The rapid decline last night broke the bullish trend.

Returning to the volatile market, where to go now?

I am really a potential repper, I actually bet on it.

In fact, it is very clear where to go next. Let me first share with you where the four-hour level oscillation range of the market is: 65184u above and 64275u below. If it does not break the upper and lower positions, it is oscillation. In this range, everything is possible. Of course, I am more inclined to the short market, so we have to look at 64275u first, and then look at 64010u!

Believe me, many, many altcoins will start to fluctuate downward from now on, provided that Bitcoin stands firmly at 64275u. The basic market has started to start the short market since six in the morning, and it is a clear four-hour level buying point!

Ethereum's four-hour level is also on the short side, and the daily level is expected to step back to 3533u. If it steps down, the daily short market will definitely start. If it stands firm, it will be troublesome. If it stands firm, the daily level will fluctuate, and it will fluctuate widely, constantly harvesting long and short positions.

So don't step back, and arrange short orders with low leverage. I would rather you go down in a volatile manner. It doesn't matter if the force is small, as long as the direction continues to go down.

The short position target below the Ethereum daily level is 3412u. This is a new support level. Don't ignore it. It will continue to go down only after it breaks and stands firm.

I'm not afraid that you don't understand, I'm afraid that you don't ask!

See you in the comment area! Welcome to leave a message!

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