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KATHA JIMENEZ ROMERO 14 Sep 2024 Brasil, Venezuela, MĂ©xico y Argentina entre los 20 paĂ­ses con mĂĄs adopciĂłn cripto, segĂșn Chainalysis Brasil y Venezuela se consolidan como potencias en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas en AmĂ©rica Latina, ocupando los puestos 10 y 13 respectivamente, de acuerdo con el Ășltimo reporte de Chainalysis. La empresa de investigaciĂłn blockchain Chainalysis publicĂł recientemente el “2024 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report”, donde revelĂł que 4 paĂ­ses de AmĂ©rica Latina se encuentran entre la lista de los paĂ­ses con mayor indice de adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Brasil se encuentra en el puesto 10, mientras que Venezuela estĂĄ en la posiciĂłn 13 en lo que se refiere al uso de criptomonedas. En el Top 20 del Índice Mundial de AdopciĂłn de Criptomonedas 2024 tambiĂ©n figuran de manera importante MĂ©xico con el puesto 14 y Argentina en la posiciĂłn nĂșmero 15, revelando cĂłmo las criptomonedas se han convertido en una alternativa real para la ciudadanĂ­a que busca resguardar sus activos de la inflaciĂłn econĂłmica. La publicaciĂłn señalĂł: “en el informe de cada año, nos fijamos en los datos dentro y fuera de la cadena para determinar quĂ© paĂ­ses estĂĄn liderando el mundo en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Nuestra investigaciĂłn destaca los paĂ­ses donde los casos de uso de criptomoneda Ășnicos se estĂĄn afianzando, y explora por quĂ© la gente en los paĂ­ses de todo el mundo estĂĄn adoptando cripto”. Bitso nombrĂł nueva Country Manager para Brasil Aumenta la criptoactividad en el mundo entero El informe indicĂł que entre el cuarto trimestre de 2023 y el primero de 2024, el valor total de la criptoactividad mundial aumentĂł sustancialmente, alcanzando niveles superiores a los de 2021 durante el mercado alcista de las criptomonedas. “Podemos ver este patrĂłn en el grĂĄfico, donde aplicamos nuestra metodologĂ­a del Índice de AdopciĂłn a nivel mundial sumando las puntuaciones del Ă­ndice de los 151 paĂ­ses.. {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) #TopCoinsSeptember

Brasil, Venezuela, MĂ©xico y Argentina entre los 20 paĂ­ses con mĂĄs adopciĂłn cripto, segĂșn Chainalysis
Brasil y Venezuela se consolidan como potencias en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas en AmĂ©rica Latina, ocupando los puestos 10 y 13 respectivamente, de acuerdo con el Ășltimo reporte de Chainalysis.

La empresa de investigaciĂłn blockchain Chainalysis publicĂł recientemente el “2024 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report”, donde revelĂł que 4 paĂ­ses de AmĂ©rica Latina se encuentran entre la lista de los paĂ­ses con mayor indice de adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Brasil se encuentra en el puesto 10, mientras que Venezuela estĂĄ en la posiciĂłn 13 en lo que se refiere al uso de criptomonedas.

En el Top 20 del Índice Mundial de AdopciĂłn de Criptomonedas 2024 tambiĂ©n figuran de manera importante MĂ©xico con el puesto 14 y Argentina en la posiciĂłn nĂșmero 15, revelando cĂłmo las criptomonedas se han convertido en una alternativa real para la ciudadanĂ­a que busca resguardar sus activos de la inflaciĂłn econĂłmica.

La publicaciĂłn señalĂł: “en el informe de cada año, nos fijamos en los datos dentro y fuera de la cadena para determinar quĂ© paĂ­ses estĂĄn liderando el mundo en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Nuestra investigaciĂłn destaca los paĂ­ses donde los casos de uso de criptomoneda Ășnicos se estĂĄn afianzando, y explora por quĂ© la gente en los paĂ­ses de todo el mundo estĂĄn adoptando cripto”.

Bitso nombrĂł nueva Country Manager para Brasil
Aumenta la criptoactividad en el mundo entero
El informe indicĂł que entre el cuarto trimestre de 2023 y el primero de 2024, el valor total de la criptoactividad mundial aumentĂł sustancialmente, alcanzando niveles superiores a los de 2021 durante el mercado alcista de las criptomonedas.

