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🐸 Exploring Pepe: The Transformation from Comic Character to Internet Meme 🌐1️⃣ Origin: Pepe began as a comic character created by Matt Furie in 2005. This was the birth of Pepe the Frog as we initially knew it. 🎨2️⃣ Evolution into a Meme: Between 2007-2021, Pepe morphed into a widely recognized internet meme, reshaped and enriched in online communities like 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter. This meme version of Pepe, though originating from Furie's creation, took on a life of its own. 🔄3️⃣ Matt Furie's Stance: Interestingly, Matt Furie rarely claimed copyright over the internet version of Pepe meme. It's a testament to how the character evolved beyond its original form into a new, collective creation. 📜4️⃣ Pepe in Crypto World: Since 2016, Pepe ventured into the crypto realm, flourishing in the hands of digital artists and enthusiasts through memes and NFTs. It was destined to bloom in the meme coin culture. 🌼5️⃣ The Birth of $PEPE (0x69): In April 2023, $PEPE was introduced, marking a significant milestone in Pepe's meme journey. But who is the real creator of $PEPE? It's neither the token contract's deploying team, Matt Furie, nor Pauly who overstates his contribution. It's the meme life of Pepe itself, choosing $PEPE at the right moment, presenting a new value perspective to the world. 🚀6️⃣ PEPE’s Journey: The meme life of Pepe chose $PEPE as its representative, capturing a staggering $1.6 billion market cap. This milestone is not just a fluke but a destined evolution in Pepe's journey as a meme king. 👑7️⃣ Potential Rivals? Some wonder if another $pepe might emerge to challenge the existing one. But Pepe's meme essence is about embracing its imperfections and evolving organically. Every iteration is a part of its ongoing saga. 🌌8️⃣ The Meme King's Choice: Pepe, as a meme entity, has made its mark in the digital world, transcending its comic origins. Its journey mirrors the unpredictable and dynamic nature of internet culture. 🌐9️⃣ Conclusion: "Feels good, man" – perhaps that's all Pepe would say. In the end, our role is simple: to believe in the journey and evolution of Pepe as a meme, embracing whatever form it chooses to take next. 🌟🔍 Our Takeaway: Pepe's transition from a comic character to a meme, and then to a symbol in the crypto world, highlights the fluidity and transformative power of digital culture. It's a story of adaptation, community-driven evolution, and the emergence of new forms of digital expression. 💭#PepeTheFrog #PEPE🔥🔥 #内容挖矿 $ 🌍🐸

🐸 Exploring Pepe: The Transformation from Comic Character to Internet Meme 🌐

1️⃣ Origin: Pepe began as a comic character created by Matt Furie in 2005. This was the birth of Pepe the Frog as we initially knew it. 🎨2️⃣ Evolution into a Meme: Between 2007-2021, Pepe morphed into a widely recognized internet meme, reshaped and enriched in online communities like 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter. This meme version of Pepe, though originating from Furie's creation, took on a life of its own. 🔄3️⃣ Matt Furie's Stance: Interestingly, Matt Furie rarely claimed copyright over the internet version of Pepe meme. It's a testament to how the character evolved beyond its original form into a new, collective creation. 📜4️⃣ Pepe in Crypto World: Since 2016, Pepe ventured into the crypto realm, flourishing in the hands of digital artists and enthusiasts through memes and NFTs. It was destined to bloom in the meme coin culture. 🌼5️⃣ The Birth of $PEPE (0x69): In April 2023, $PEPE was introduced, marking a significant milestone in Pepe's meme journey. But who is the real creator of $PEPE ? It's neither the token contract's deploying team, Matt Furie, nor Pauly who overstates his contribution. It's the meme life of Pepe itself, choosing $PEPE at the right moment, presenting a new value perspective to the world. 🚀6️⃣ PEPE’s Journey: The meme life of Pepe chose $PEPE as its representative, capturing a staggering $1.6 billion market cap. This milestone is not just a fluke but a destined evolution in Pepe's journey as a meme king. 👑7️⃣ Potential Rivals? Some wonder if another $pepe might emerge to challenge the existing one. But Pepe's meme essence is about embracing its imperfections and evolving organically. Every iteration is a part of its ongoing saga. 🌌8️⃣ The Meme King's Choice: Pepe, as a meme entity, has made its mark in the digital world, transcending its comic origins. Its journey mirrors the unpredictable and dynamic nature of internet culture. 🌐9️⃣ Conclusion: "Feels good, man" – perhaps that's all Pepe would say. In the end, our role is simple: to believe in the journey and evolution of Pepe as a meme, embracing whatever form it chooses to take next. 🌟🔍 Our Takeaway: Pepe's transition from a comic character to a meme, and then to a symbol in the crypto world, highlights the fluidity and transformative power of digital culture. It's a story of adaptation, community-driven evolution, and the emergence of new forms of digital expression. 💭#PepeTheFrog #PEPE🔥🔥 #内容挖矿 $ 🌍🐸
#Write2Earn Analysis: BNB target price $6000 to $8000 based on two pricing methods. Binance net profit is estimated to be over 10billion US dollars annually with a super rapid growth rate, given its absolute leading status in the crypto exchange sector worldwide, we can multiply a 200x P/E, and get a $ 2000 billion market cap. If we recognise BNB has share stock like characteristics, and give 50% discount of real share price, we can get BNB’s target price between $6000 to $8000. Another method: Binance launchpad already launched over 10 projects and over 10 mining projects in 2021. BNB holders basically could get 60%-80% yield through participating the launched projects, apart from other money-making methods such as staking or defi offered by the platform. If we compare the yield/return rate of BNB holding with traditional financial products’ around 3%-5% in emerging economies or those even much less in developed economies, we can get an at least 30x for BNB’s average price from around $300 to $400 in 2021, and then get the BNB target price of $6000 to $8000 based on this yield level. Not a financial advice. #内容挖矿
#Write2Earn Analysis: BNB target price $6000 to $8000 based on two pricing methods.

