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I long at 66000.
I long at 66000.
Price-Volume-Dynamic-Strategy[presentTrading]最近忙的半死。休息半天回來 ; ) 神秘指標已發送, 請查收。 各位試到一些好的參數 一定要在群里分享啦 BTCUSD 4hr LS Price-Volume-Dynamic-Strategy[presentTrading] BTCUSD 4hr LS Sortino Ratio 1.34 link:


最近忙的半死。休息半天回來 ; )
神秘指標已發送, 請查收。


Sortino Ratio 1.34
New Strategy Script:"Price Based Z-Trend - strategy" [presentTrading]█ Introduction and How it is Different Z-score: a statistical measurement of a score's relationship to the mean in a group of scores. Simple but effective approach. The "Price Based Z-Trend - strategy [presentTrading]" leverages the Z-score, a statistical measure that gauges the deviation of a price from its moving average, normalized against its standard deviation. This strategy stands out due to its simplicity and effectiveness, particularly in markets where price movements often revert to a mean. Unlike more complex systems that might rely on a multitude of indicators, the Z-Trend strategy focuses on clear, statistically significant price movements, making it ideal for traders who prefer a streamlined, data-driven approach. BTCUSD 6h LS Performance █ Strategy, How It Works: Detailed Explanation 🔶 Calculation of the Z-score "Z-score is a statistical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values. Z-score is measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean. If a Z-score is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score. A Z-score of 1.0 would indicate a value that is one standard deviation from the mean. Z-scores may be positive or negative, with a positive value indicating the score is above the mean and a negative score indicating it is below the mean." The Z-score is central to this strategy. It is calculated by taking the difference between the current price and the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the price over a user-defined length, then dividing this by the standard deviation of the price over the same length: z = (x - μ) /σ Local 🔶 Trading Signals Trading signals are generated based on the Z-score crossing predefined thresholds: - Long Entry: When the Z-score crosses above the positive threshold. - Long Exit: When the Z-score falls below the negative threshold. - Short Entry: When the Z-score falls below the negative threshold. - Short Exit: When the Z-score rises above the positive threshold. █ Trade Direction The strategy allows users to select their preferred trading direction through an input option. █ Usage To use this strategy effectively, traders should first configure the Z-score thresholds according to their risk tolerance and market volatility. It's also crucial to adjust the length for the EMA and standard deviation calculations based on historical performance and the expected "noise" in price data. The strategy is designed to be flexible, allowing traders to refine settings to better capture profitable opportunities in specific market conditions. █ Default Settings - Trade Direction: Both - Standard Deviation Length: 100 - Average Length: 100 - Threshold for Z-score: 1.0 - Bar Color Indicator: Enabled These settings offer a balanced starting point but can be customized to suit various trading styles and market environments. The strategy's parameters are designed to be adjusted as traders gain experience and refine their approach based on ongoing market analysis. Z-score is a must-learn approach for every algorithmic trader.

New Strategy Script:"Price Based Z-Trend - strategy" [presentTrading]

█ Introduction and How it is Different
Z-score: a statistical measurement of a score's relationship to the mean in a group of scores.
Simple but effective approach.
The "Price Based Z-Trend - strategy [presentTrading]" leverages the Z-score, a statistical measure that gauges the deviation of a price from its moving average, normalized against its standard deviation. This strategy stands out due to its simplicity and effectiveness, particularly in markets where price movements often revert to a mean. Unlike more complex systems that might rely on a multitude of indicators, the Z-Trend strategy focuses on clear, statistically significant price movements, making it ideal for traders who prefer a streamlined, data-driven approach.
BTCUSD 6h LS Performance

█ Strategy, How It Works: Detailed Explanation
🔶 Calculation of the Z-score
"Z-score is a statistical measurement that describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values. Z-score is measured in terms of standard deviations from the mean. If a Z-score is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score. A Z-score of 1.0 would indicate a value that is one standard deviation from the mean. Z-scores may be positive or negative, with a positive value indicating the score is above the mean and a negative score indicating it is below the mean."
The Z-score is central to this strategy. It is calculated by taking the difference between the current price and the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the price over a user-defined length, then dividing this by the standard deviation of the price over the same length:
z = (x - μ) /σ