“Podemos ver este patrón en el gráfico, donde aplicamos nuestra metodología del Índice de Adopción a nivel mundial sumando las puntuaciones del índice de los 151 países..
Brasil, Venezuela, MĂ©xico y Argentina entre los 20 paĂ­ses con mĂĄs adopciĂłn cripto, segĂșn ChainalysisKATHA JIMENEZ ROMERO 14 Sep 2024 La empresa de investigaciĂłn blockchain Chainalysis publicĂł recientemente el “2024 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report”, donde revelĂł que 4 paĂ­ses de AmĂ©rica Latina se encuentran entre la lista de los paĂ­ses con mayor indice de adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Brasil se encuentra en el puesto 10, mientras que Venezuela estĂĄ en la posiciĂłn 13 en lo que se refiere al uso de criptomonedas. En el Top 20 del Índice Mundial de AdopciĂłn de Criptomonedas 2024 tambiĂ©n figuran de manera importante MĂ©xico con el puesto 14 y Argentina en la posiciĂłn nĂșmero 15, revelando cĂłmo las criptomonedas se han convertido en una alternativa real para la ciudadanĂ­a que busca resguardar sus activos de la inflaciĂłn econĂłmica. La publicaciĂłn señalĂł: “en el informe de cada año, nos fijamos en los datos dentro y fuera de la cadena para determinar quĂ© paĂ­ses estĂĄn liderando el mundo en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Nuestra investigaciĂłn destaca los paĂ­ses donde los casos de uso de criptomoneda Ășnicos se estĂĄn afianzando, y explora por quĂ© la gente en los paĂ­ses de todo el mundo estĂĄn adoptando cripto”. Bitso nombrĂł nueva Country Manager para Brasil Aumenta la criptoactividad en el mundo entero El informe indicĂł que entre el cuarto trimestre de 2023 y el primero de 2024, el valor total de la criptoactividad mundial aumentĂł sustancialmente, alcanzando niveles superiores a los de 2021 durante el mercado alcista de las criptomonedas. “Podemos ver este patrĂłn en el grĂĄfico, donde aplicamos nuestra metodologĂ­a del Índice de AdopciĂłn a nivel mundial sumando las puntuaciones del Ă­ndice de los 151 paĂ­ses para cada trimestre desde el tercer trimestre de 2021 hasta el segundo trimestre de 2024, y volviendo a indexarlas de nuevo para mostrar el crecimiento de la adopciĂłn global a lo largo del tiempo”, detallĂł la publicaciĂłn. El informe revelĂł que el motivo de este crecimiento acelerado sobre el uso y adopciĂłn de las criptomonedas se debe al “lanzamiento del ETF de Bitcoin al contado en Estados Unidos". Esto “provocĂł un aumento del valor total de la actividad de Bitcoin en todas las regiones, con un crecimiento interanual especialmente fuerte en las transferencias de tamaño institucional y en las regiones con paĂ­ses de renta mĂĄs alta, como NorteamĂ©rica y Europa Occidental”. Banco brasileño suspende el trading de tokens cripto nativos tras una caĂ­da del 97% en su precio Por otra parte, indicaron que “el crecimiento interanual de las stablecoins fue mayor entre las transferencias de tamaño minorista y profesional, y estĂĄ apoyando casos de uso en el mundo real en paĂ­ses de renta baja y media-baja de regiones como el África subsahariana y AmĂ©rica Latina, en particular”. AclaraciĂłn: La informaciĂłn y/u opiniones emitidas en este artĂ­culo no representan necesariamente los puntos de vista o la lĂ­nea editorial de Cointelegraph. La informaciĂłn aquĂ­ expuesta no debe ser tomada como consejo financiero o recomendaciĂłn de inversiĂłn. Toda inversiĂłn y movimiento comercial implican riesgos y es responsabilidad de cada persona hacer su debida investigaciĂłn antes de tomar una decisiĂłn de inversiĂłn.

Brasil, Venezuela, MĂ©xico y Argentina entre los 20 paĂ­ses con mĂĄs adopciĂłn cripto, segĂșn Chainalysis

La empresa de investigaciĂłn blockchain Chainalysis publicĂł recientemente el “2024 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report”, donde revelĂł que 4 paĂ­ses de AmĂ©rica Latina se encuentran entre la lista de los paĂ­ses con mayor indice de adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Brasil se encuentra en el puesto 10, mientras que Venezuela estĂĄ en la posiciĂłn 13 en lo que se refiere al uso de criptomonedas.
En el Top 20 del Índice Mundial de AdopciĂłn de Criptomonedas 2024 tambiĂ©n figuran de manera importante MĂ©xico con el puesto 14 y Argentina en la posiciĂłn nĂșmero 15, revelando cĂłmo las criptomonedas se han convertido en una alternativa real para la ciudadanĂ­a que busca resguardar sus activos de la inflaciĂłn econĂłmica.

La publicaciĂłn señalĂł: “en el informe de cada año, nos fijamos en los datos dentro y fuera de la cadena para determinar quĂ© paĂ­ses estĂĄn liderando el mundo en la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas. Nuestra investigaciĂłn destaca los paĂ­ses donde los casos de uso de criptomoneda Ășnicos se estĂĄn afianzando, y explora por quĂ© la gente en los paĂ­ses de todo el mundo estĂĄn adoptando cripto”.

Bitso nombrĂł nueva Country Manager para Brasil
Aumenta la criptoactividad en el mundo entero
El informe indicĂł que entre el cuarto trimestre de 2023 y el primero de 2024, el valor total de la criptoactividad mundial aumentĂł sustancialmente, alcanzando niveles superiores a los de 2021 durante el mercado alcista de las criptomonedas.
“Podemos ver este patrón en el gráfico, donde aplicamos nuestra metodología del Índice de Adopción a nivel mundial sumando las puntuaciones del índice de los 151 países para cada trimestre desde el tercer trimestre de 2021 hasta el segundo trimestre de 2024, y volviendo a indexarlas de nuevo para mostrar el crecimiento de la adopción global a lo largo del tiempo”, detalló la publicación.

El informe revelĂł que el motivo de este crecimiento acelerado sobre el uso y adopciĂłn de las criptomonedas se debe al “lanzamiento del ETF de Bitcoin al contado en Estados Unidos". Esto “provocĂł un aumento del valor total de la actividad de Bitcoin en todas las regiones, con un crecimiento interanual especialmente fuerte en las transferencias de tamaño institucional y en las regiones con paĂ­ses de renta mĂĄs alta, como NorteamĂ©rica y Europa Occidental”.

