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❤️laoxux8866 Good at short to medium bands and high winning rate.
Good at short to medium bands and high winning rate.
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Lao Xu's Monthly Notes on Market Trends: Steady Together This month, the financial market has been ups and downs like a roller coaster, with some people laughing and others worried. In this turbulent sea, a stable trading system has become the compass for investors. The Lao Xu team adheres to the concept of "steadiness as the basis, cash is king", and is committed to capturing market opportunities and embarking on a journey of wealth with like-minded partners. Looking back on this month, the team went with the flow, accurately captured market fluctuations, and almost never missed any valuable market conditions. Behind this achievement is the team's keen insight into market trends and persistence in steady operations. Here, we show the real data of this month's market (see Figure 1), and every point and every line is the crystallization of the team's wisdom and sweat. We promise to be true and transparent, and face it calmly whether it is profit or loss, because this is the only way to grow. The Lao Xu team takes being open and honest as the principle. We are well aware of the complexity and variability of the market, so we always remain calm, rational and patient. We invite every investor who is eager to grow to join us, explore the mystery of wealth together, and enjoy the fun and achievements brought by investment. In the future, the market will still be full of challenges, but as long as we work together, stick to our original aspirations, and move forward steadily, we will be able to ride the wind and waves in the ocean of finance and create brilliance together! (Team recruitment) #比特币行情 #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH
Lao Xu's Monthly Notes on Market Trends: Steady Together

This month, the financial market has been ups and downs like a roller coaster, with some people laughing and others worried. In this turbulent sea, a stable trading system has become the compass for investors. The Lao Xu team adheres to the concept of "steadiness as the basis, cash is king", and is committed to capturing market opportunities and embarking on a journey of wealth with like-minded partners.

Looking back on this month, the team went with the flow, accurately captured market fluctuations, and almost never missed any valuable market conditions. Behind this achievement is the team's keen insight into market trends and persistence in steady operations.

Here, we show the real data of this month's market (see Figure 1), and every point and every line is the crystallization of the team's wisdom and sweat. We promise to be true and transparent, and face it calmly whether it is profit or loss, because this is the only way to grow.

The Lao Xu team takes being open and honest as the principle. We are well aware of the complexity and variability of the market, so we always remain calm, rational and patient. We invite every investor who is eager to grow to join us, explore the mystery of wealth together, and enjoy the fun and achievements brought by investment.

In the future, the market will still be full of challenges, but as long as we work together, stick to our original aspirations, and move forward steadily, we will be able to ride the wind and waves in the ocean of finance and create brilliance together!
(Team recruitment) #比特币行情 #比特币大会 #美国PCE通胀放缓 #美联储何时降息? #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC $ETH
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Lao Xu Education’s fifth single today pockets RMB 8,000 The pie lost five thousand oil My aunt pocketed thirteen thousand oil I've obviously made a profit, but I still feel something is wrong, but I still can't explain it.
Lao Xu Education’s fifth single today pockets RMB 8,000
The pie lost five thousand oil
My aunt pocketed thirteen thousand oil
I've obviously made a profit, but I still feel something is wrong, but I still can't explain it.
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In the face of market fluctuations, many investors may be facing the dilemma of being trapped, but please stay calm, because there are often opportunities in the midst of difficulties. Remember, although the trapped orders temporarily bind funds, the points behind them are as flexible and changeable as running water. Effective unwinding strategies are by no means generalized, but need to be tailored to individual positions, current points and market trends. In the face of complex and changeable trapped orders, if it is difficult to break through on your own, you may wish to seek professional guidance. As your investment partner, I am willing to listen to your specific situation, combine your position status and market dynamics, and tailor a scientific and reasonable unwinding plan to help you gradually get out of the predicament and regain the initiative in investment. In the vast ocean of investment, opportunities and challenges coexist. However, everyone's time, energy and funds are precious and limited resources, and it is impossible to fully cover all opportunities. Therefore, the wise choice is to have the courage to abandon those small opportunities that seem tempting but difficult to grasp, and concentrate energy and resources to capture those big opportunities that can really bring rich returns. This is not only a test of investment wisdom, but also a profound practice of self-cognition and strategy. Let us go hand in hand, on the road of investment, with a calm mind, accurate judgment, and flexible strategy, to meet every challenge and seize every opportunity worth grasping. Remember, every difficulty is an opportunity for growth, and every solution is a solid step towards success. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH
In the face of market fluctuations, many investors may be facing the dilemma of being trapped, but please stay calm, because there are often opportunities in the midst of difficulties. Remember, although the trapped orders temporarily bind funds, the points behind them are as flexible and changeable as running water. Effective unwinding strategies are by no means generalized, but need to be tailored to individual positions, current points and market trends.