Binance net profit is estimated to be over 10billion US dollars annually with a super rapid growth rate, given its absolute leading status in the crypto exchange sector worldwide, we can multiply a 200x P/E, and get a $ 2000 billion market cap. If we recognise BNB has share stock like characteristics, and give 50% discount of real share price, we can get BNB’s target price between $6000 to $8000.

Another method: Binance launchpad already launched over 10 projects and over 10 mining projects in 2021. BNB holders basically could get 60%-80% yield through participating the launched projects, apart from other money-making methods such as staking or defi offered by the platform. If we compare the yield/return rate of BNB holding with traditional financial products’ around 3%-5% in emerging economies or those even much less in developed economies, we can get an at least 30x for BNB’s average price from around $300 to $400 in 2021, and then get the BNB target price of $6000 to $8000 based on this yield level.

Not a financial advice. #内容挖矿
The Aave community launches a vote on the proposal "Launching Frontier, a DAO staking-as-a-service pAccording to the Snapshot governance page, the Aave community initiated a proposal vote to launch the "Frontier" DAO staking-as-a-service product. The proposal states that the Aave Chan Initiative (ACI) has launched a "Aave DAO staking-as-a-service" product called "Frontier". The service aims to further decentralize the protocol's staking exposure and actively participate in network security. ACI will delegate the operational rights of the DAO to nodes and run verification nodes to enhance the DAO's passive income and promote diversified equity delegation strategies. #内容挖矿

The Aave community launches a vote on the proposal "Launching Frontier, a DAO staking-as-a-service p

According to the Snapshot governance page, the Aave community initiated a proposal vote to launch the "Frontier" DAO staking-as-a-service product.
The proposal states that the Aave Chan Initiative (ACI) has launched a "Aave DAO staking-as-a-service" product called "Frontier". The service aims to further decentralize the protocol's staking exposure and actively participate in network security. ACI will delegate the operational rights of the DAO to nodes and run verification nodes to enhance the DAO's passive income and promote diversified equity delegation strategies.
#PIXEL 投资分析: 1. 总共挖矿时间为10天; 2. 投入500BNB挖矿; 3. 共获得8741Pixel; 5. 开盘价为0.5,开盘卖出共获得4370.5USDT; 6. 500BNB成本176000USDT; 7. 按着平均1个月2个挖矿项目,每月可以获得4370.5*2=8741USDT 8.照此计算,一年可以获得收益8741*12=104892USDT 🤑 结论:投资500BNB,一年可回报104892/176000*100%=59.59% 💳 信用卡购买BNB: @FBPAY_cc #热门话题 #PIXEL $BNB $PIXEL $FDUSD #内容挖矿
#PIXEL 投资分析:
1. 总共挖矿时间为10天;
2. 投入500BNB挖矿;
3. 共获得8741Pixel;
5. 开盘价为0.5,开盘卖出共获得4370.5USDT;
6. 500BNB成本176000USDT;
7. 按着平均1个月2个挖矿项目,每月可以获得4370.5*2=8741USDT

