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«СуперТрейдер»: досить не надихаюча казка! Щоразу, коли на горизонті з’являється бичачий ринок, з’являється мутичне створіння великого трейдера. Чудовий оповідач вразить вас розповіддю про давно минулий бичачий ринок, де йому вдалося інвестувати 1 долар, і він/вона були настільки хорошими, що заробили 56 543 000 доларів за кілька тижнів. Потім він зробив маленьку помилку і втратив 56 мільйонів, щоб у підсумку отримати 543 тисячі - бідолашний! Якщо ця історія вам щось нагадує...то ви ще в дитинстві! Так, це точно той самий наратив, який використовується в дитячих казках. Звичайний герой, який отримує гарну перерву, а потім біду, щоб повернутися пораненим, але переможеним! Ці історії завжди містять однакові елементи. Дуже низький вступний внесок для всіх, величезний прибуток, отриманий для реалізації мрії, збиток через одну помилку, якого ви могли б уникнути, і ціна посадки, яка в будь-якому випадку представляє величезну рентабельність інвестицій. Ось чому була придумана фраза «занадто добре, щоб бути правдою»! Давайте перевіримо історію. Отже, ви такий хороший трейдер, що досягли успіху! Чудово... отже, той самий трейдер, який скористався ринком таким чином, щоб змусити #BlackRockCrypto. і #GrayscaleInvestments з’їсти свої капелюхи (ось бачите, я сам люблю гарні комікси), а потім не зміг капіталізувати прибуток у розмірі принаймні 10 % приросту, дозволяючи ведмедям його з’їсти. Гаразд, тоді... це хрестоматійний приклад некомпетентного трейдера, і я б ніколи не вклав жодного долара в твої пропозиції, друже! До речі, у своїй казці ти також жадібний антигерой. Навіть не крутий поганий хлопець, чи принаймні заслужений хороший хлопець. Висловлюючись термінологією спагетті-вестерну... ти не ХОРОШИЙ, ти не ПОГАНИЙ... ти потворний! Усім великим криптоентузіастам... насолоджуйтесь поїздкою, заглиблюйтеся в екосистему, навчайтеся та надихайтеся ідеями, які пливуть навколо. Ви піонери нової ери для людства. Пишайтеся цим, а не своїм банківським рахунком. Як завжди... не фінансова порада. DYOR та отримуйте задоволення в країні крипто чудес! #storytelling #narrative #TradingWizard $ADA $IOTX $DOT

«СуперТрейдер»: досить не надихаюча казка!

Щоразу, коли на горизонті з’являється бичачий ринок, з’являється мутичне створіння великого трейдера. Чудовий оповідач вразить вас розповіддю про давно минулий бичачий ринок, де йому вдалося інвестувати 1 долар, і він/вона були настільки хорошими, що заробили 56 543 000 доларів за кілька тижнів. Потім він зробив маленьку помилку і втратив 56 мільйонів, щоб у підсумку отримати 543 тисячі - бідолашний!

Якщо ця історія вам щось нагадує...то ви ще в дитинстві! Так, це точно той самий наратив, який використовується в дитячих казках. Звичайний герой, який отримує гарну перерву, а потім біду, щоб повернутися пораненим, але переможеним!

Ці історії завжди містять однакові елементи. Дуже низький вступний внесок для всіх, величезний прибуток, отриманий для реалізації мрії, збиток через одну помилку, якого ви могли б уникнути, і ціна посадки, яка в будь-якому випадку представляє величезну рентабельність інвестицій. Ось чому була придумана фраза «занадто добре, щоб бути правдою»!

Давайте перевіримо історію. Отже, ви такий хороший трейдер, що досягли успіху!

Чудово... отже, той самий трейдер, який скористався ринком таким чином, щоб змусити #BlackRockCrypto. і #GrayscaleInvestments з’їсти свої капелюхи (ось бачите, я сам люблю гарні комікси), а потім не зміг капіталізувати прибуток у розмірі принаймні 10 % приросту, дозволяючи ведмедям його з’їсти.

Гаразд, тоді... це хрестоматійний приклад некомпетентного трейдера, і я б ніколи не вклав жодного долара в твої пропозиції, друже! До речі, у своїй казці ти також жадібний антигерой. Навіть не крутий поганий хлопець, чи принаймні заслужений хороший хлопець. Висловлюючись термінологією спагетті-вестерну... ти не ХОРОШИЙ, ти не ПОГАНИЙ... ти потворний!