Banco brasileño suspende el trading de tokens cripto nativos tras una caída del 97% en su precio
Por otra parte, indicaron que “el crecimiento interanual de las stablecoins fue mayor entre las transferencias de tamaño minorista y profesional, y estĂĄ apoyando casos de uso en el mundo real en paĂ­ses de renta baja y media-baja de regiones como el África subsahariana y AmĂ©rica Latina, en particular”.

AclaraciĂłn: La informaciĂłn y/u opiniones emitidas en este artĂ­culo no representan necesariamente los puntos de vista o la lĂ­nea editorial de Cointelegraph. La informaciĂłn aquĂ­ expuesta no debe ser tomada como consejo financiero o recomendaciĂłn de inversiĂłn. Toda inversiĂłn y movimiento comercial implican riesgos y es responsabilidad de cada persona hacer su debida investigaciĂłn antes de tomar una decisiĂłn de inversiĂłn.
Kiyosaki predice auge de Bitcoin y activos reales. Escrito por Sergio SĂĄnchez 8 horas atrĂĄs PUNTOS IMPORTANTES: Kiyosaki prevĂ© que Bitcoin y metales preciosos subirĂĄn tras el giro de la Fed. El inversionista afirma que el debate entre oro y Bitcoin es irrelevante, la propiedad es clave. Kiyosaki advierte sobre un posible colapso del mercado y recomienda invertir en activos reales. El educador financiero y autor Robert Kiyosaki ha reiterado su apoyo a Bitcoin (BTC), esta vez ofreciendo su perspectiva sobre por quĂ© la criptomoneda pionera probablemente experimentarĂĄ una explosiĂłn en su precio. Kiyosaki, autor del exitoso libro de finanzas personales Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, señalĂł que tanto Bitcoin como los metales preciosos, como el oro y la plata, probablemente subirĂĄn debido a la prĂłxima polĂ­tica monetaria de la Reserva Federal (Fed), segĂșn comentĂł en una publicaciĂłn en X el 15 de septiembre. La polĂ­tica de la Fed y los activos reales El inversionista argumentĂł que cuando la Fed eventualmente reduzca las tasas de interĂ©s, el flujo de dinero cambiarĂĄ de lo que Ă©l llamĂł “activos falsos”, como los bonos del Tesoro de EE. UU., hacia “activos reales” como el oro, la plata, los bienes raĂ­ces y Bitcoin. SegĂșn su punto de vista, los inversionistas que posean estos activos probablemente se enriquecerĂĄn. “Los precios de Bitcoin, oro y plata estĂĄn a punto de EXPLOTAR
. Como mencionĂ© en mi tuit anterior
. ustedes habladores
. cobardes que discuten cuĂĄl es mejor
. oro o Bitcoin
 serĂĄn los grandes perdedores
 cuando la Fed marxista GIRE
 recortando las tasas de interĂ©s
 y los activos reales suban de precio
 a medida que el dinero falso salga de los activos falsos”. Kiyosaki. Debate entre oro y Bitcoin Al mismo tiempo, enfatizĂł que el debate entre Bitcoin y el oro es irrelevante, comparĂĄndolo con una discusiĂłn sobre si es mejor tener un Ferrari o un Lamborghini, mientras otros no tienen nada.. 👉ArtĂ­culo Completo #Binance
Kiyosaki predice auge de Bitcoin y activos reales.

Escrito por Sergio SĂĄnchez 8 horas atrĂĄs
Kiyosaki prevé que Bitcoin y metales preciosos subirån tras el giro de la Fed.
El inversionista afirma que el debate entre oro y Bitcoin es irrelevante, la propiedad es clave.
Kiyosaki advierte sobre un posible colapso del mercado y recomienda invertir en activos reales.

El educador financiero y autor Robert Kiyosaki ha reiterado su apoyo a Bitcoin (BTC), esta vez ofreciendo su perspectiva sobre por qué la criptomoneda pionera probablemente experimentarå una explosión en su precio.

Kiyosaki, autor del exitoso libro de finanzas personales Padre Rico, Padre Pobre, señalĂł que tanto Bitcoin como los metales preciosos, como el oro y la plata, probablemente subirĂĄn debido a la prĂłxima polĂ­tica monetaria de la Reserva Federal (Fed), segĂșn comentĂł en una publicaciĂłn en X el 15 de septiembre.

La polĂ­tica de la Fed y los activos reales
El inversionista argumentĂł que cuando la Fed eventualmente reduzca las tasas de interĂ©s, el flujo de dinero cambiarĂĄ de lo que Ă©l llamĂł “activos falsos”, como los bonos del Tesoro de EE. UU., hacia “activos reales” como el oro, la plata, los bienes raĂ­ces y Bitcoin. SegĂșn su punto de vista, los inversionistas que posean estos activos probablemente se enriquecerĂĄn.

“Los precios de Bitcoin, oro y plata estĂĄn a punto de EXPLOTAR
. Como mencionĂ© en mi tuit anterior
. ustedes habladores
. cobardes que discuten cuĂĄl es mejor
. oro o Bitcoin
 serĂĄn los grandes perdedores
 cuando la Fed marxista GIRE
 recortando las tasas de interĂ©s
 y los activos reales suban de precio
 a medida que el dinero falso salga de los activos falsos”.