🤑 结论:投资500BNB,一年可回报104892/176000*100%=59.59%

💳 信用卡购买BNB:

反过来想,一直反过来想。 比如,你想不通要怎么在币圈赚钱,那就反过来想,要怎么在币圈输得精光?想清楚了怎么输光,避开那些坑,自然的赚钱概率就高很多。 1.加杠杆,要的就是刀尖舔血的刺激 2.不停的买进卖出,说好的勤劳致富 3.$BTC $ETH $BNB 坚决不碰,只买最便宜、最有想象空间的币 老铁,你还有什么办法,输个精光呢?#内容挖矿 #新手上路 #热门话题
3.$BTC $ETH $BNB 坚决不碰,只买最便宜、最有想象空间的币
老铁,你还有什么办法,输个精光呢?#内容挖矿 #新手上路 #热门话题
#内容挖矿 看好香港作为东半球BTC ETF产品交易中心。新加坡起了个大早,但市场深度不够。香港的资本市场体量比新加坡大得多得多。香港股市成交量比伦敦股市还大,伦敦股市又比新加坡大很多。新加坡搞这种什么ETF之类的根本没什么成交量,香港勉强还可以搞搞。还是要选钱多的地方。香港虽然经历资金持续外流,但是体量仍然远超新加坡。新加坡最多背靠马来西亚这种经济体,说白了,还是没啥钱,要搞也搞不起来。优良资本载体的条件之一就是要装得进大钱。新加坡那种发个资管产品管几个亿那种几乎完全没有竞争力。ETF就是要比规模大、交易活跃、流动性好,其次才是追踪标的物价格跟得紧。灰度的BTC ETF现在规模200多亿美元,这就是人家收管理费五倍于其他同类产品的底气。贝莱德的BTC ETF刚发了一周,规模就已经飚到十几亿美元了。新加坡那地方资金沉淀不够,体量太小,没法玩儿二级市场这些。香港股市的市值是伦敦的接近两倍、是新加坡的接近十倍。新加坡无非就靠洗钱吸引了点富人资金转过去理财,股票商品期货衍生品完全没啥流动性,怎么能叫全球金融中心了。
#内容挖矿 看好香港作为东半球BTC ETF产品交易中心。新加坡起了个大早,但市场深度不够。香港的资本市场体量比新加坡大得多得多。香港股市成交量比伦敦股市还大,伦敦股市又比新加坡大很多。新加坡搞这种什么ETF之类的根本没什么成交量,香港勉强还可以搞搞。还是要选钱多的地方。香港虽然经历资金持续外流,但是体量仍然远超新加坡。新加坡最多背靠马来西亚这种经济体,说白了,还是没啥钱,要搞也搞不起来。优良资本载体的条件之一就是要装得进大钱。新加坡那种发个资管产品管几个亿那种几乎完全没有竞争力。ETF就是要比规模大、交易活跃、流动性好,其次才是追踪标的物价格跟得紧。灰度的BTC ETF现在规模200多亿美元,这就是人家收管理费五倍于其他同类产品的底气。贝莱德的BTC ETF刚发了一周,规模就已经飚到十几亿美元了。新加坡那地方资金沉淀不够,体量太小,没法玩儿二级市场这些。香港股市的市值是伦敦的接近两倍、是新加坡的接近十倍。新加坡无非就靠洗钱吸引了点富人资金转过去理财,股票商品期货衍生品完全没啥流动性,怎么能叫全球金融中心了。
做空BNB,不是不看好。 相反,是很看好BNB。一个赢者通吃的行业里做到第一名,其他人要赶超,是很费劲的。就像比特币、以太坊,仓位里也只有这三剑客和币安发的糖果。那些口口声声说要干死以太坊的,甚至是不把以太坊看在眼里的,现在在哪里?没错,说的就是你,EOS! 为啥还矛盾的去做空BNB呢?这个小仓位计划拿到熊市,主要是想用BNB摸摸市场脉搏。 为啥不是做空EOS?渣男的意思是,涨跌根本没有任何道理可言,根本反映不了市场信息。 #内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
#内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Big coffee opinion: long #JTO (from JTO has shown strong market momentum recently. If it rebounds from support, JTO is expected to continue rising or test resistance near its all-time highs. If JTO fails to break above the $3.9 resistance, it could retrace towards support, building momentum for another uptrend. #内容挖矿  #TradeNTell 😍Follow me to get more opinions from famous people! #Memecoins #BullorBear #WIF
Big coffee opinion: long #JTO (from
JTO has shown strong market momentum recently. If it rebounds from support, JTO is expected to continue rising or test resistance near its all-time highs. If JTO fails to break above the $3.9 resistance, it could retrace towards support, building momentum for another uptrend. #内容挖矿  #TradeNTell
😍Follow me to get more opinions from famous people!

