10.3 Thursday, early trading of Bitcoin and Ethereum, operation ideas!

When you encounter setbacks, you must understand that the beginning of a rise is often extended from a certain point at a low place, because there is often no way out before there is a way out.

Judging from the K-line of the big cake at 1 o'clock, a wave of rise in the big cake in the early morning yesterday brought the price of the currency to around 62,300 points, but the upper resistance was relatively large, and the waterfall was directly opened afterwards, running from above the upper rail of the Bollinger band to below the lower rail of the Bollinger band, and once broke through below 60,000 points! Then it began to fluctuate sideways. Judging from the two MACD lines, the two lines have been running forward in parallel. The three lines of KDJ run downward and bottom out and begin to run upward. The overall trend is still mainly based on stepping back!

10.3 Thursday Operation strategy:

Big cake, do double in the 60200 to 60600 area, target 62500, defense at 59500

Auntie, do double in the 2320 to 2370 area, target 2550, defense at 2240

Strategies have timeliness, more guidance is more exciting, you can't grasp the direction, you are not sure. $BTC $ETH $BNB #加密市场急跌 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美联储11月降息预期升温 #美国8月核心PCE创4月以来新高