推特社群在 7/4 發現,被譽為比 MetaMask 還要好的錢包 Rabby,偷偷在使用者介面中加入 0.25% 的 Rabby 費用。社群意見認為,Rabby 為其服務提供合理收益當然可以,只是沒有公告且隱藏在使用者介面中的方式,令人失望。

Hate to say this abt my beloved @Rabby_io but theyre being a bit scammy. They've introduced a 0.25% swaps fee.. which is fine but it's been purposefully hidden in the UI that is only seen by a scroll which isnt necessary to send the tx. Screens show before and after scroll pic.twitter.com/9oVucHoU6x

— toast (@intocryptoast) July 3, 2024

相隔一日後,Rabby 公告表示,已完成新版的 Rabby Wallet,表明會有兌幣 0.25% 的費用,以支持他們的服務。然而,底下網友回覆,表示實在想不到什麼在 Rabby Swap 的動機,因為有其他幾乎是零費用的交易方式。

Today, we have completed the new releases for Rabby Extension, Rabby Desktop, and Rabby Mobile. In the new version, we charge a 0.25% fee in our built-in swap. This fee allows us to continue enhancing our services and features, ensuring the best possible experience.Alongside…

— Rabby Wallet (@Rabby_io) July 5, 2024

這篇文章 Rabby Wallet 悄悄內置 0.25% 兌幣費用,社群抱怨後公開說明 最早出現於 鏈新聞 ABMedia。