Deep Tide TechFlow News, October 23, reported by The Block, Notcoin founder Sasha Plotvinov said that large and small companies are developing games on Telegram, primarily looking at the potential for low-cost user acquisition opportunities. Binance also launched a Telegram game called Moonbix at the end of last month.

Plotvinov estimates that successful Telegram games can attract new users at a cost of less than $1 per user. In contrast, companies like cryptocurrency exchanges typically need to spend $10 to $15 to acquire a new user. This advantage not only attracts large companies but also creates a level playing field for small teams.

Plotvinov pointed out: 'There are two types of teams emerging in the Telegram community. One type is ordinary people from the 'unknown land' who decided to develop a game and ultimately gained millions of users. The other type is established companies that envy these numbers and low-cost user acquisition.'