In the face of complex and changeable trapped orders, if it is difficult to break through on your own, you may wish to seek professional guidance. As your investment partner, I am willing to listen to your specific situation, combine your position status and market dynamics, and tailor a scientific and reasonable unwinding plan to help you gradually get out of the predicament and regain the initiative in investment.

In the vast ocean of investment, opportunities and challenges coexist. However, everyone's time, energy and funds are precious and limited resources, and it is impossible to fully cover all opportunities. Therefore, the wise choice is to have the courage to abandon those small opportunities that seem tempting but difficult to grasp, and concentrate energy and resources to capture those big opportunities that can really bring rich returns. This is not only a test of investment wisdom, but also a profound practice of self-cognition and strategy.

Let us go hand in hand, on the road of investment, with a calm mind, accurate judgment, and flexible strategy, to meet every challenge and seize every opportunity worth grasping. Remember, every difficulty is an opportunity for growth, and every solution is a solid step towards success. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH
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9.12 Evening Analysis After the CPI was released, the strengthening of the US dollar suppressed gold, and the market focused on the Fed's meeting next week. The market expects a small interest rate cut, but core inflation is stubborn and the policy path is uncertain. Bitcoin's current daily line is bullish but accompanied by MACD divergence, indicating that there may be a large correction in the medium term. In the short term, Bitcoin may be under pressure around 58,500, but the correction is still a buying opportunity, and the volatile upward trend may continue until the Fed's interest rate decision. Operational suggestions Big cake 57,100-57,500, up to 59,000! Yi Tai 2310-2330, up to 2450! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 $BTC $ETH
9.12 Evening Analysis

After the CPI was released, the strengthening of the US dollar suppressed gold, and the market focused on the Fed's meeting next week. The market expects a small interest rate cut, but core inflation is stubborn and the policy path is uncertain. Bitcoin's current daily line is bullish but accompanied by MACD divergence, indicating that there may be a large correction in the medium term. In the short term, Bitcoin may be under pressure around 58,500, but the correction is still a buying opportunity, and the volatile upward trend may continue until the Fed's interest rate decision.

Operational suggestions

Big cake 57,100-57,500, up to 59,000!

Yi Tai 2310-2330, up to 2450!
#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 $BTC $ETH
  在加密货币交易的广阔领域里,每位投资者都应铭记于心的是,规避常见误区是通往成功之路的关键。以下是六大交易禁忌,它们如同航海中的暗礁,需谨慎避开:      1.忽视止损策略:缺乏预设的止损点,如同航行无舵,易在市场风浪中迷失方向,导致资金大幅缩水。明确止损,是控制风险、保护本金的基石。      2.错失止盈良机:盈利时犹豫不决,未能及时锁定收益,往往让到手的鸭子飞走。学会在适当的时候止盈提现,是稳健增长的重要一环。      3.浅尝辄止,错失大行情:面对市场的大幅波动,仅满足于小利即逃,实则错失了潜在的巨大盈利空间。保持冷静,审时度势,方能把握大趋势。      4.逆势而为,固执持仓:当市场趋势明确反转时,仍坚持原有仓位,无异于逆流而上,只会增加亏损的砝码。顺应市场,灵活调整策略,方为上策。      5.盲目抄底,深陷泥潭:在价格如瀑布般下跌时,急于抄底往往成为“接盘侠”。耐心等待明确的反转信号,再行布局,更为稳妥。      6.摸顶做空,反被套牢:市场暴涨之际,试图捕捉顶部做空,无异于火中取栗,极易陷入反复洗盘的困境。保持敬畏之心,避免盲目猜测市场顶部。      若您正身处加密货币交易的浪潮中,不妨审视自身,看看是否已巧妙绕过了这些陷阱。同时,关注市场动态,学习专业分析,制定合理策略,方能在变幻莫测的市场中稳健前行。点击关注,让我们一起探索更多交易智慧与机遇 咨询根🥚:laoxux8866#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 $BTC $ETH
咨询根🥚:laoxux8866#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 $BTC $ETH
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Thursday midnight operation tips: Recently, the price has shown a trend of high exploration and decline. The daily small negative line retreated to the lower track. After breaking through 58,000, it did not continue to strengthen, indicating that the bulls are insufficient and may test the lower support again. Yesterday's news did not trigger a deep decline, but the low closing showed that the short-term bulls were weak and the market was in a volatile pattern. Pay attention to whether it can quickly recover today. The 4-hour chart shows that the price fell back to above 55,000. After breaking through 58,000, there was no strong rise and it remained volatile. The midnight market is expected to have limited fluctuations. Pay attention to the conversion between long and short positions and find the right entry point. In terms of operation, it is recommended to mainly do more on the retracement. Operation suggestions Pie Buy around 56,100-56,700, with a target around 58,900. Ether Buy around 2290-2310, with a target around 2440. #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? $BTC $BNB
Thursday midnight operation tips:

Recently, the price has shown a trend of high exploration and decline. The daily small negative line retreated to the lower track. After breaking through 58,000, it did not continue to strengthen, indicating that the bulls are insufficient and may test the lower support again.

