Let me give you a shot in the arm. Since entering the correction period on April 1, it has been three months since the current position. Except for the mainstream, almost all cottages have returned to the starting point of the bull market or the new low position, including the recent negative selling in Germany, the United States, and Mentougou. It can be said that the current sentiment in the currency circle has reached a low point, and the profit effect of the primary and secondary markets is very poor.

We have talked about our views on the market before. There is no market that has been rising all the time, nor has there been a market that has been falling all the time. It went sideways in June, cleared leverage in July, and gradually released good news in August to start pulling up the market. It took off in September. In my opinion, this cycle law may be advanced. The market will naturally pull up when the market is clean and the car is light.

Remember Don't forget the subsequent positives despite the current negatives. Ethereum ETF will be launched on the 15th at the latest. If it passes today, it will go through the final review process. It has basically been finalized. There is also a one-year interest rate cut, the US election, and Bitcoin funds. All kinds of long-term positives

I have said in the group at this stage that the current position is actually close to the point where it can't fall any further. Why does it maintain the market of volatility + inducement to fall? It is nothing more than absorbing funds to prepare for the subsequent pull-up. Everyone can buy low-priced chips, so why not? As long as there is a positive news released in the bull market, funds will enter the market. Ethereum ETF may be the detonation point, or it may be the starting point