я дякую Binance за ваше люб’язне обслуговування, я не намагаюся бути стервом. Просто бути справжнім. З повагою граф МонтеКрісто #BNBHODLer #BTC #Write2Earn

Хтось, крім мене, має проблему з відповіддю «бла-бла-бла ...не підтримується в моєму регіоні».
Я можу вносити депозит і торгувати. Все добре.

Але навіть у чемпіонаті світу з Binance я не можу взяти участь. Дуже небагато рекламних акцій, які рекламуються на Binance, я можу зареєструвати, але коли я переказую кошти для торгівлі, мені сказали, що вони не підтримуються в моєму регіоні.

Я б припустив, що в такій країні, як Данія, де громадяни Данії сплачують понад 50% податку, ці акції будуть доступні 🙊🙉🙈

Я не розумію, чому 90% цих акцій недоступні для такого регіону, як Данія?

Я дякую Binance за ваше люб’язне обслуговування, я не намагаюся бути стервом. Просто бути справжнім.

З повагою граф МонтеКрісто

#BNBHODLer #BTC #Write2Earn
lets see if lm lucky
lets see if lm lucky
Crypto Man BNB
$NYAN Airdrop is open for 8 hours ! 🪂

Drop your Solana $SOL address below & RT 👇🏻

Every wallet gets 200,000 $NYAN

JCheck your Wallet in 60 Minutes ! ⏰
#ETHETFS #notcoin #write2earn
People, lm on disability pensionbut l never beg for a dine. l have made My choices and will take the consequnses, - good or bad. Thats life. Please stop begging for money here on this square, where l , amongst other fellow Binanicians seek guidance from obviously smarter individuals than myself. l have No intention of helping you because you make mistakes. grow some balls,get a job and do like 99% here. Educate oneself and DONT beg for anything. l want to make it clear, l read here because l want to learn,not sorting in beggars. #TopCoinsJune2024 #Binance200M
People, lm on disability pensionbut l never beg for a dine.

l have made My choices and will take the consequnses, - good or bad. Thats life.

Please stop begging for money here on this square, where l , amongst other fellow Binanicians seek guidance from obviously smarter individuals than myself.

l have No intention of helping you because you make mistakes.

grow some balls,get a job and do like 99% here. Educate oneself and DONT beg for anything.

l want to make it clear, l read here because l want to learn,not sorting in beggars.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #Binance200M
l just read from Mr. Jafar , about this whale with $1.1M #bitcoin☀️ l would love to make it,so l dont have to worry about My mother getting old and l Will take care of her. No way is she going to a home. only 72. but has so much pain ,she is totally dependent on me. can anyone give me an advice about how l start a fund raising? lm on disability pension ,and l AM so embarrassed.. any ideas are welcome. l wish All a profitabel trading. #TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #Write2Earn
l just read from Mr. Jafar , about this whale with $1.1M #bitcoin☀️

l would love to make it,so l dont have to worry about My mother getting old and l Will take care of her. No way is she going to a home. only 72. but has so much pain ,she is totally dependent on me.

can anyone give me an advice about how l start a fund raising? lm on disability pension ,and l AM so embarrassed..

any ideas are welcome.

l wish All a profitabel trading.

#TopCoinsJune2024 #BTC #Write2Earn
Fellow Binanicians kEEP CALM Hold your horses and be patient we are experiencing the expected dump l Will hodl you all see as fit you best 🙏 #BTC #BNB
Fellow Binanicians kEEP CALM

Hold your horses and be patient

we are experiencing the expected dump

l Will hodl you all see as fit you best 🙏

What a nigjt/ morning due to software updating on My phone,l havent been able to access My Binance account - all My crypto apps for some peculiar reason. So l wanted to open derevativesv option trading as l finally start getting profit. l got in as it clearly shows,and feared the worst. now l have less than $1000 ,to pay bills,food,school and so forth. lm so sad Binance is shutting down Futures option,because l dont know how lm going to feed My children in 6 months. l was scammed for My life savings in 2021.and l was about to top myself. Disgusting scammers,l really Hope Binance can get them back somehow. l know My money is gone,thats life, but l took My ex's children in ,because she just left with a guy and went to a country abroad. now he is broke and she want her children back. They want nothing to do with their mother,as l showed them l took care.. l have tried to raise money for My childrens clothes,food - basic stuff all take for granted. l just dont know how, because most think its a scam. they ruin for the ones Who starve to death. lm lost for words.. lm on disability pension after a rough traffic accident,but l do what l can to make ends meet. l wish All the best and happy trading. $BTC $BNB #write2earnonbinancesquare
What a nigjt/ morning

due to software updating on My phone,l havent been able to access My Binance account - all My crypto apps for some peculiar reason. So l wanted to open derevativesv option trading as l finally start getting profit.
l got in as it clearly shows,and feared the worst. now l have less than $1000 ,to pay bills,food,school and so forth.
lm so sad Binance is shutting down Futures option,because l dont know how lm going to feed My children in 6 months.

