Over 1 Billion worth of @Injective native token staked with an APY of 14.24%.

Now, instead of letting your $INJ stay idle in your wallet, you can choose to stake it and earn some cool rewards.

Here's one way to do so:

Go to:

👉 hub.injective.network

👉 Connect your wallet (Leap, Ninji, Keplr, etc.).

👉 Locate the Staking tab and click on it.

👉 Scroll down to the Validators section and search for any validator of your choice, for example, @everstake_pool

👉 Click on "Delegate Now."

👉 Input the amount of Now, instead of letting your $INJ stay idle in your wallet, you can choose to stake it and earn some cool rewards..

👉 Click the "Delegate" button and approve the transactions.

And that's it, your INJ is staked.

You can unstake anytime, any day. Take note of the 21-day unbonding period.