🔶 Trading Signals
Trading signals are generated based on the Z-score crossing predefined thresholds:
- Long Entry: When the Z-score crosses above the positive threshold.
- Long Exit: When the Z-score falls below the negative threshold.
- Short Entry: When the Z-score falls below the negative threshold.
- Short Exit: When the Z-score rises above the positive threshold.
█ Trade Direction
The strategy allows users to select their preferred trading direction through an input option.
█ Usage
To use this strategy effectively, traders should first configure the Z-score thresholds according to their risk tolerance and market volatility. It's also crucial to adjust the length for the EMA and standard deviation calculations based on historical performance and the expected "noise" in price data.
The strategy is designed to be flexible, allowing traders to refine settings to better capture profitable opportunities in specific market conditions.
█ Default Settings
- Trade Direction: Both
- Standard Deviation Length: 100
- Average Length: 100
- Threshold for Z-score: 1.0
- Bar Color Indicator: Enabled
These settings offer a balanced starting point but can be customized to suit various trading styles and market environments. The strategy's parameters are designed to be adjusted as traders gain experience and refine their approach based on ongoing market analysis.
Z-score is a must-learn approach for every algorithmic trader.
['NEOUSDT', 'RNDRUSDT', 'BNXUSDT', 'TRUUSDT', 'PENDLEUSDT', 'SUPERUSDT', 'WIFUSDT', 'ONDOUSDT', 'WUSDT'] 挑出目前價格比昨天凌晨四點下殺時的開盤價還高10%的幣種 暴跌才是檢視各幣種造市強度的時候


TV新指標 Vegas SuperTrend Enhanced - Strategy [presentTrading忙了一个月的論文,終於回來啦!在Tradingview上帶來一個有趣的Script和大家分享。 介紹一下:Vegas SuperTrend Enhanced - Strategy [presentTrading]。這個Script特別調整了SuperTrend對實時市場波動的敏感度,確保它能夠隨市場動態變化而適應。快來試試! 另外這次我要送大家一個神秘指標,很有效且完全免費!只要你在這個和接下來發布(下周)的指標帖子上關注、點讚、轉發,然後在評論區留下你的Tradingview用戶名,神秘指標就是你的! 交易愉快! #大盘走势 #TradingSignal #非农数据 $BTC $ETH $BNB

TV新指標 Vegas SuperTrend Enhanced - Strategy [presentTrading


介紹一下:Vegas SuperTrend Enhanced - Strategy [presentTrading]。這個Script特別調整了SuperTrend對實時市場波動的敏感度,確保它能夠隨市場動態變化而適應。快來試試!



#大盘走势 #TradingSignal #非农数据
零和 和 無限零和世界(Zero Sum World) 零和世界這一概念源於遊戲理論,指的是在一個系統中,一方的收益等於另一方的損失,整體而言,系統的總收益和總損失為零。在經濟學中,這通常被用來描述某些市場行為,如股市交易。在股市中,買方和賣方是市場的主要參與者,買方購買股票的同時,賣方則放棄了對該股票的擁有權,買方的收益來自賣方的損失,反之亦然。從這個角度看,股市似乎是一個零和遊戲。 然而,這種觀點忽略了市場的動態性和創新性。市場並非總是一成不變的,新的技術、產品和商業模式的出現,可以打破零和的框架,創造新的價值和增長機會。 無限世界(Infinite World) 與零和世界相對的是無限世界觀念。無限世界強調市場和機會的擴大與創新,認為市場可以不斷成長,創造新的價值。在這種觀念下,一個人或公司的成功不必以犧牲他人為代價。例如,人工智能(AI)行業的快速發展,就是無限世界觀念的一個生動例子。AI市場在過去是不存在的,但現在,這一市場的規模和價值正在快速擴大,並非簡單地在參與者之間重新分配資源。 這種觀念的轉變,也反映在投資策略上。從僅僅關注市場的交易行為,轉向重視市場價值的創造。投資者開始尋找那些被市場低估的價值,並通過長期持有,參與到無限遊戲中,以期獲得非凡的回報。 結合兩種觀念的投資策略 在實際的投資過程中,結合零和世界和無限世界的觀念,可以形成一種更加全面和平衡的投資策略。在某些時期,特別是當市場處於波動期或調整期時,零和遊戲的策略可能更為有效,投資者可以通過精確的市場分析和時機把握,從市場波動中獲利。 然而,長期來看,無限遊戲的策略更有可能帶來穩健且持續的增長。投資者應該關注那些具有創新能力和成長潛力的企業,通過長期持有,分享企業成長的紅利。這種策略不僅能夠帶來經濟上的收益,同時也能夠促進整個市場的發展和創新。 總之,市場經濟是一個動態變化的系統,投資者需要根據市場的實際情況,靈活運用零和世界和無限世界的觀念,制定出適合自己的投資策略。在追求個體利益的同時,也要注重對整個市場和社會的貢獻,實現個人與社會的共同發展。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据 $BTC $ETH $BNB

