Let me tell you about my experience of making my first pot of gold in the cryptocurrency world.

Male born in 1997, currently owns a house in Chengdu, asset allocation is 8.2 in the cryptocurrency circle

I also have a team in the currency circle.

I used to work the night shift at a bar, earning 7,000 a month. 2,500 was turned over to the landlord, and the remaining 1,000 was for food. The 3,500 I saved were all thrown into coin circles and tried and tested.

At this time, I just want to use the leverage of virtual currency to double my assets.

I was relatively lucky. When I entered the currency circle, I happened to catch up with the bull market. The strategy of spot (currency standard) plus medium and low leverage allowed my principal of tens of thousands of yuan to reach 1 million in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, I didn't buy anything with my millions of yuan before 519.

Why? Because I am afraid of making money. I know very well that I can’t make money forever.

No one can reach the top of the bull market, and my trading system will definitely have an out

Could be wrong.

There will definitely be a pullback, but the reason I can survive is

When my funds quickly left the range of hundreds of thousands, every move

I will be very careful in every step and will not let any retracement take me away!

Find highly popular altcoins, add a certain amount of leverage, and follow the traders to harvest retail investors the fastest.

Get a team of dozens of people, with a total capital of tens of millions, and then keep an eye on the copycats on the exchange's gain list, follow the market makers to build positions and buy, pull and sell, and complete the shipment

When the overall environment is not good and the market is not good, funds will flow into copycats, and copycats will become more active than the big cakes.

Ethfi can be regarded as a conscientious coin. I have also added a few waves of leveraged spot, and it is also a rewarding market.

Don’t listen to the saying that you can’t play with contracts. Some of the big Vs in the currency circle that you can see are playing with spot. You are here just to make big money. If you want risk-free financial management, you can go to a bank. The currency circle itself represents high risk. .

What’s even more ironic is that the people who advise you not to use high leverage are the ones who made their fortunes using high leverage.

The price increase list of so many altcoins every day is essentially a scam to chase prices. The dealers intervene just to sell you the coins at a high price.

Whether it is the surge in JTO or JUP, it is all for the bankers to make money. Whose money are they making? Earn your money, that is, retail investors' money. How many people in the currency circle can make money in the long term? Everyone has made money, but few can make money all the time. The reason is that you will definitely lose when playing with the dealer, it’s a matter of time; but it’s different if you play with the dealer. The winning rate must be much more reliable than what you think. From the perspective of probability, your own winning rate is the highest. 50%

Bankers usually look for altcoins that are small in size and low in popularity.

First, make the pie bigger, such as the recent JUP, then negotiate the price with the project team, buy most of the chips into your own hands using accounts on multiple exchanges, and then go to the exchange to pull orders. During the process, you sell while pulling, at a high price. Throw it to retail investors. In the end, you buy the air that the dealer gave you at a high price.

The more chips the banker has, the greater its pricing power

As long as you can put the opening price of the coin as low as it is, he will have nothing you can do unless he gives up the coin and pulls it.

But my personal habit is to match small-amount spot prices with contracts of a certain size. Most of the time, the rates for copycat pull-ups are ridiculously negative. You can eat and get your long orders while they are open.

The orders I placed in the second half of the year were all these altcoins. The reason is that in the bear market, these coins have a lot of capital inflows and have a strong wealth-making effect. The traces of the banker's control are also very obvious. I can see through the banker's thinking and follow it.

You can't see the capital fee income in the transaction details. Sometimes there are several % points a day, because the capital fee is the position x leverage multiple x funding rate to get your final income, which is related to the multiple you open.

As for the profit, it depends on the banker's cost and how high the final pull is, and how many retail investors can take over. All coins in the currency circle follow this model, without exception. To simplify it, it means selling your goods to others at a high price. As for how to persuade others to pick up your goods, it depends on how high and outrageous you can push the price of the currency, or how strong the banker's storytelling ability is.

In other words, if I do it, I would ideally earn 100 yuan from 3,000 yuan for 1 to 2 quarters, but there will definitely be a risk of returning to zero. After all, this is small money making big money, so your principal cannot be only 3,000 yuan. It is necessary to have N three thousand

And when you have funds, the risk will gradually decrease. Just like if you only have 10,000 to make 10,000, you need to make a profit of 100%, but if you have 1 million to make a profit of 10,000, you only need 1%. This is why you need to accumulate principal quickly. Reason#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme #WIF

Once you have a large amount of capital, it will be easy to make profits by swing trading.