Here are a few tips that novice investors should keep in mind:

Risks of popular coins: Popular coins may fall rapidly under market manipulation, and investors need to be vigilant.

Pay attention to low-key and bottom coins: Coins with real potential are usually not widely promoted and deserve close attention.

The importance of gradual trends: The overall trend of the currency circle is gradually formed, and investors should maintain a long-term vision and avoid being swayed by short-term fluctuations.

Operational risks of altcoins: Be wary of the sharp decline that may occur after altcoins experience a rapid rise.

Bubble warning of the new coin market: New coins that rise sharply in the early stage and then fall rapidly may have bubble risks, so be cautious when participating.

Respond to price fluctuations calmly: Currency price fluctuations are the norm in the market, and staying calm and not being swayed by emotions is the key.

Adjust positions in time: When the currency price rebounds, adjust positions in time to avoid greed or excessive risks.

Be wary of high-risk investments: Some highly volatile coins that lack actual value support may perform violently, and you need to pay attention to the potential risks of high-risk investments.

Performance of potential currencies: Some potential currencies may perform flat in the early stage of the bull market, but may achieve significant gains as the market deepens.

Potential for long-term holding of currencies: Currencies with good fundamentals usually have the potential for long-term holding, and investors are advised to consider long-term investment strategies.