零和 和 無限

零和世界(Zero Sum World)

無限世界(Infinite World)


#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #非农数据
2024.4.4号币圈大事件🌍 ● 稳定币持续增发表明资本仍在流入加密市场 ● 美SEC就灰度、Bitwise和富达现货以太坊ETF在本月21号征求公众意见 ● BCH 今日就要减半了 ● Binance将扩展监控标签,以包括$EPX、$FOR、$UNFI、$WAVES和$WNXM。 ● Binance Future和Coinbase Future将于4月4日上市$W。 ● $ENA - Andre Cronje介绍了一篇关于Ethena $ENA的大型帖子,并警告了可能的风险。关于这一点,Ethena创始人 @leptokurtic_ 说,他将在周末前准备好一份冗长的回复。 ● $RON - Ronin提议整合zkEVM。 ● $CKB - Nervous宣布了RGB++协议开发工具包,钱包现已正式推出主网。 ● $KDA - 嘉手纳宣布开发嘉手纳内阁(CAB)。 CAB为$KDA持有人提供通过债券获得收益的机会。 ● $LSK-Lisk计划于4月5日宣布LSK 2.0(空投/L2迁移)详细信息。 ● $ORN - Orion正在推出其第2层,Lumia。从$ORN交换到$LUMIA代币的详细信息将于本周发布。 ● $PIXEL-根据 @cagyjan1 ,Pixels暗示推出名为Pixel Chain的L2链。 ● $STG - Layerzero联合创始人 @PrimordialAA 暗示星际之门V2即将推出。 ● $VELO - Velodrome将推出其DEX on Build on Bitcoin(BOB),这是一个具有EVM兼容性的比特币L2。 ● $XAI - @pixelvault_ 'BattlePlan'正在迁移到Xai。细节将于4月5日公布。 ● $ZEUS - Zeus Network在一轮融资中筹集了800万美元。这一轮的投资者包括Mechanism Captial、OKX Ventures、Animoca Ventures等。 ● $ZK - Polyhedra Network通过zkBridge引入了完全无信的跨链比特币令牌交换。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme $BTC $ETH $BNB

● 稳定币持续增发表明资本仍在流入加密市场
● 美SEC就灰度、Bitwise和富达现货以太坊ETF在本月21号征求公众意见
● BCH 今日就要减半了
● Binance将扩展监控标签,以包括$EPX、$FOR、$UNFI、$WAVES和$WNXM。

● Binance Future和Coinbase Future将于4月4日上市$W。
● $ENA - Andre Cronje介绍了一篇关于Ethena $ENA的大型帖子,并警告了可能的风险。关于这一点,Ethena创始人
● $RON - Ronin提议整合zkEVM。

● $CKB - Nervous宣布了RGB++协议开发工具包,钱包现已正式推出主网。
● $KDA - 嘉手纳宣布开发嘉手纳内阁(CAB)。 CAB为$KDA持有人提供通过债券获得收益的机会。
● $LSK-Lisk计划于4月5日宣布LSK 2.0(空投/L2迁移)详细信息。
● $ORN - Orion正在推出其第2层,Lumia。从$ORN交换到$LUMIA代币的详细信息将于本周发布。