Усім великим криптоентузіастам... насолоджуйтесь поїздкою, заглиблюйтеся в екосистему, навчайтеся та надихайтеся ідеями, які пливуть навколо. Ви піонери нової ери для людства. Пишайтеся цим, а не своїм банківським рахунком.

Як завжди... не фінансова порада. DYOR та отримуйте задоволення в країні крипто чудес!

#storytelling #narrative #TradingWizard $ADA $IOTX $DOT

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Where will the Avalanche carry little Trader Joe? I am not an analyst nor an influencer and sure as hell I am no trading expert. I understand that most people want to see weird charts followed by the precious signal! I also have witnessed how most read those...they don't... their use is aesthetic and their reading superficial to say the least. What I do however is to use my logic and judge if my portfolio can actually benefit long term by a short or medium term move. In that I take pride that I have a long history of survival with a little bit of profit 😉 So, who is this Trader Joe and why I believe that holding medium term (3-5 months) on his native token $JOE can give you a nice 2× ? Trader Joe is a DEX on Avalanche $AVAX Current Market Cap at 289, fully diluted at 408. What attracts me to this token is that there are so many days that the DEX daily trading value exceeds the coins Market Cap. If it happens once ok, if two then interesting if every now and then it is a signal of a healthy project evolving! Now add to this the fact that they hold assets that far exceed their market cap (5x plus that is) and have more than 30% in TVL and I say that failing is more costly than succeeding... and this is to me the single most important signal out there in real world! They also have this Banker Joe who plays lending game by compound. A good add on for every DEX that wishes to survive long term. They also incorporate their own NFT Market that is interesting in my eyes. Finally guess what... they have living, breathing, support team that actually supports - that's a special bonus don't you think? Anyway, I believe that JOE's more realistic evaluation is close to 800m and for that to happen my suggestion is that we will see this at 1.6 - 1.65 before the end of this cycle. It's not the token that will get you rich but I won't back away from a doubling of my investment when the risk of failure (in my eyes) is so low! Not a Lambo but it will pay the bills... As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #AVAX✅ #Joe
Crypto Influencers: A Tale of Self-fulfilling Prophesies! Ladies and gentlemen, I am a crypto-influencer. Well, not really...I am not. I don't have the popularity, I don't have the time, I don't have the skills and above all I am pretty sure that at my 42 I will most probably look to most of you as a boomer! But let's say I am and go check my everyday routine in a hypothetical scenario that it is really not so fictitious... So, I am making breakfast and check the market. This weird $IOTX coin looks in a favorable trading position. Not that I am a great analyst, but hey, I can read RSI and MACD. I grab my phone and let my inner circle know... I have the next prophesy at my hands. I know the coin that will pump and I will share with you my loyal minions once I receive my usual fee... no free lunch - you know, I have an iguana & 2 spiders to feed. Now, I am sitting in my laptop and prepare the narrative. A lot of copy paste with a few key words like tech, idea, potential etc. Look at that, my minions fetched the money. Take those money and invest in the coin first, in the low price it is.... Time to share my wisdom with my inner circle minions. They get my message and rush to position themselves. Here we go the first little signs that my prophesy is correct. The coin begins to move even if only slightly. Time for stage 2... YouTube video premiere in 1 hour. I will share the secret with the public... my poor followers that can't afford to buy themselves a ticket to the inner circle. Cheap little @#%@#$ Look at them... they buy the coin en mass. My prophesy was correct. The coin pumps. Time to withdraw with my nice fat profit. Done... now let me signal it to my loyal minions... signal to sell... they will get much less but it covers my fee! Hey, I forgot someone... ooohhh yes.... the cheap little @#%@#$... yeaaa I know, my signal was correct but they are greedy. They should have withdrawn earlier. After all, guess what! Disclaimer: As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #HotTrends #TradeSuccess #Tradepulse