#Memecoins #BullorBear #WIF
The total amount of Ethereum beacon chain pledged exceeds 32 million ETH Dune data shows that the total amount of pledged Ethereum beacon chain reaches 32,141,157 ETH, and pledged ETH accounts for 26.80% of the total supply of ETH. Among them, the staking share of the liquidity staking protocol Lido reaches 30.11%. #TrendingTopic  #内容挖矿  #热门话题
The total amount of Ethereum beacon chain pledged exceeds 32 million ETH
Dune data shows that the total amount of pledged Ethereum beacon chain reaches 32,141,157 ETH, and pledged ETH accounts for 26.80% of the total supply of ETH. Among them, the staking share of the liquidity staking protocol Lido reaches 30.11%.
#TrendingTopic  #内容挖矿  #热门话题
SOL真的是猛,李笑来的BOX最近调仓时,也带上它。这个币挺有意思,作为Solana安全设计的一部分,所有费用都将在SOL中支付并被烧掉,从而减少总供应量。以链上生态来看,是仅次于以太坊的公链。在上一轮牛市,跟着比特币、以太坊一起达到阶段性高点。不像有些币,出道即巅峰,比如BCH、XLM、EOS #sol 未来可期 #内容挖矿 $SOL $EOS
#sol 未来可期
#内容挖矿 $SOL $EOS
香港要是先于美国批准eth etf真是一步好棋,美国1月批准btc etf后现在规模已经高达数百亿美刀,而且高利率维持香港作为离岸市场流动性都快被吸干了,发btc etf估计短期规模也不会膨胀到特别大,但是趁美国现在还没eth etf,要是抢先批准eth etf,率先提供差异化产品,可以吸引相关兴趣资金流入香港,占得先机,虽然eth肯定不如btc硬。#内容挖矿
香港要是先于美国批准eth etf真是一步好棋,美国1月批准btc etf后现在规模已经高达数百亿美刀,而且高利率维持香港作为离岸市场流动性都快被吸干了,发btc etf估计短期规模也不会膨胀到特别大,但是趁美国现在还没eth etf,要是抢先批准eth etf,率先提供差异化产品,可以吸引相关兴趣资金流入香港,占得先机,虽然eth肯定不如btc硬。#内容挖矿
Baisse (björn)
#内容挖矿 我发现开合约,真的容易迷失自我。大家回想一下,每次开合约时候的初衷。是不是被伤害过,或者遭受了不公平待遇,或者被琐事烦的不行。这时候合约就成了很好的发泄出口,因为会提供多巴胺。创造我马上会发财了的假象。因为你现实中,即不能够做离谱的事,又不能随意发泄。 那个线的跳动,就能影响你心智,让你平静,可能比喝酒都有用。但是,这个时候,切记冷静,因为直觉只能让你小赢一两次。拖一下,一直到开始质疑自己决定的时候,再开仓,反人性,财富会拥抱你。等过一段时间,如果你的财富没有增长,你能够养成定期复盘的习惯。并学会批判性思考,思维足够多元化和多维度化,那么其实满仓百倍合约,随便开,输了以后也能在其他地方赚回来。#ENS #ETH.
#内容挖矿 我发现开合约,真的容易迷失自我。大家回想一下,每次开合约时候的初衷。是不是被伤害过,或者遭受了不公平待遇,或者被琐事烦的不行。这时候合约就成了很好的发泄出口,因为会提供多巴胺。创造我马上会发财了的假象。因为你现实中,即不能够做离谱的事,又不能随意发泄。