● $PIXEL-根据
,Pixels暗示推出名为Pixel Chain的L2链。
● $STG - Layerzero联合创始人
● $VELO - Velodrome将推出其DEX on Build on Bitcoin(BOB),这是一个具有EVM兼容性的比特币L2。

● $XAI -
● $ZEUS - Zeus Network在一轮融资中筹集了800万美元。这一轮的投资者包括Mechanism Captial、OKX Ventures、Animoca Ventures等。
● $ZK - Polyhedra Network通过zkBridge引入了完全无信的跨链比特币令牌交换。

#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme
在这个快速变化的社会里,那些能够通过投资长期稳定赚钱的人,其实过着一种非常令人羡慕的生活,就像是现代版的贵族一样。 特别是那些专注于价值投资和长期投资的人。他们的每一天都充满了深入的研究、不断的学习和思考。他们把终身学习当作一种生活方式,享受着学习带来的乐趣和自由追求各种技能的快乐。这样的生活,让他们不断积累知识和经验,享受着知识和自由带来的丰厚回报。 沃伦·巴菲特他就是这种生活方式的典型代表,令无数人羡慕。但是,大多数人却缺乏这种持续学习的精神、探索的欲望和好奇心。他们中的很多人,更像是不懂装懂的赌徒,总想着一夜暴富,却忽略了投资和成长的真谛。 真正的投资者,是那些以知识为武装,以好奇心为指南,不断探索和成长的人。他们的生活,充满了学习的乐趣和对未知的探索,这才是最值得追求的生活方式。 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme $BTC $ETH $BNB




#大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme
2024.4.3号币圈大事件 🌍 ● $SUI-“ SUI Basecamp” 定于4月10日至11日。 - 演讲者阵容包括A16Z,Visa,Vaneck等全球公司 ● $XRP-Ripple 与 SEC 官司将于4月28进入关键阶段 ● $CSIX-DWF Labs与Carbon Browser合作,成为CSIX代币主要流动性提供商,Bitget 上面 🈶 ● $MANTA-Manta 将于4月7日举办模块化Hong Kong活动 ● $AGLD - Adventure Gold 推出“The Adventure Forge”计划,由$AFG代币提供支持。 ● $CPOOL - Clearpool 宣布向 Avalanche 扩展,推出由 RWA 支持的新产品 Credit Vaults。 ● $ERN - Ethernity 发布了新公告,预计将包括“品牌重塑”。 ● $FXS - Frax Finance 宣布$FXTL积分的第二次快照将于 4 月 17 日进行。并且,veFXS 持有者的收入分成最早将于本周三开始。 ● $IOTX - IoTeX 在一轮融资中筹集了 5000 万美元。本轮投资方包括Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、Borderless Capital等。 ● $OGN - Origin Protocol 提出了一项合并 OGN 和 OGV 的治理举措。投票截止日期为4月10日。 ● $STAR - StarHeroes 宣布于 4 月 4 日推出质押功能。 ● $W - Binance 将于世界标准时间 4 月 3 日 12:00 上线 Wormhole,Wormhole 今天发布了其路线图。 ● ZBC - OKX 宣布支持Zebec 的代币迁移和代币分割。 ● $ARKM-4月11号巴黎会议发布 #Meme #新币挖矿 #大盘走势 $BTC $ETH $BNB

$SUI -“ SUI Basecamp” 定于4月10日至11日。 - 演讲者阵容包括A16Z,Visa,Vaneck等全球公司

● $XRP-Ripple 与 SEC 官司将于4月28进入关键阶段

● $CSIX-DWF Labs与Carbon Browser合作,成为CSIX代币主要流动性提供商,Bitget 上面

$MANTA -Manta 将于4月7日举办模块化Hong Kong活动

● $AGLD - Adventure Gold 推出“The Adventure Forge”计划,由$AFG代币提供支持。

● $CPOOL - Clearpool 宣布向 Avalanche 扩展,推出由 RWA 支持的新产品 Credit Vaults。

● $ERN - Ethernity 发布了新公告,预计将包括“品牌重塑”。

● $FXS - Frax Finance 宣布$FXTL积分的第二次快照将于 4 月 17 日进行。并且,veFXS 持有者的收入分成最早将于本周三开始。

$IOTX - IoTeX 在一轮融资中筹集了 5000 万美元。本轮投资方包括Amber Group、Foresight Ventures、Borderless Capital等。

