i posted a warning right before the dump from 50k. it took less than 2 hours for a risky short to produce over 300% in profits.

this is not a catch the knife event. dont short a bullmarket in crypto, you buy the dip unless you have 100% controll over your risk managment. if you get your tips and calls from the binance feed, you deserve to loose every penny you have on this exhange. seek real advice, nobody in the binance feed care about you or your money, they care about the cents they make when you interact with the post. you should'nt follow signals, not even mine. learn to make your own calls and if you have'nt been activly trading for more than 2 years with a high yield stay tf away from leverage.

Leverage amplifies both gains and losses. While it can increase potential profits, it also increases the magnitude of losses. If a trade moves against you, losses can accumulate quickly, potentially wiping out your entire investment or even putting you into debt. Higher leverage means smaller price movements can have a significant impact on your account balance. This increased volatility can lead to emotional stress and impulsive decision-making. High leverage leaves little room for error. Even a small adverse move in the market can result in significant losses or margin calls.

Traders using high leverage may be tempted to overtrade, taking excessively large positions or trading too frequently. This can lead to increased transaction costs and a higher likelihood of incurring losses.

Overall, while leverage can be a powerful tool when used responsibly, it can also magnify the risks associated with trading, potentially leading to substantial losses if not managed properly.

stay safu. #Write2Earn #BTC #TrendingTopic