l was scammed for My life savings in 2021.and l was about to top myself. Disgusting scammers,l really Hope Binance can get them back somehow. l know My money is gone,thats life,
but l took My ex's children in ,because she just left with a guy and went to a country abroad. now he is broke and she want her children back. They want nothing to do with their mother,as l showed them l took care.. l have tried to raise money for My childrens clothes,food - basic stuff all take for granted. l just dont know how, because most think its a scam. they ruin for the ones Who starve to death. lm lost for words..
lm on disability pension after a rough traffic accident,but l do what l can to make ends meet.

l wish All the best and happy trading.

$BTC $BNB #write2earnonbinancesquare
Dear Binanicians l would hodl the #BTC #BNBToken and the #NOTCOİN No financial advice although l Will hold My horses on selling too early it will be risky/bad when the #NOT goes on another bullrun.. lm not the right one for economical advice but l have a brain and know how to use it. lm keeping My #BNB and ofcourse join the launchpool. so subscribe your BNB,FSUSD and make use of your holdings. wish All safe trading and DYOR.!! lm very sorry to hear Binance is shutting down derevatives option 'futures'. so l Will be leaving Binancewhich is the company l have supported since the start.
Dear Binanicians
l would hodl the #BTC #BNBToken and the #NOTCOİN

No financial advice
although l Will hold My horses on selling too early
it will be risky/bad when the #NOT goes on another bullrun..

lm not the right one for economical advice
but l have a brain and know how to use it.

lm keeping My #BNB and ofcourse join the launchpool. so subscribe your BNB,FSUSD and make use of your holdings.

wish All safe trading and DYOR.!!

lm very sorry to hear Binance is shutting down derevatives option 'futures'.
so l Will be leaving Binancewhich is the company l have supported since the start.
Dear fellow Binanicians lm finally getting the touch with trading with profit l open orders with max 2 different 'coins' pr day. Mostly only 1. So l divide My assets in 5,and trade with a portfolio of 20%. l then set My margin for a further max 20% loss. lm being told from all 'experienced folks,' thats not the right way,and listen to me' bla bla bla l get a profit every day,so no matter if its not correct,or the way its written - you can Kiss My behind. l strongly recommend ,DYOR,and believe in yourself 🙏 🙈🙉🙊 #StartInvestingInCrypto #Write2Earn
Dear fellow Binanicians

lm finally getting the touch with trading with profit
l open orders with max 2 different 'coins' pr day. Mostly only 1.

So l divide My assets in 5,and trade with a portfolio of 20%. l then set My margin for a further max 20% loss. lm being told from all 'experienced folks,' thats not the right way,and listen to me' bla bla bla

l get a profit every day,so no matter if its not correct,or the way its written - you can Kiss My behind.
l strongly recommend ,DYOR,and believe in yourself 🙏 🙈🙉🙊

#StartInvestingInCrypto #Write2Earn
hello fellow Binanicians l saw this anti fraud Challenge and thumbs up. l AM defently not an IT man,and l have asked on X about the advertisement where theres a picture of Elon Musk and one could get 5 BTC by sending 1BTC. ofcourse a scam but it was there for 3 days so l wrote to support and asked if it was forreal ,- since its on for 3days - on a platform owned by Elon. never got an answer and then l closed My X account. highly unprofessional in My view so lm very happy that Binance take it seriously. never any problem eith Binance. The only crypto platform l never experienced BS. #Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Write2Earn
hello fellow Binanicians

l saw this anti fraud Challenge and thumbs up.

l AM defently not an IT man,and l have asked on X about the advertisement where theres a picture of Elon Musk and one could get 5 BTC by sending 1BTC.

ofcourse a scam but it was there for 3 days so l wrote to support and asked if it was forreal ,- since its on for 3days - on a platform owned by Elon. never got an answer and then l closed My X account.

highly unprofessional in My view so lm very happy that Binance take it seriously.
never any problem eith Binance.
The only crypto platform l never experienced BS.

#Binance #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Write2Earn
dear fellow Binanicians l wish All a good pump in the pursuit of the next altcoin king(s) May you all find gold 🙏 #ICP #Write2Earrn #BTC
dear fellow Binanicians

l wish All a good pump in the pursuit of the next altcoin king(s)

May you all find gold 🙏

#ICP #Write2Earrn #BTC
Процитований контент видалено
l would love to be on the receiving end this time.🙏
l would love to be on the receiving end this time.🙏
Процитований контент видалено
yes sir
yes sir
Technical Jafar
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