● $OGN - Origin Protocol 提出了一项合并 OGN 和 OGV 的治理举措。投票截止日期为4月10日。

● $STAR - StarHeroes 宣布于 4 月 4 日推出质押功能。

● $W - Binance 将于世界标准时间 4 月 3 日 12:00 上线 Wormhole,Wormhole 今天发布了其路线图。

● ZBC - OKX 宣布支持Zebec 的代币迁移和代币分割。

● $ARKM-4月11号巴黎会议发布

#Meme #新币挖矿 #大盘走势

Tradingview Milestone @tradingview #tradingview 9000 -> 10000 Boosts!!! 26 scripts in total (23 strategies, 3 indicators) Personal recommendation: 1/ FlexiMA x FlexiST - Strategy 2/ Pivot Percentile Trend - Strategy 3/ Dynamic Trendline Break - Strategy Thanksss! 😃🤟 #热门话题 #slerf #ETHFI $BTC $ETH $BNB
Tradingview Milestone
9000 -> 10000 Boosts!!!

26 scripts in total (23 strategies, 3 indicators)
Personal recommendation:
1/ FlexiMA x FlexiST - Strategy
2/ Pivot Percentile Trend - Strategy
3/ Dynamic Trendline Break - Strategy


#热门话题 #slerf #ETHFI
最近研究ETFs。分享記一下 上日成交易量最大的 ETF 及其分類$SPY (9.7M) - Tracks the S&P 500, representing major U.S. large-cap stocks. $QQQ (4.0M) - Follows the Nasdaq-100 Index, including large non-financial companies. $IWM (1.3M) - Represents small-cap U.S. stocks via the Russell 2000 index. $FXI (411k) - Tracks Chinese large-cap stocks listed in Hong Kong. $HYG (377k) - Invests in U.S. high-yield corporate bonds. $TQQQ (324k) - Seeks 3x the daily returns of the Nasdaq-100 Index. $TLT (256k) - Tracks long-term U.S. Treasury bonds. $SQQQ (244k) - Aims for 3x the inverse daily returns of the Nasdaq-100 Index. $GLD (209k) - Offers exposure to the gold market. $SLV (186k) - Aims to reflect the performance of silver prices. $BITO (174k) - Focused on bitcoin futures, not direct bitcoin. $SOXL (171k) - Targets 3x the daily performance of the U.S. semiconductor sector. $SMH (137k) - Tracks the global semiconductor industry. $EEM (136k) - Invests in large- and mid-cap emerging market equities. $KWEB (133k) - Tracks the Chinese internet sector. $XLF (115k) - Follows the financial sector within the S&P 500. $GDX (115k) - Tracks publicly-traded gold-mining companies worldwide. $UVXY (109k) - Seeks 1.5x the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures. $XBI (106k) - Represents U.S. biotechnology stocks with an equal-weighted index. 股票指數ETF $SPY: 跟踪S&P 500指數,代表美國大型股票。 $QQQ: 跟踪Nasdaq-100指數,代表在納斯達克交易所上市的100家最大的非金融公司。 $IWM: 跟踪Russell 2000指數,代表美國小型股票。 $EEM: 跟踪新興市場的大中型股票。 地區專注ETF $FXI: 跟踪在香港股票交易所交易的中國大型股票。 $KWEB: 跟踪中國互聯網行業的表現。 產業或主題ETF $XLF: 跟踪S&P 500指數中的金融業股票。 $SOXL: 提供美國半導體公司指數每日表現3倍的槓桿。 $SMH: 跟踪全球半導體行業的表現。 $XBI: 跟踪美國生物科技股票的等權重指數。 商品ETF $GLD: 提供投資者透過ETF結構進入黃金市場的方式。 $SLV: 旨在反映銀價的表現。 $GDX: 跟踪全球公開交易的黃金開採公司的表現。 固定收益ETF $HYG: 投資於美國高收益公司債券。 $TLT: 跟踪長期美國國債。 槓桿與反向ETF $TQQQ: 旨在提供Nasdaq-100指數每日表現的3倍槓桿。 $SQQQ: 旨在提供Nasdaq-100指數每日表現3倍反向槓桿。 $UVXY: 旨在提供S&P 500 VIX短期期貨指數每日表現的1.5倍。 其他 $BITO: 集中於比特幣期貨合約,而不是直接投資比特幣。