Debate entre oro y Bitcoin
Al mismo tiempo, enfatizĂł que el debate entre Bitcoin y el oro es irrelevante, comparĂĄndolo con una discusiĂłn sobre si es mejor tener un Ferrari o un Lamborghini, mientras otros no tienen nada..
👉Artículo Completo
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Cryptocurrency laundering: Binance was authorized by the CNV so that its users can regularizeSeptember 13, 2024 - 1:31 PM As reported by the CNV, Binance has become an authorized PSAV in Argentina. In this sense, it is eligible for users to join the official money laundering program. Binance has decided to register with the National Securities Commission (CNV) as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (PSAV), which will allow it to receive funds from money laundering related to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This move has raised concerns among users about whether their digital assets will be more exposed to the scrutiny of the local regulator and the possible tax implications.

Cryptocurrency laundering: Binance was authorized by the CNV so that its users can regularize

September 13, 2024 - 1:31 PM
As reported by the CNV, Binance has become an authorized PSAV in Argentina. In this sense, it is eligible for users to join the official money laundering program.
Binance has decided to register with the National Securities Commission (CNV) as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (PSAV), which will allow it to receive funds from money laundering related to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This move has raised concerns among users about whether their digital assets will be more exposed to the scrutiny of the local regulator and the possible tax implications.
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Binance Research Introduces Hamster Kombat Tokenomics: 75% Rewards for Players Binance Research has released the tokenomics report for the Hamster Kombat game from the TON ecosystem. The game's native token, HMSTR, has a total supply of 100 billion tokens, with an initial circulating supply of 64.375 billion tokens at the time of listing on Binance. Of the total supply, 60% of HMSTR tokens are allocated to rewards for players in Season 1 and 15% to rewards in Season 2. Additionally, 3% will be distributed via Binance Launchpool, 4% will be allocated to liquidity, 8% will be reserved for the development team, 4% for marketing, and 6% will be dedicated to partnerships and grants. This token allocation reflects the game's focus on incentivizing early player participation and long-term engagement through substantial rewards. #TopCoinsSeptember #hamsterkombat
Binance Research Introduces Hamster Kombat Tokenomics: 75% Rewards for Players

Binance Research has released the tokenomics report for the Hamster Kombat game from the TON ecosystem. The game's native token, HMSTR, has a total supply of 100 billion tokens, with an initial circulating supply of 64.375 billion tokens at the time of listing on Binance.

Of the total supply, 60% of HMSTR tokens are allocated to rewards for players in Season 1 and 15% to rewards in Season 2. Additionally, 3% will be distributed via Binance Launchpool, 4% will be allocated to liquidity, 8% will be reserved for the development team, 4% for marketing, and 6% will be dedicated to partnerships and grants.

This token allocation reflects the game's focus on incentivizing early player participation and long-term engagement through substantial rewards. #TopCoinsSeptember #hamsterkombat
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Bitcoin: FBI warns of cryptocurrency ETF hackThu 12 Sep 2024 â–Ș 5 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A. Inform Cybersecurity Bitcoin and its crypto peers are never safe, but this time, the alarm is serious. The FBI has sounded the alarm, reporting North Korean hackers targeting companies related to crypto funds. Between massive capital flows and security breaches, cybercriminals are never far away, and crypto ETF assets could be the next target. Bitcoin and the threat of North Korean hackers

Bitcoin: FBI warns of cryptocurrency ETF hack

Thu 12 Sep 2024 â–Ș 5 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A.
Bitcoin and its crypto peers are never safe, but this time, the alarm is serious. The FBI has sounded the alarm, reporting North Korean hackers targeting companies related to crypto funds. Between massive capital flows and security breaches, cybercriminals are never far away, and crypto ETF assets could be the next target.
Bitcoin and the threat of North Korean hackers
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Tommy received a text message that appeared to be from Binance, warning him that the tax document had expired and that he needed to complete verification on the website link provided. Worried, he clicked on the link provided, which took him to a website that looked like the official Binance site. Shortly after Tommy filled out all the information, he received a call from someone claiming to be a Binance representative. The person instructed him to scan a QR code and perform a facial verification. Trusting the process, Tommy followed the steps, unaware that he was being scammed. After verification, Tommy was again instructed by the call to access the Binance app and complete the facial verification once again. Before long, Tommy received the notification from the Binance app, 6 ETH had been withdrawn from his wallet. He realized that this was a phishing attack, but Tommy was already suffering financial losses. In the story, we saw that the scammer created urgency for Tommy, which made him nervous. Shortly after, the scammer was able to easily take advantage of Tommy's identity to pass verification and withdraw Tommy's funds. It is critical to understand that any type of verification (i.e. email verification, face verification) are security measures that Binance takes to protect user accounts. Therefore, we should never provide this information or perform these actions without first verifying the request. Tommy should have directly contacted Binance customer support to confirm the request, rather than easily revealing sensitive information. He should have used the official Binance Verify Tool to confirm the authenticity of the process before proceeding. Safeguarding your digital assets requires vigilance. Never share information or perform verification steps unless you have confirmed the request. #Binance
Tommy received a text message that appeared to be from Binance, warning him that the tax document had expired and that he needed to complete verification on the website link provided. Worried, he clicked on the link provided, which took him to a website that looked like the official Binance site.
Shortly after Tommy filled out all the information, he received a call from someone claiming to be a Binance representative. The person instructed him to scan a QR code and perform a facial verification. Trusting the process, Tommy followed the steps, unaware that he was being scammed.
After verification, Tommy was again instructed by the call to access the Binance app and complete the facial verification once again. Before long, Tommy received the notification from the Binance app, 6 ETH had been withdrawn from his wallet. He realized that this was a phishing attack, but Tommy was already suffering financial losses.
In the story, we saw that the scammer created urgency for Tommy, which made him nervous. Shortly after, the scammer was able to easily take advantage of Tommy's identity to pass verification and withdraw Tommy's funds. It is critical to understand that any type of verification (i.e. email verification, face verification) are security measures that Binance takes to protect user accounts. Therefore, we should never provide this information or perform these actions without first verifying the request.
Tommy should have directly contacted Binance customer support to confirm the request, rather than easily revealing sensitive information. He should have used the official Binance Verify Tool to confirm the authenticity of the process before proceeding.
Safeguarding your digital assets requires vigilance. Never share information or perform verification steps unless you have confirmed the request.
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Mexico: INAI opens investigation against Worldcoin for possible data breach#KATHA JIMENEZ ROMERO Adrián Alcalá, president commissioner of Mexico's National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), announced that the institute would begin an investigation against Worldcoin. He also called on affected people to file complaints, as announced on September 4 through the official INAI X account. 📌🎙#AlAirePresident Commissioner @AdrianAlcala75 with @Enrique_Acevedo on @radio_formula