Bitcoin: King of Meme Coins! Part 2 It comes down then to Scarcity, Acceptability and Durability. The Scarcity part (in my opinion) is not to be correlated with circulation supply. Not directly at least. Circulation supply differentiates the availability/accessibility of the coin and ultimately its unit price... but not the total Market Cap. In that sence Shib can never have a comparable unit price to the king but it can very much have a comparable market cap. So Scarcity cannot differentiate the "real" value! What about Acceptability then? Hmm.... the audience must accept it. Well then... it does for BTC and it does for DOGE. Again it is a matter of various levels of Acceptability not the essence of Acceptability. So... it is down to Durability then? Okay... guess what... all the same. Bitcoin is older but is it more durable? You might say a resounding yes but since you or me are not the "clairvoyant" we have a very limited span of perception of time. The cynical and correct answer is "nobody really knows". Last check... use cases maybe? Again, Bitcoin is favorable... at this point in time (the voice of the cynical)! That was a long post... but to put a conclusion to my thoughts... it's all about perceptions (for now at least) and nothing more. Obviously Bitcoin is in power. We live in its era... but guess what... empires have crumbled under the pressure of time don't you ever believe that a digital store of value can't or won't! There is no scientific way to prove that BTC is in long term more viable. You have the perception it is, given this moment's available data. You do well to think so... for now!!! So yes... as far as I am concerned the jury is still out on that. And yes, Bitcoin is indeed a glorified Meme coin until proven differently in a period far in the future that we may never witness! As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! $PEPE $FLOKI $SHIB #memecoin‬⁩ #MemecoinSupercycle #PEPEALERT
Bitcoin: King of Meme Coins! Part 1 There it is... I just made a claim that will make the holy inquisition of Crypto Gurus to rain fire on my ignorant sorry excuse of an existence! Given that I am not untouchable by fire or even a side-glance of displeasure to be honest, I should make amends immediately and then I will come back to the subject... Oh great Crypto Gurus, I swear I hold BTC above all else as the unique God of the blockchain creation. Benevolent and all present, the only truth of the crypto universe. Now that we took this out of our system, let me explain myself. The statement is neither a click bait nor an expert's wisdom. I feel it is just the result of a connect the dots simple puzzle. Drawing from the very interesting article by #investopedia :,its%20use%20in%20an%20economy. a currency... "all it needs is to act as a store of value, be recognizable as a unit of account, and be accepted as a medium of exchange" So far so good then ha? BTC and PEPE both pass the first exam - maybe not with the same grade but they do pass. Once these conditions are met we go for the big showdown... Investopedia author John Kelleher correctly goes on to suggest a 6 point scale upon which a "coins" success can be judged/evaluated. Namely... Scarcity, Divisibility, Acceptability, Portability, Durability, Uniformity So in terms of Divisibility, Portability and Uniformity I guess we could all more or less call it a tie. Shib for example has the same merits as BTC in terms of having many denominations, being portable and uniform. ... continues in part 2 ... As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #MemecoinSupercycle #meme #SHIBA🔥 $BTC $SHIB $FLOKI
Blood Moon Omen! Crypto community to me is the one set of people that worths to hang around. Even when our naivity in trading can deliver us a heartbreak, the one thing that remains is the vision of a world to come. In that sense, for me, crypto enthusiasts are pioneers of a new era. Rich or Broke, they participate in the most thrilling journey technology can provide in the 21st century! And as pioneers, I guess we senced that there will be no Blood Moons in 2024 and we decided to make one ourselves exactly 1 year before an original one. The next Blood Moon will only happen in 2025, on March 14 you will read if you make a simple search. They are talking about a natural phenomenon, we are talking about a price dump! Not the same but it was as close as we could get by employing the blockchain derivatives on our possession! In days like that you should not search for a higher meaning. There is no secret you could realistically have predicted and could put you on the correct side of the equation. Remember this... you do the same to others countless times. Whenever you close a spot position with $1 profit, someone, somewhere and at some future point in time will suffer a $1 dollar loss. Don't let ideas of inflows of money can nullify that. It won't. You took something out and you set a chain of events that will lead to someone's loss. You don't feel bad about that, do you? So when in the wrong side of the equation you can only do 2 things 1. Embrace the suck! 2. Reposition yourself as best as your portfolio allows. Hint: You are not in a loss until you close a position (talking about spot trading here). Until then you are only short-term challenged in terms of liquidity! So it is our very own Blood Moon. It will come to pass. In the meantime those prices on $XRP $ALGO and $IOTX look super for an entry point! As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland! #HotTrends #dumpNpump #CryptocurrencyAdventures

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