According to Odaily, the Solana network's GME24 experienced a significant increase of over 90% due to the impending Youtube live stream by Roaring Kitty. This was observed by blockchain analyst @ai_9684xtpa. On June 3rd, a smart money address AKGoP...eL642 spent 12,110 SOL to purchase 136 million GME tokens.

The floating profit of this address subsequently expanded to $1.05 million. At the time of purchase, the cost of the tokens was only $0.01514 each, while the current price stands at $0.023. This indicates a substantial return on investment for the holder of the address. The surge in GME24's value is largely attributed to the anticipation surrounding Roaring Kitty's upcoming Youtube live stream.

The Solana network has been gaining traction in the cryptocurrency market, and this recent surge in GME24's value further highlights its growing influence. The impact of social media influencers on cryptocurrency prices is a trend that continues to shape the market dynamics.