The Manta Network ecosystem is a blockchain system designed for zero-knowledge (ZK) applications, which aims to provide privacy and security to users on a scalable platform. It achieves this through a unique multi-modular architecture.

Let's clarify what ZK zero-knowledge applications means, A zero-knowledge proof, also known as ZK proof, is a derivative of zero-knowledge technology in the fields of computer science and cryptography as a method to validate information with increased privacy, security and processing speed.

On the other hand, modular technology or multimodular architecture is a term used by computer developers when we separate our development into modules, i.e. we do not do it as a whole but we develop separate modules which we test and implement to complete the development, this brings as advantages the reuse of code and greater scalability and maintenance of the developed systems, later we will see other advantages of modular technology.

Dual blockchain architecture: Manta Network consists of two main blockchains:

o Manta Atlantic: This is a Layer 1 (L1) blockchain, let's clarify A layer 1 blockchain is a base blockchain upon which secondary blockchain networks and applications are sometimes built.  Layer 1 handles security, data availability and decentralization, while Layer 2 handles transaction-related scaling.  .

o Manta Pacific: this is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution.

 Which offer.

o Confidential transactions: these transactions hide the transaction amounts and keep them verifiable on the blockchain.

o Private lending and borrowing: users can borrow and lend assets on DeFi platforms built on Manta without disclosing their credit positions.

o Lower fees

o Scalability, efficiency, Interoperability the two Manta blockchains, Pacific and Atlantic, can be seamlessly connected, facilitating communication between different ecosystems.

MANTA Tokenomics, Where to buy MANTA available on Binance.


MANTAcedefi, CeDeFi Manta Products

CeDeFi: this term combines CeFi (Centralized Finance) and DeFi (Decentralized Finance). CeFi refers to traditional financial institutions, while DeFi leverages blockchain technology for peer-to-peer financial transactions. ceDeFi products bridge the decentralized and centralized worlds. Given this, CeDeFi products could be bundled financial products that combine aspects of CeFi and DeFi. These could offer users exposure to DeFi opportunities (such as lending, borrowing or asset trading) with the potential security and ease of use associated with CeFi institutions. CeDefi products are attractive for several reasons

Manta Network's business development and research capabilities.

Manta Network recognizes the importance of strong business development (BD).

- Strategic partnerships - Manta actively seeks collaborations with other blockchain projects, financial institutions and technology providers. This fosters wider adoption of its technology and drives innovation within the ecosystem. Examples include partnerships with Celer Network (cross-chain bridges) and Chainlink (decentralized oracles). The latter is the fundamental building block for transmitting real-world data to the blockchain, that is the function of the Chainlik oracle.