那个线的跳动,就能影响你心智,让你平静,可能比喝酒都有用。但是,这个时候,切记冷静,因为直觉只能让你小赢一两次。拖一下,一直到开始质疑自己决定的时候,再开仓,反人性,财富会拥抱你。等过一段时间,如果你的财富没有增长,你能够养成定期复盘的习惯。并学会批判性思考,思维足够多元化和多维度化,那么其实满仓百倍合约,随便开,输了以后也能在其他地方赚回来。#ENS #ETH.
Manta Golden Shovel, the 2024 Tenfold Coin you can't miss! 🐠:With the distribution of the $Manta airdrop, the entire TVL of Manta has steadily risen to the top ten. On the Manta chain, there are some fun projects that you can participate in. #内容挖矿 #Manta 🦁️: @AsMatchApp -I believe most people have used dating apps like Tantan. $ASM is the first native token on Manta. I downloaded it before, registered, swiped a bit, and received around 60+ coins. Feel free to use my invitation code: [vR2QsTfJ]. ✨:Now, owning $ASM allows you to mine #manta. If you have participated in previous activities, you can deposit your coins and stake $manta. Steps: 【Deposit $ASM】- requires a small amount of ETH gas fee, then 【Stake $ASM Earn $Manta】 💗:【Summary】In the future, I will deeply cultivate the $manta ecosystem, as well as my recent interactions with $manta, and hope that together we can become millionaires in 2024.

Manta Golden Shovel, the 2024 Tenfold Coin you can't miss!

🐠:With the distribution of the $Manta airdrop, the entire TVL of Manta has steadily risen to the top ten. On the Manta chain, there are some fun projects that you can participate in. #内容挖矿 #Manta

🦁️: @AsMatchApp -I believe most people have used dating apps like Tantan. $ASM is the first native token on Manta. I downloaded it before, registered, swiped a bit, and received around 60+ coins. Feel free to use my invitation code: [vR2QsTfJ].

✨:Now, owning $ASM allows you to mine #manta. If you have participated in previous activities, you can deposit your coins and stake $manta. Steps: 【Deposit $ASM】- requires a small amount of ETH gas fee, then 【Stake $ASM Earn $Manta】

💗:【Summary】In the future, I will deeply cultivate the $manta ecosystem, as well as my recent interactions with $manta, and hope that together we can become millionaires in 2024.
长线交易的核心逻辑 人最大的弱点,是身处当下的感官总会战胜由逻辑主导的前瞻性。我认为想要做好交易,第一步就是要学会把交易融入生活,随时感受自己对待环境以及事物变化的本能反应,从而切身体会到底什么叫做“人性“。 对于普通人而言,知识储备永远是最扎实的自我提升的方式。可是由于及时享乐的天性,我们总是无法克制许多当前的欲望,从而无奈地放弃了远期目标。仔细看看身边,有多少人常把减肥,锻炼,学习,戒烟戒酒放在嘴边,然而却永远也无法坚持下来。看到这里,你一定感同身受,因为或许你也正在被这些欲望所困惑,而我想说的是,静下心来,感受这些挣扎和内心矛盾,因为这个与理性斗争的过程,就是人性。 长线交易是痛苦的。由于时间维度的拉长,资产价格的波动区间也会放大。在实际操作中,你会为无数次的解套而庆幸自己坚持下来的决定,但同时你也会经历无数次因为没有获利平仓的懊悔。在这个时候,你可能会尝试在持仓的过程中去增加操作,希望降低的成本,然而结果是,你操作频率越来越高,慢慢从长线做成了短线。然而最终,你还是没有得到自己想要的结果。因为,你只是一个平凡人,你没有主导对错的力量,你甚至不知道什么是对错,仅仅是在随波逐流罢了。而这,就是人性。 此处有一争议:长线很多时候反而是最容易亏得血本无归的策略,无脑的坚持并无意义。诚然,很多事情,选择一定比努力更重要。长线交易亦是如此,它要求对优质资产的检索能力,以及对项目方/企业的发展历程(Project Milestones)的预设轨迹保持追踪。但是请问问自己,有多少次,尽管自己已经做了详尽的research,定好了入场和出场条件,但最后依然没有坚持下来。 或许这个世界真的没有想象中的那么复杂。世界变革的洪流,平凡人依然或多或少能感知到。社会的发展是以数十年为一个篇章进行的,而每一个篇章,如果我们回头望去,似乎都有一个显而易见的主干题材。因此,很多时候,我们要学会相信自己的感知,学会用理性去深刻自己的判断,坚持下来。即便如此,我们可能还是会错,但收益/风险比一定会更高,而这,就是投资的正确打开方式。#内容挖矿


此处有一争议:长线很多时候反而是最容易亏得血本无归的策略,无脑的坚持并无意义。诚然,很多事情,选择一定比努力更重要。长线交易亦是如此,它要求对优质资产的检索能力,以及对项目方/企业的发展历程(Project Milestones)的预设轨迹保持追踪。但是请问问自己,有多少次,尽管自己已经做了详尽的research,定好了入场和出场条件,但最后依然没有坚持下来。
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