From 18,000u to 100,000u, to 84,000u Summary

I only made three orders this Monday, and they were all successful. The results are very good, but the process is still a bit tortuous. The two orders opened on Monday were held for several days, and U was transferred to protect the position in the middle. However, the last two orders were worth 30,000 U, and an additional 10,000 U were transferred back later! The third order was also issued this afternoon, with a sales volume of 14,000 units! The total comes to 84,000u!

This result is still very good, one step closer to the goal of 100,000! However, it is still necessary to review the market carefully. These three orders have been trapped. Through subsequent cover-up, the average price will be slowly lowered to the final profit!

In fact, those who have read all the posts on my three orders should know that the entry points and directions of the three orders I opened this week are not good! However, through covering positions and grasping the market situation, the final results are ideal!

The goal of 100,000 is almost reached. We may not update this way in subsequent meetings, but we will continue to give out real-time orders!

Today is also the last day of this week and the last day of June. Tomorrow is a new beginning!

There are three seats here (there are a few in the afternoon ↑🚗). If you want to go to the dog farm together, you can ↑🚗! let's work hard together

$BTC $ETH $BNB #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低