Yesterday's news did not trigger a deep decline, but the low closing showed that the short-term bulls were weak and the market was in a volatile pattern. Pay attention to whether it can quickly recover today.

The 4-hour chart shows that the price fell back to above 55,000. After breaking through 58,000, there was no strong rise and it remained volatile. The midnight market is expected to have limited fluctuations. Pay attention to the conversion between long and short positions and find the right entry point. In terms of operation, it is recommended to mainly do more on the retracement.

Operation suggestions


Buy around 56,100-56,700, with a target around 58,900.


Buy around 2290-2310, with a target around 2440. #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #特朗普与哈里斯辩论,特朗普概念币普跌 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? $BTC $BNB
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Lao Xu’s second order this morning It's a big loss for my brothers. Once you lose your winning streak, your winning streak will be over. You have to have a mentality.
Lao Xu’s second order this morning
It's a big loss for my brothers. Once you lose your winning streak, your winning streak will be over. You have to have a mentality.
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Faced with the market downturn at night, many investors may have been trapped. Here are several concise and practical strategies for unwinding: Coping with small losses calmly: In the face of small losses, the first thing is to stay calm and analyze the possibility of short-term market adjustments. If it is judged to be a temporary correction, you can wait for the market to pick up, reduce your position or sell at a high price in a timely manner to reduce the psychological burden and retain profit space. Strategies for deep lock-in: For deep lock-in, avoiding panic selling is the key. When the market shows signs of rebound, reduce your position appropriately to control losses. If you have confidence in the asset in the long term, you can use the "covering position method", that is, increase purchases at low prices, reduce average costs, and pave the way for a rebound in the future market. Decisive stop loss: If the position continues to fall and the market trend has changed significantly, the stop loss strategy should be decisively implemented to avoid aggravated losses. Stop loss is an important risk management method in investment and must be strictly implemented. Use volatility operations: For high-volatility assets, you can try to sell high and buy low within the shock range, and reduce the position cost and lock in part of the profit through flexible operations. However, it should be noted that this strategy requires high market sensitivity and operational skills. Patience when making profits: When holding positions, be patient and avoid selling too early. If the upward trend continues, you can continue to hold to obtain greater returns. At the same time, set a reasonable stop-profit point to prevent greed from causing profit-taking. Strengthen risk management: No matter how the market fluctuates, risk management is always the core. Make a clear trading plan, including stop-loss, stop-profit and fund management strategies, and stick to it. Stay calm and rational and avoid emotional decision-making. In short, when facing a lock-in, the key lies in calm analysis, flexible response and strengthening risk management. Through reasonable strategy adjustments and patient holding, investors are expected to gradually get rid of difficulties and achieve profit goals. #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 $BTC $ETH
Faced with the market downturn at night, many investors may have been trapped. Here are several concise and practical strategies for unwinding:

Coping with small losses calmly: In the face of small losses, the first thing is to stay calm and analyze the possibility of short-term market adjustments. If it is judged to be a temporary correction, you can wait for the market to pick up, reduce your position or sell at a high price in a timely manner to reduce the psychological burden and retain profit space.

Strategies for deep lock-in: For deep lock-in, avoiding panic selling is the key. When the market shows signs of rebound, reduce your position appropriately to control losses. If you have confidence in the asset in the long term, you can use the "covering position method", that is, increase purchases at low prices, reduce average costs, and pave the way for a rebound in the future market.

Decisive stop loss: If the position continues to fall and the market trend has changed significantly, the stop loss strategy should be decisively implemented to avoid aggravated losses. Stop loss is an important risk management method in investment and must be strictly implemented.

Use volatility operations: For high-volatility assets, you can try to sell high and buy low within the shock range, and reduce the position cost and lock in part of the profit through flexible operations. However, it should be noted that this strategy requires high market sensitivity and operational skills.

Patience when making profits: When holding positions, be patient and avoid selling too early. If the upward trend continues, you can continue to hold to obtain greater returns. At the same time, set a reasonable stop-profit point to prevent greed from causing profit-taking.

Strengthen risk management: No matter how the market fluctuates, risk management is always the core. Make a clear trading plan, including stop-loss, stop-profit and fund management strategies, and stick to it. Stay calm and rational and avoid emotional decision-making.

In short, when facing a lock-in, the key lies in calm analysis, flexible response and strengthening risk management. Through reasonable strategy adjustments and patient holding, investors are expected to gradually get rid of difficulties and achieve profit goals. #美国8月CPI数据高于预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国经济软着陆? #以太坊基金会 $BTC $ETH
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