

Given the completeness and length of this project I considered it appropriate to divide my article into several bodies or sections to give as much information without extending too much and try to explain in a clear way the technical concepts of the project, since it is a network for developers there is a lot of information that can be uncomfortable and difficult to understand if not explained in a simple and appropriate way,


 The Manta Network ecosystem is a blockchain system designed for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, which aims to provide privacy and security to users on a scalable platform. It achieves this through a unique multi-modular architecture.

Let's clarify what ZK zero-knowledge applications means, A zero-knowledge proof, also known as ZK proof, is a derivative of zero-knowledge technology in the fields of computer science and cryptography as a method to validate information with increased privacy, security and processing speed.

On the other hand, modular technology or multimodular architecture is a term used by computer developers when we separate our development into modules, i.e. we do not do it as a whole but we develop separate modules which we test and implement to complete the development, this brings as advantages the reuse of code and greater scalability and maintenance of the developed systems, later we will see other advantages of modular technology.

Dual blockchain architecture: Manta Network consists of two main blockchains:

o Manta Atlantic: This is a Layer 1 (L1) blockchain, let's clarify A layer 1 blockchain is a base blockchain upon which secondary blockchain networks and applications are sometimes built.  Layer 1 handles security, data availability and decentralization, while Layer 2 handles transaction-related scaling.  .

o Manta Pacific: this is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution.

 Both chains are based on modular design, Manta Network uses a modular approach that separates transaction execution from data storage. This allows Manta to leverage the strengths of different protocols for various functionalities. For example, Celestia, which is another development within the Manta Network, handles data availability for Manta Pacific, ensuring data security and immutability. Manta Network offers several privacy-preserving features, which include:

o Confidential transactions: these transactions conceal transaction amounts and keep them verifiable on the blockchain.

o Private lending and borrowing: users can borrow and lend assets on DeFi platforms built on Manta without disclosing their credit positions.

o zkSNARKs: this cryptographic technology allows users to prove the validity of transactions without revealing all the details.

 By leveraging Layer 2 solutions and modular architecture, Manta Network aims to achieve significantly faster transaction processing and lower gas rates compared to traditional blockchains.

On the other hand Manta Network is a platform equivalent to EVM used in ethereun , let's clarify EVM, or Ethereum Virtual Machine, is a crucial component in the Ethereum architecture, It functions as a decentralized execution environment that enables the execution of smart contracts. to manage zero-knowledge applications. It provides scalability and security in a multi-modular environment. Manta Network users have access to two separate blockchains and different web development tools3, which greatly simplify the life of developers, enabling faster and scalable fully decentralized developments. The main goal of Manta Network is to create a ZK application platform equivalent to EVM.

Other Advantages of Manta's modular and ZK-proof technology

Leveraging Celestia's modular data availability, Manta Pacific offers incredibly fast infrastructure at a fraction of the cost which allows for lower rates.

 Scalability, Efficiency and Interoperability Manta's two blockchains, Pacific and Atlantic, can connect seamlessly, facilitating communication between different ecosystems.

MANTA Tokenomics,  $MANTA To help run its system, Manta Network launched in January of this year the MANTA token to help reward community members and process payments from developers using Manta Network functions. It is an ERC-20 token that can be staked, held as collateral or used to vote on Manta Network decisions.

Where to buy MANTA available at Binance.

MANTAcedefi, CeDeFi Manta Products

CeDeFi: this term combines CeFi (Centralized Finance) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance). CeFi refers to traditional financial institutions, while DeFi leverages blockchain technology for peer-to-peer financial transactions. ceDeFi products bridge the decentralized and centralized worlds. Given this, CeDeFi products could be bundled financial products that combine aspects of CeFi and DeFi. These could offer users exposure to DeFi opportunities (such as lending, borrowing or asset trading) with the potential security and ease of use associated with CeFi institutions. CeDefi products are attractive for several reasons

- Easier access to DeFi: CeFi institutions could act as intermediaries, simplifying access to DeFi products for users who may find it challenging to navigate DeFi protocols.

- Enhanced security: CeFi institutions could provide additional security measures in comparison to fully DeFi products.



Manta Network's business development and research capabilities.

Manta Network recognizes the importance of strong business development (BD).

- Strategic partnerships - Manta actively seeks collaborations with other blockchain projects, financial institutions and technology providers. This fosters wider adoption of its technology and drives innovation within the ecosystem. Examples include partnerships with Celer Network (cross-chain bridges) and Chainlink (decentralized oracles). The latter is the fundamental building block for transmitting real-world data to the blockchain, that is the function of the Chainlik oracle.

- Community building: Manta cultivates a strong community through participation in events, hackathons and developer programs. This helps attract talent, collect valuable feedback and build a loyal user base.

- Investment in R&D: Manta dedicates resources to ongoing research and development (R&D) to push the boundaries of ZK technology and blockchain applications. This ensures that they remain at the forefront of technological advances.

- Focus on ZK expertise: the team consists of experienced researchers and developers with a deep understanding of ZK cryptocurrency. This enables them to tackle complex challenges and develop innovative solutions.

- Open source approach: Manta adopts an open source development model, allowing for transparency and community contributions to the code base. This fosters collaboration and accelerates innovation.


You can participate in Manta both developers and investors who wish to invest in the project and earn for their participation, for more information here is the link to their website