Mexico: INAI opens investigation against Worldcoin for possible data breach

AdriĂĄn AlcalĂĄ, president commissioner of Mexico's National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), announced that the institute would begin an investigation against Worldcoin. He also called on affected people to file complaints, as announced on September 4 through the official INAI X account.

📌🎙#AlAirePresident Commissioner @AdrianAlcala75 with @Enrique_Acevedo on @radio_formula
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Bitcoin as a National Reserve Asset: The Opposition's Bet to Rebuild Venezuela! Fri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Luc Jose A. The Venezuelan opposition is exploring radical solutions to turn things around in the face of the country's economic collapse. In fact, it proposes using Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. The stabilization of this economy devastated by years of mismanagement requires the recognition of Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. Bitcoin as a National Reserve Asset: A Bold Proposal During an interview with Alex GLADSTEIN, Strategy Director of the Human Rights Foundation, Maria Corina MACHADO, a leading figure in the Venezuelan opposition, revealed her plan to use Bitcoin (BTC) as a national reserve asset. She claims that it is time for Venezuela to turn to modern solutions to rebuild its economy, and Bitcoin is the key. MACHADO justifies this decision by the failure of the bolivar, the national currency, which has lost 14 zeros between two successive presidential terms. This devaluation, fueled by an out-of-control inflationary policy, has raised inflation to 1,700,000% according to her estimates. She also recalled that, despite the country's significant oil resources, the disastrous economic policies of Presidents Hugo CHÁVEZ and NicolĂĄs MADURO have led to a complete collapse of financial stability. Today, according to her, millions of Venezuelans are seeking to protect their assets through Bitcoin, which is in fact becoming a "humanitarian tool" in the midst of the crisis. #Bitcoin #Binance {spot}(BTCUSDT)
Bitcoin as a National Reserve Asset: The Opposition's Bet to Rebuild Venezuela!
Fri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Luc Jose A.

The Venezuelan opposition is exploring radical solutions to turn things around in the face of the country's economic collapse. In fact, it proposes using Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. The stabilization of this economy devastated by years of mismanagement requires the recognition of Bitcoin as a national reserve asset.

Bitcoin as a National Reserve Asset: A Bold Proposal
During an interview with Alex GLADSTEIN, Strategy Director of the Human Rights Foundation, Maria Corina MACHADO, a leading figure in the Venezuelan opposition, revealed her plan to use Bitcoin (BTC) as a national reserve asset. She claims that it is time for Venezuela to turn to modern solutions to rebuild its economy, and Bitcoin is the key. MACHADO justifies this decision by the failure of the bolivar, the national currency, which has lost 14 zeros between two successive presidential terms. This devaluation, fueled by an out-of-control inflationary policy, has raised inflation to 1,700,000% according to her estimates.
She also recalled that, despite the country's significant oil resources, the disastrous economic policies of Presidents Hugo CHÁVEZ and Nicolås MADURO have led to a complete collapse of financial stability. Today, according to her, millions of Venezuelans are seeking to protect their assets through Bitcoin, which is in fact becoming a "humanitarian tool" in the midst of the crisis.
#Bitcoin #Binance
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Bitcoin as a national reserve asset: The opposition's bet to rebuild Venezuela!Fri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Luc Jose A. Inform â–Ș The Venezuelan opposition is exploring radical solutions to turn things around in the face of the country's economic collapse. In fact, it proposes using Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. The stabilization of this economy devastated by years of mismanagement requires the recognition of Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. Bitcoin as a national reserve asset: a bold proposal During an interview with Alex GLADSTEIN, the strategy director of the Human Rights Foundation, Maria Corina MACHADO, a leading figure in the Venezuelan opposition, revealed her plan to use Bitcoin (BTC) as a national reserve asset. She claims that it is time for Venezuela to turn to modern solutions to rebuild its economy, and Bitcoin is the key. MACHADO justifies this decision by the failure of the bolivar, the national currency, which has lost 14 zeros between two successive presidential terms. This devaluation, fueled by an out-of-control inflationary policy, has raised inflation to 1,700,000% according to her estimates.

Bitcoin as a national reserve asset: The opposition's bet to rebuild Venezuela!

