Interest rate cuts? What does that have to do with me? It seems like such a profound issue has nothing to do with me?

Generally, when the US cuts interest rates, the whole world may follow suit, and China's assets could rise, but this is influenced by policies and external circumstances.

1. Відсотки за кредитами падають

Home loans: If you plan to take out a loan to purchase fixed assets, a rate cut usually means lower mortgage rates, reducing home loan costs and monthly interest payments, thereby lowering the overall cost of buying a home.

Процентні ставки за іншими кредитами, такими як автокредити та кредитні картки, також можуть знизитися. Для тих, хто має непогашені позики, зниження відсотків може полегшити тягар погашення.

2. Reduced returns

Savings and deposit benefits: A rate cut may lead to lower interest rates on bank deposits, reducing the returns on savings.

Stock Market: Lower borrowing costs reduce company expenses, which is beneficial for business expansion and profits, potentially driving up the stock market.

3. Consumer loans are easier to obtain

In a low-interest environment, banks may be more willing to lend to consumers.

4. Inflationary Pressure

Rate cuts can sometimes increase the amount of money circulating in the market, potentially leading to rising inflation.

Overall, the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts make borrowing cheaper, lower investment returns, and may stimulate economic growth, but they can also bring inflation risks like rising prices.#降息预期 #大选


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