Growth advice for newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle:

When you step into this world of cryptocurrency that is full of temptation and passion, I would like to give you some sincere advice, hoping to add a touch of color to your adventure.

1. Master the trading software and pave the way for victory

In the cryptocurrency circle, the trading software is like your battlefield. You must be familiar with every inch of it and every tool. Watching the market and checking the currency are your basic skills. Don't rush to invest money, observe carefully first, and review carefully. In this way, when you really start trading, you will be more calm and confident of winning.

2. Self-positioning, choose the battle mode that suits you best

Are you a radical or a conservative? Are you a single noble or a married struggler with children? Is your capital a hard-earned salary, family savings, or leveraged funds? These all determine your battle mode in the cryptocurrency circle. Only by finding the most suitable way for you can you go further in this battlefield.

3. Split warehouse operation, step by step

Don't give it all at the beginning, learn to split warehouse operation. First, take a portion of the funds to test the waters and accumulate experience. If you fail, don't be discouraged, learn from the lessons, and adjust your strategy. Remember, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is losing the courage to start all over again.

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