Fri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Luc Jose A.
The Venezuelan opposition is exploring radical solutions to turn things around in the face of the country's economic collapse. In fact, it proposes using Bitcoin as a national reserve asset. The stabilization of this economy devastated by years of mismanagement requires the recognition of Bitcoin as a national reserve asset.
Bitcoin as a national reserve asset: a bold proposal
During an interview with Alex GLADSTEIN, the strategy director of the Human Rights Foundation, Maria Corina MACHADO, a leading figure in the Venezuelan opposition, revealed her plan to use Bitcoin (BTC) as a national reserve asset. She claims that it is time for Venezuela to turn to modern solutions to rebuild its economy, and Bitcoin is the key. MACHADO justifies this decision by the failure of the bolivar, the national currency, which has lost 14 zeros between two successive presidential terms. This devaluation, fueled by an out-of-control inflationary policy, has raised inflation to 1,700,000% according to her estimates.
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Dollar - Trump threatens BRICSMon 09 Sep 2024 â–Ș 6 min read â–Ș by Nicolas T. The Republican candidate for the US presidency threatens the BRICS with severe economic sanctions if they move away from the dollar. Bitcoin as an alternative solution
 Money or life Donald Trump is wielding both the carrot and the stick. The carrot came on Friday with the promise of lifting sanctions: «I have used sanctions myself, but I lifted them as quickly as possible so as not to kill the dollar. [
] We have lost Iran, Russia, and China is trying to make its currency the dominant currency. The dollar is losing its dominance.»

Dollar - Trump threatens BRICS

Mon 09 Sep 2024 â–Ș 6 min read â–Ș by Nicolas T.
The Republican candidate for the US presidency threatens the BRICS with severe economic sanctions if they move away from the dollar. Bitcoin as an alternative solution

Money or life
Donald Trump is wielding both the carrot and the stick. The carrot came on Friday with the promise of lifting sanctions:
«I have used sanctions myself, but I lifted them as quickly as possible so as not to kill the dollar. [
] We have lost Iran, Russia, and China is trying to make its currency the dominant currency. The dollar is losing its dominance.»
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Argentina leads in stablecoin holdings, while Brazil leads in altcoins and Bitcoin, according to a report RAY JIMENEZ BRAVO Bitso reports key data: Argentina prefers stablecoins, while Brazil combines Bitcoin with an interest in altcoins Bitso presented its report “Crypto Panorama in Latin America” for the first half of 2024, in which Argentina shows that the so-called stablecoins are the second cryptocurrency that has the most presence in wallets. On the other hand, Brazil shows that the possession of altcoins surpassed the presence of Ethereum in the wallets that were part of the report. Bitso, an exchange whose largest number of users is located in Mexico, also has a presence in other countries such as Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. On this occasion, we will focus on the details of the data collected in its report on Argentina and Brazil. Bitcoin in Argentina is approaching 80 million pesos Argentina The South American country was the only one that managed to position stablecoins, such as USDC or USDT, second in user wallets. The data from the report shows that as of June 30, 2024, the possession of these stablecoins was at 22% of the total cryptocurrencies per wallet. Bitcoin remains in first place, representing 50% of Bitso users' wallets. They considered that this trend in Argentina is deeply influenced by the country's macroeconomic conditions, characterized by high inflation and a persistent devaluation of the Argentine peso. The preference for stablecoins reflects an adaptation of the historical inclination of Argentines to take refuge in the US dollar as a protection mechanism against the depreciation of the local currency, now transferring this practice to the realm of cryptocurrencies. {spot}(USDCUSDT) nce #TopCoinsSeptember
Argentina leads in stablecoin holdings, while Brazil leads in altcoins and Bitcoin, according to a report


Bitso reports key data: Argentina prefers stablecoins, while Brazil combines Bitcoin with an interest in altcoins

Bitso presented its report “Crypto Panorama in Latin America” for the first half of 2024, in which Argentina shows that the so-called stablecoins are the second cryptocurrency that has the most presence in wallets. On the other hand, Brazil shows that the possession of altcoins surpassed the presence of Ethereum in the wallets that were part of the report.

Bitso, an exchange whose largest number of users is located in Mexico, also has a presence in other countries such as Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. On this occasion, we will focus on the details of the data collected in its report on Argentina and Brazil.

Bitcoin in Argentina is approaching 80 million pesos

The South American country was the only one that managed to position stablecoins, such as USDC or USDT, second in user wallets. The data from the report shows that as of June 30, 2024, the possession of these stablecoins was at 22% of the total cryptocurrencies per wallet. Bitcoin remains in first place, representing 50% of Bitso users' wallets.
They considered that this trend in Argentina is deeply influenced by the country's macroeconomic conditions, characterized by high inflation and a persistent devaluation of the Argentine peso.

The preference for stablecoins reflects an adaptation of the historical inclination of Argentines to take refuge in the US dollar as a protection mechanism against the depreciation of the local currency, now transferring this practice to the realm of cryptocurrencies.
nce #TopCoinsSeptember
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Argentina leads in stablecoin holdings, while Brazil leads in altcoins and Bitcoin, according to a reportRay Jimenez Bravo Bitso reports key data: Argentina prefers stablecoins, while Brazil combines Bitcoin with an interest in altcoins Bitso presented its report “Crypto Panorama in Latin America” for the first half of 2024, in which Argentina shows that so-called stablecoins are the second most present cryptocurrency in wallets. On the other hand, Brazil shows that the possession of altcoins surpassed the presence of Ethereum in the wallets that were part of the report.

