BNB Drops Below 540 USDT with a 6.71% Decrease in 24 Hours
On Apr 14, 2024, 17:24 PM(UTC). According to Binance Market Data, BNB has dropped below 540 USDT and is now trading at 539.5 USDT, with a 6.71% decrease in 24 hours.
#binance #Web3 #TONxTelegram #TON/USDT Today we have cats and a project called Catizen, which was officially presented at the TON conference, and also received direct investment from the TON Foundation.
There are 2 activities in this project. In the first, we need to farm fish by completing daily tasks. In the second, you will need to upgrade your cats and receive tokens when they gain views from other people.
The drop has been confirmed - 35% of tokens have been allocated for this cause. So let's go now:
What do we have to do?
➖ Follow the link and join the team ➖ Go in and complete daily tasks ➖ Farm fish and upgrade cats, and also invite friends
The activities themselves are free, so for low banks, be sure to go in and farm yourself a drop. Projects on TON are getting hype, so you can earn enough for a bun with poppy seeds, or maybe two. Copy the link and paste it into your browser#Web3 $BTC
#AirDrop I showed this project in previous posts I sent a second withdrawal request and am waiting for it to arrive in my account. Link in previous posts
MEGALAND Airdrop #drop #megaland Light conditions Fast output to the BEP-20 network Withdrawal from 300,000 75,000 you get for registration For everyone who joins using your referral link, 50,000 Here is the link, just copy and paste into your browser.
Matmo Airdrop #matmo #AirDrop #WEB3 1. Follow the link. 2. Complete simple buildings and get prizes $$BNB Withdrawal to WEB 3 account within 7 days #Web3 I would be grateful if you use my referral link CPA_00IW8QW1Y2
Instructions: Click on your icon and quick access icons will appear and click on #WOTD Start the game and select words by topic Words of the day today: 1.EARN 2. EVENT Topic: Halving Horizons Don't forget to like, subscribe and repost
Let's fly into the Catizen project 🐱 Another game with earnings without investments. Which was presented 4 days ago at the TON conference and received funding from the Telegram Foundation. The bot has two different games - in one we collect fish for daily tasks, and in the other we form and upgrade cats, people watch them and for this we get coins. 📝What are we doing ❓ 1️⃣ Register and join the team. 2️⃣ We connect identical cats and get the best cat. 3️⃣Complete the task. 4️⃣Catch fish. 35% of all tokens were allocated for drops in the game on the CatizenAI tone
For those who want to participate in the giveaway Here are the links:. Вот первая Вот вторая буду признателен если введете мою реферальную ссылку BPYGGOWHDF #FDUSD! #RedPacketMission #RedPacketGiveAway