Deep Tide TechFlow News, October 23, according to Cryptonews, Russian authoritative media (Kommersant) released an in-depth investigative report revealing a criminal network that exploits the dark web and cryptocurrency. This network offers illegal services such as 'on-demand arson', raising serious concerns about cybersecurity and financial regulation. Reportedly, these criminals conduct transactions through dark web forums, Telegram chat applications, and cryptocurrency wallets. Arson targets include cars, apartments, cafes, and shops. Police stated that while they can usually quickly apprehend those committing the crimes, finding the behind-the-scenes funders is much more challenging.

The investigation found that the recruitment threshold for arsonists is low, primarily requiring applicants to provide photos to prove their physical condition. Upon completion of a task, employers pay rewards via cryptocurrency based on photo or video evidence. For a 'simple' arson task, employers typically pay around £1,500, of which the arsonist receives about £750 in cryptocurrency. Alarmingly, not only experienced criminals are involved, but even teenagers are being hired to engage in these illegal activities. In the autumn of 2024, a series of similar cases occurred in the Moscow region, where teenagers were hired to set fire to cars or the entrances of apartment buildings.