Argentina leads in stablecoin holdings, while Brazil leads in altcoins and Bitcoin, according to a report

Ray Jimenez Bravo
Bitso reports key data: Argentina prefers stablecoins, while Brazil combines Bitcoin with an interest in altcoins
Bitso presented its report “Crypto Panorama in Latin America” for the first half of 2024, in which Argentina shows that so-called stablecoins are the second most present cryptocurrency in wallets. On the other hand, Brazil shows that the possession of altcoins surpassed the presence of Ethereum in the wallets that were part of the report.
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US election: Trump overpowers Harris with his cryptocurrency planSat 07 Sep 2024 â–Ș 3 min read â–Ș by Ariela R. As the 2024 US election approaches, Donald Trump is beginning to pull ahead against Kamala Harris. Trump's public support for Bitcoin marks a turning point in his presidential campaign, attracting the attention of cryptocurrency investors. "JUST IN: đŸ‡ș🇾 Donald Trump says “instead of attacking industries of the future, we will embrace them, including making America the world capital for crypto and #Bitcoin.”

US election: Trump overpowers Harris with his cryptocurrency plan

Sat 07 Sep 2024 â–Ș 3 min read â–Ș by Ariela R.
As the 2024 US election approaches, Donald Trump is beginning to pull ahead against Kamala Harris. Trump's public support for Bitcoin marks a turning point in his presidential campaign, attracting the attention of cryptocurrency investors.
"JUST IN: đŸ‡ș🇾 Donald Trump says “instead of attacking industries of the future, we will embrace them, including making America the world capital for crypto and #Bitcoin.”
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Binance CEO reveals CZ's lifetime ban is a hard blowZhao was excluded from Binance's management but retains influence as a major shareholder. Binance restructures its board to improve governance amid regulatory challenges. Zhao plans further investments in blockchain, AI and biotech after Binance exit. Changpeng Zhao, founder and former CEO of Binance, has officially stepped down, marking the end of his leadership of one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. The move comes as part of a legal settlement with U.S. authorities after Zhao faced multiple charges related to regulatory violations.

Binance CEO reveals CZ's lifetime ban is a hard blow

Zhao was excluded from Binance's management but retains influence as a major shareholder.
Binance restructures its board to improve governance amid regulatory challenges.
Zhao plans further investments in blockchain, AI and biotech after Binance exit.
Changpeng Zhao, founder and former CEO of Binance, has officially stepped down, marking the end of his leadership of one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges. The move comes as part of a legal settlement with U.S. authorities after Zhao faced multiple charges related to regulatory violations.
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🚹 Bitcoin Spot ETFs See Significant Net Outflows! 🚹 On September 6, #Bitcoin spot ETFs saw a significant net outflow of $170 million, extending an 8-day streak of capital outflows. 📉💾 This sustained pullback suggests a shift in sentiment, possibly due to market volatility or a strategic rebalancing. The market, known for its ups and downs, could be entering a phase where investors are either taking profits or moving into safer assets. Despite its reputation as an inflation hedge, these capital outflows could signal a broader correction or a re-evaluation of risk. #TopCoinsSeptember #Bitcoin {spot}(BTCUSDT)
🚹 Bitcoin Spot ETFs See Significant Net Outflows! 🚹

On September 6, #Bitcoin spot ETFs saw a significant net outflow of $170 million, extending an 8-day streak of capital outflows. 📉💾 This sustained pullback suggests a shift in sentiment, possibly due to market volatility or a strategic rebalancing. The market, known for its ups and downs, could be entering a phase where investors are either taking profits or moving into safer assets. Despite its reputation as an inflation hedge, these capital outflows could signal a broader correction or a re-evaluation of risk. #TopCoinsSeptember #Bitcoin
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Bitcoin: Mastercard launches a self-managed cryptoFri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A. For 50 years, Mastercard has been a payments giant, with more than 3 billion active cards worldwide. Whether credit cards, traveller's cheques or other solutions, the company has known how to adapt. Lately, it has broadened its horizons by launching services related to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin cards. But the most audacious remains the new crypto card, a real revolution in the universe of digital payments.

Bitcoin: Mastercard launches a self-managed crypto

Fri 06 Sep 2024 â–Ș 4 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A.
For 50 years, Mastercard has been a payments giant, with more than 3 billion active cards worldwide. Whether credit cards, traveller's cheques or other solutions, the company has known how to adapt. Lately, it has broadened its horizons by launching services related to cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin cards. But the most audacious remains the new crypto card, a real revolution in the universe of digital payments.
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Polygon 2.0 Introduces AggLayer Protocol for Web3 Unification Polygon CEO Marc Boiron announces the AggLayer protocol for connecting blockchain networks. AggLayer is part of Polygon 2.0 and focuses on scalability and interoperability in Web3. The protocol aims to unify layer-1 blockchains such as Ethereum and Solana. Marc Boiron, CEO of Polygon Labs, has introduced the AggLayer protocol, which aims to unify the Web3 ecosystem. The protocol will integrate major layer-1 networks such as Ethereum and Solana into Polygon 2.0, promoting infinite scalability and interoperability. AggLayer: A Bridge for Web3 The introduction of the AggLayer protocol is a key part of Polygon’s 2.0 vision, which addresses scalability and interoperability challenges in the blockchain industry. It seamlessly connects Web3 ecosystems with layer-1 networks like Ethereum and Solana. Boiron described AggLayer as a transformative protocol designed to go beyond individual ecosystems and integrate the entire Web3 space. He stated: “AggLayer represents Polygon’s commitment to solving the most pressing problems in blockchain technology: scalability and interoperability. It will enable users and developers to interact across multiple networks without the limitations
 The post Polygon 2.0 Introduces AggLayer Protocol for Web3 Unification appeared first on Coin Edition. #TopCoinsSeptember #Binance {spot}(MATICUSDT)
Polygon 2.0 Introduces AggLayer Protocol for Web3 Unification

