Using a river to interpret the essence of economic operation. Recommended reading: ★★★★★

We assume that the economic flow is a river.

Economy and River
All people involved in economic activities are fishermen by the river. If you want to get food, you need a favorable position, for example, a strong front row, standing upstream. A good position can bring you better harvest.

No matter which river you fish in, those who arrive early can occupy a more advantageous position and catch more fish.
In the past, when the river was full, the fish and shrimp in the river were abundant, and the upstream would plant a large number of small fish and shrimp, so that even if the people upstream had eaten all the fish, the people downstream would not starve. Under the rules, the upstream must release some fish and shrimp to let the people downstream survive, so that the downstream can generate a steady stream of labor to help the people upstream work, because if you want to harvest more fish, you need someone to help you work to improve efficiency, that is, hire people to fish.

"financial crisis"
Later, people upstream found a better way to fish, which could be done once and for all without hiring too many people. That was to build dams to block the fish and then slowly harvest them. Of course, this situation led to fewer people being hired downstream, and because the total amount of fish was reduced or controlled by people, more labor was not needed to fish.

Because the way of fishing has been changing, such as high-tech fishing. When more and more technology and skills appear in this river, such as fishing nets, fishing boats, and dams to block and catch fish.

The above is the essence of the economic crisis.

The source of the crisis is that there is not enough fish to eat because of the lack of water. It is acceptable that the fish and shrimp production will decrease due to the reduction of water, because this is the natural cycle of nature. However, due to the control or monopoly of human factors, the water has become less and the speed of fish and shrimp decreasing has accelerated, resulting in many people not being able to eat fish and shrimp. Especially when dams appeared upstream, the dams enclosed the fish so that people upstream could survive the period of reduced river water, but people downstream had to endure hunger.

Normally, when the river water rises, the fish and shrimps in the upper reaches will slowly be washed down, and these fish and shrimps are enough for the survival of people downstream. However, in the past two years, this river has not seen high tide. Some people even say that the source of the river is blocked, and the weather will be hot in the future, so the river water will not rise in the short term.

The Source of Crisis
In fact, strictly speaking, the water that evaporates is consumed, and the flow of river water over the years is actually increasing in essence. But why is there no water and no fish downstream? The real reason is the uneven distribution. There are too many dams upstream and they are too high, so the increase in water is not as high as the height of the dams. In addition, it is not the flood season, which leads people downstream to think that there is too little water.

Economic crises can actually be considered to be caused by the uneven distribution of resources.

Dams and Finance
Human greed is endless, and this applies to both upstream and downstream people. Even the dam builders would find it difficult to open the dam to release water downstream. They are also constantly reinforcing the dam to increase its storage capacity.

And this dam is finance, and finance is the fastest way to fish in the river of economy.

At the same time, in order to make the people who are about to starve to death in the downstream too extreme to destroy the dam, it is necessary to ensure that the people downstream starve but do not die. This is the meaning of poverty, and this is why many capitalist countries do not advocate the significance of promoting universal civilization. Capital fears the poor, not because they are afraid of starving to death, but because they are afraid that the poor will become smart and blow up the dam in order to survive.

Therefore, the fishermen upstream will eventually unite, because only when they unite can they create power to prevent people downstream from invading their fenced fish ponds. This is the power group.

Grid and Harpoon
There was a time when people who used electric nets to fish looked down on those who used forks to stab fish. People who used electric nets to fish thought they were high-level talents, and these people were the high-paid executives who served the upstream fishermen.

Although the people holding the electric grid look down on the people holding the harpoon, as more and more people can use the electric grid and the dams are getting higher and higher, the utilization rate of the electric grid decreases, while the stock increases. In the end, these electric grid people who look down on the harpoon will eventually face a crisis. Because the existence of the electric grid has destroyed the original stable form, the electric grid fishermen will eventually taste the consequences of their own creation.
In the past, an experienced old man would work with a group of young and strong men. This was a relatively primitive and stable team. However, with the emergence of the power grid, there are more and more people working in the power grid, and the power grid only needs young men. With the blessing of technology, the old and experienced have been eliminated.

And this power grid is about scale and high technology.

《Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement》
Because scale and high technology have improved the efficiency of fishing on the power grid, older people have become unemployed, so the unemployment rate for people over 35 has been rising in recent years. Because all walks of life are learning capital scale and high technology, this has led to the unemployment of the elderly who originally relied on experience to survive.

Scale and high technology have also led to the IT information industry and high-tech industry being the most efficient in recent years. Informatization, scale and high technology empower other fields, and their reports generally state "how our scale and information technology can help companies reduce costs and increase efficiency." The essence of this set of cost reduction and efficiency increase is actually that machines replace manpower and data replaces the human brain.

However, everything has a cycle, and those who help others reduce costs and increase efficiency will eventually be the target of cost reduction and efficiency improvement for the company. The dragon slayer eventually becomes the dragon.

Negative Population Growth
As the river water becomes less, the fish and shrimp become less, and people cannot eat enough, so people downstream no longer want to have children. In fact, in nature, animals often eat or kill their own cubs when they are in a difficult stage of survival to ensure that the high-quality cubs can survive the difficult times. Humans, as the top of the pyramid of nature, also exist. So when there is less water and less food, people begin to no longer want to have children, which leads to a decline in fertility, commonly known as negative population growth.

For the downstream groups who want to survive as the river water and fish and shrimp decrease, waiting is not a good solution, so they can only find another way out - find a new river. However, new rivers and high-quality rivers are becoming less and less, which is the inevitability of economic crisis. Those who find the new river first will inevitably choose to run upstream to build new dams in order to ensure that they have enough food in the future, and then the people who used to be downstream will become upstream people here. At the same time, building dams in new river channels is a monopoly.

Historical Cycles
At a certain time, the dam was blown up by people or destroyed by natural disasters. This is the historical cycle. It is just like the sentence at the beginning of "Three Kingdoms", the general trend of the world is that after a long period of division, there will be a long period of unification and then there will be division. The same is true for economic operation. Once people along the river imitate people upstream to build dams, it will cause a serious imbalance in the ecology, which will trigger people downstream to take risks or cause natural disasters.

In fact, what the upstream people fear most is not that the downstream people will come to attack, but that the smart people in the downstream will break the rules after becoming the upstream people. Because of their perspective, the upstream people understand that they must leave a chance for the downstream to survive. The newcomers who are promoted to the upstream people often act more hysterically, and may even directly lead to a lack of water in the downstream. This is not what the upstream people collectively want to see.

Often the historical cycle occurs in a certain period of time, perhaps 100 years or 500 years, but this cycle is often disrupted by the constant emergence of people. Because desire promotes human progress, it also brings disasters to mankind. But there can be no desire, because people who lose the past will not progress, and without desire and pursuit, human evolution will stop and slowly move towards natural extinction.

Technology changes the cycle
In fact, the historical cycle is an established result that cannot be changed, but driven by desire, people continue to progress and develop, which enables them to use technology to influence or delay the historical cycle.

Are inventions and innovations important to upstream people? In fact, they are not important, because possible inventions and innovations can make them decline from the upstream dams. Therefore, cross-era technologies and innovations are often kept under wraps in the first few years after they appear, and even the final announcement is kept secret.

The Poor Fisherman and the Scientist
In fact, strictly speaking, only poor fishermen and scientists will strive to pursue technological innovation and progress, because these can change their future and present. Scientists pursue the joy brought by technological breakthroughs, which is the realization of scientists' desires.

"Money Eyes Open"
Only in a completely capitalized social structure will some people only pursue material things. The reason why you are attracted by money is not because you are really greedy for money, but because you need money. Social forces do not give you more choices, so you can only see money and pursue it.

Diversified Demands
Why do we not encourage diversified demands? Why do those upstream people say that they don’t like money but prefer various hobbies? It’s because they have the ability to touch diversified demands. So there is a hidden reason for not encouraging diversified demands.

"Perhaps the greatest fairness to mankind is the length of life." This sentence has been slowly changed. Even the length of life, which was originally fair enough, has been extended by the power of technology and capital.

I give this to myself and to everyone who can understand. I tell you this not to ask you to resist anything, but to make you live more "clearly".

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