The collapse of Oriental Fortune indicates that brokerage stocks cannot be touched.

The cause of the collapse has not been found so far, so it is very likely that the main institutions with inside information have fled in advance. At this time, we should not catch the flying knife and let the bullet fly for a while.

If quantitative high-frequency trading and repo are taken later, it will inevitably move the cheese of brokerages, and brokerages will lose their imagination. Judging from the current market trading volume and the degree of internal circulation of brokerage commissions, brokerages can no longer perform like the last two rounds of bull markets.

Is the lack of A-shares caused by quantitative and repo? Some friends said so. It is very simple to explain. After the emergence of quantitative and repo, A-shares have never seen a bull market, but there was one before they appeared. In other words, the current dealers do not need to absorb funds to ship. They can directly ship through repo, and quantitative does not need to increase significantly. They only need to do T up and down at prices that stockholders can accept.

Compared with the currency circle, the wealth creation efficiency is still high. Many ordinary people here are counterattacking and changing the fate of themselves and their families. Buying Bitcoin and Ethereum is still the main line. I wish you all earn more BTC and ETH.

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