最近研究ETFs。分享記一下 上日成交易量最大的 ETF 及其分類

$SPY (9.7M) - Tracks the S&P 500, representing major U.S. large-cap stocks.
$QQQ (4.0M) - Follows the Nasdaq-100 Index, including large non-financial companies.
$IWM (1.3M) - Represents small-cap U.S. stocks via the Russell 2000 index.
$FXI (411k) - Tracks Chinese large-cap stocks listed in Hong Kong.
$HYG (377k) - Invests in U.S. high-yield corporate bonds.
$TQQQ (324k) - Seeks 3x the daily returns of the Nasdaq-100 Index.
$TLT (256k) - Tracks long-term U.S. Treasury bonds.
$SQQQ (244k) - Aims for 3x the inverse daily returns of the Nasdaq-100 Index.
$GLD (209k) - Offers exposure to the gold market.
$SLV (186k) - Aims to reflect the performance of silver prices.
$BITO (174k) - Focused on bitcoin futures, not direct bitcoin.
$SOXL (171k) - Targets 3x the daily performance of the U.S. semiconductor sector.
$SMH (137k) - Tracks the global semiconductor industry.
$EEM (136k) - Invests in large- and mid-cap emerging market equities.
$KWEB (133k) - Tracks the Chinese internet sector.
$XLF (115k) - Follows the financial sector within the S&P 500.
$GDX (115k) - Tracks publicly-traded gold-mining companies worldwide.
$UVXY (109k) - Seeks 1.5x the daily performance of the S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures.
$XBI (106k) - Represents U.S. biotechnology stocks with an equal-weighted index.

$SPY: 跟踪S&P 500指數,代表美國大型股票。
$QQQ: 跟踪Nasdaq-100指數,代表在納斯達克交易所上市的100家最大的非金融公司。
$IWM: 跟踪Russell 2000指數,代表美國小型股票。
$EEM: 跟踪新興市場的大中型股票。
$FXI: 跟踪在香港股票交易所交易的中國大型股票。
$KWEB: 跟踪中國互聯網行業的表現。
$XLF: 跟踪S&P 500指數中的金融業股票。
$SOXL: 提供美國半導體公司指數每日表現3倍的槓桿。
$SMH: 跟踪全球半導體行業的表現。
$XBI: 跟踪美國生物科技股票的等權重指數。
$GLD: 提供投資者透過ETF結構進入黃金市場的方式。
$SLV: 旨在反映銀價的表現。
$GDX: 跟踪全球公開交易的黃金開採公司的表現。
$HYG: 投資於美國高收益公司債券。
$TLT: 跟踪長期美國國債。
$TQQQ: 旨在提供Nasdaq-100指數每日表現的3倍槓桿。
$SQQQ: 旨在提供Nasdaq-100指數每日表現3倍反向槓桿。
$UVXY: 旨在提供S&P 500 VIX短期期貨指數每日表現的1.5倍。
$BITO: 集中於比特幣期貨合約,而不是直接投資比特幣。
Only through diligent effort without undue haste, patience, and overcoming human greed, anger, and folly can we wait until we obtain the calculated expected return ratio. After all, having endured the long winter, why should the arrival of a bull market throw us into disarray? $BTC $ETH $BNB #热门话题 #gala #PIXEL
Only through diligent effort without undue haste, patience, and overcoming human greed, anger, and folly can we wait until we obtain the calculated expected return ratio.

After all, having endured the long winter, why should the arrival of a bull market throw us into disarray?

#热门话题 #gala #PIXEL
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