●● Important info about Portal farm! ●●

Be warned, its going to be listed and in one sec its going to pump 2-4000%. it might seem like its massive profits for everyone, and those that bought in when launched made mad bank. this is simply not true, and binance lists it way lower than what it is expected to be priced at. that way it triggers your emotions to buy it. it have happened every time a project launches, and it will happen this time aswell. please do not buy into new projects.

It gets listed with so little liquidity that nobody gets to buy it with profits. it pumps so fast, with so few coins that nobody get to buy at 'listing price'. its just manipulating percentages so people believe those that farmed it made so much money, but in reality its not that impressive to be honest. the 3 last farms I've farmed with 2 bnb (700-800usd) and made a measly 3-6 usd in the farm period. if bnb woulda just dropped 4 usd, the farm would have been a loss in capital.

do not be tempted when portal lists with a 2-4000% 'gain'. its just manipulation of percentages made to make people that did'nt farm feel fomo, or for people that farmed to want to buy more into a loss. its that simple, when you see that level of percentages its just to make you fomo into losses.

The cexes are not here to make you rich, they are here to offer you a marketplace to make money while offering you coins.