Polygon CEO Marc Boiron announces the AggLayer protocol for connecting blockchain networks.
AggLayer is part of Polygon 2.0 and focuses on scalability and interoperability in Web3.
The protocol aims to unify layer-1 blockchains such as Ethereum and Solana.
Marc Boiron, CEO of Polygon Labs, has introduced the AggLayer protocol, which aims to unify the Web3 ecosystem. The protocol will integrate major layer-1 networks such as Ethereum and Solana into Polygon 2.0, promoting infinite scalability and interoperability.
AggLayer: A Bridge for Web3
The introduction of the AggLayer protocol is a key part of Polygon’s 2.0 vision, which addresses scalability and interoperability challenges in the blockchain industry. It seamlessly connects Web3 ecosystems with layer-1 networks like Ethereum and Solana.
Boiron described AggLayer as a transformative protocol designed to go beyond individual ecosystems and integrate the entire Web3 space. He stated:
“AggLayer represents Polygon’s commitment to solving the most pressing problems in blockchain technology: scalability and interoperability. It will enable users and developers to interact across multiple networks without the limitations

The post Polygon 2.0 Introduces AggLayer Protocol for Web3 Unification appeared first on Coin Edition.
#TopCoinsSeptember #Binance
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Crypto: Kamala Harris accepts bitcoin donations via Coinbase!Thu 05 Sep 2024 â–Ș 3 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A. Between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the presidential battle is set to be intense. And to win the hearts of Americans, the candidates are doubling down on their ingenuity, including seducing crypto fans. Kamala Harris surprised the world by accepting cryptocurrency donations via Coinbase, a bold gesture in a campaign where every detail can make a difference. The details of this decision, below! Harris embraces the crypto wave with Coinbase

Crypto: Kamala Harris accepts bitcoin donations via Coinbase!

Thu 05 Sep 2024 â–Ș 3 min read â–Ș by Mikaia A.
Between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, the presidential battle is set to be intense. And to win the hearts of Americans, the candidates are doubling down on their ingenuity, including seducing crypto fans. Kamala Harris surprised the world by accepting cryptocurrency donations via Coinbase, a bold gesture in a campaign where every detail can make a difference. The details of this decision, below!
Harris embraces the crypto wave with Coinbase
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Title: Theft Unfolds: $234 Million Vanishes in Epic Cryptocurrency Laundering Scheme In a shocking twist, the notorious hacking group, believed to be the North Korea-linked Lazarus, has struck again – this time, turning their ill-gotten gains from the $234 million WazirX hack into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. In July, hackers infiltrated WazirX, one of India’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and stole a fortune in crypto assets including PEPE, Shiba Inu, and MATIC. These digital assets were quickly converted into 2,600 ETH (an estimated $4.3 million at today’s exchange rate) and funneled into Tornado Cash, the shadowy cryptocurrency mixer known for its ability to hide the origin of funds. Tornado Cash, famous for its role in laundering huge sums of stolen cryptocurrency, is no stranger to controversy. Banned by the US government and with one of its developers jailed in the Netherlands, the platform remains a go-to resource for cybercriminals looking to cover their tracks. This latest move by Lazarus smacks of sophistication, indicating a well-planned operation aimed at disappearing the stolen fortune without a trace. Lazarus, the same group that shook the world in 2022 by stealing $600 million from the Ronin sidechain, is back in the headlines. Their audacious exploits not only threaten the global financial system, but are also allegedly funding North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. As the global hunt intensifies, investigators are racing to track down the elusive cybercriminals before the funds disappear into the ether forever. With withdrawals still frozen on WazirX since the July breach, the saga of this monumental heist is far from over. The world watches with bated breath as the next chapter of this high-stakes thriller unfolds.
Title: Theft Unfolds: $234 Million Vanishes in Epic Cryptocurrency Laundering Scheme
In a shocking twist, the notorious hacking group, believed to be the North Korea-linked Lazarus, has struck again – this time, turning their ill-gotten gains from the $234 million WazirX hack into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
In July, hackers infiltrated WazirX, one of India’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and stole a fortune in crypto assets including PEPE, Shiba Inu, and MATIC. These digital assets were quickly converted into 2,600 ETH (an estimated $4.3 million at today’s exchange rate) and funneled into Tornado Cash, the shadowy cryptocurrency mixer known for its ability to hide the origin of funds.
Tornado Cash, famous for its role in laundering huge sums of stolen cryptocurrency, is no stranger to controversy. Banned by the US government and with one of its developers jailed in the Netherlands, the platform remains a go-to resource for cybercriminals looking to cover their tracks. This latest move by Lazarus smacks of sophistication, indicating a well-planned operation aimed at disappearing the stolen fortune without a trace.
Lazarus, the same group that shook the world in 2022 by stealing $600 million from the Ronin sidechain, is back in the headlines. Their audacious exploits not only threaten the global financial system, but are also allegedly funding North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
As the global hunt intensifies, investigators are racing to track down the elusive cybercriminals before the funds disappear into the ether forever. With withdrawals still frozen on WazirX since the July breach, the saga of this monumental heist is far from over. The world watches with bated breath as the next chapter of this high-stakes thriller unfolds.
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