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Binance Launchpool's 54th ProjectđŸ”„â€ą NOTCOIN Notcoin is a game on The Open Network (#TON ) blockchain network. Notcoin was founded in 2024 on the Telegram messaging application with a tap-to-earn system. an interesting token where we can get the $NOT token from the tap-to-earn mining mechanism, $Notcoin also participates in bringing many users to the world #Web3. There are currently more than 35 million players and a peak of 6 million daily active users, which is an incredible achievement for the worldwide Crypto user community.

Binance Launchpool's 54th ProjectđŸ”„


Notcoin is a game on The Open Network (#TON ) blockchain network. Notcoin was founded in 2024 on the Telegram messaging application with a tap-to-earn system.
an interesting token where we can get the $NOT token from the tap-to-earn mining mechanism, $Notcoin also participates in bringing many users to the world #Web3.
There are currently more than 35 million players and a peak of 6 million daily active users, which is an incredible achievement for the worldwide Crypto user community.
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Bappeti Officially Launches Indonesian Crypto Exchange
Bappeti Officially Launches Indonesian Crypto Exchange
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Why Are Cryptocurrency Prices So Fluctuous?One of the main characteristics of cryptocurrencies is high price volatility. Cryptocurrency prices often experience significant fluctuations over short periods of time. Ok In this article, Let's discuss some of the factors that cause cryptocurrency prices to fluctuate so much. 1. Immature Market: The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new and not as fully mature as traditional markets. The number of users, liquidity, and investor participation in the cryptocurrency market are still fluctuating and unstable. This can cause sharp and rapid price changes because transactions occur on a smaller scale.

Why Are Cryptocurrency Prices So Fluctuous?

One of the main characteristics of cryptocurrencies is high price volatility. Cryptocurrency prices often experience significant fluctuations over short periods of time. Ok In this article, Let's discuss some of the factors that cause cryptocurrency prices to fluctuate so much.

1. Immature Market:

The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new and not as fully mature as traditional markets. The number of users, liquidity, and investor participation in the cryptocurrency market are still fluctuating and unstable. This can cause sharp and rapid price changes because transactions occur on a smaller scale.
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Getting to know ICO (Initial Coin Offering)Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a funding mechanism used by new projects or companies in the cryptocurrency industry. ICOs allow them to raise funds by selling their tokens to investors in exchange for cryptocurrency or fiat currency. In this article, Let's discuss in more detail what ICOs are, how they work, and why they are becoming popular. 1. Definition of ICO: ICO is the process where a new blockchain-based project or company issues and sells their tokens to investors as a form of initial funding. These tokens are often used as access to products or services offered by the project, or as a form of ownership in the project. ICOs are often conducted using cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

Getting to know ICO (Initial Coin Offering)

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a funding mechanism used by new projects or companies in the cryptocurrency industry. ICOs allow them to raise funds by selling their tokens to investors in exchange for cryptocurrency or fiat currency. In this article, Let's discuss in more detail what ICOs are, how they work, and why they are becoming popular.

1. Definition of ICO:

ICO is the process where a new blockchain-based project or company issues and sells their tokens to investors as a form of initial funding. These tokens are often used as access to products or services offered by the project, or as a form of ownership in the project. ICOs are often conducted using cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
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What is Stablecoin?Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain the stability of their value. In contrast to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin whose prices are very volatile, stablecoins have the main goal of creating stability and maintaining a fixed value in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Let's discuss what stablecoins are, how they work, and why they are important in the world of cryptocurrency. 1. Stablecoins: Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies whose value is tied to or tied to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency (such as the US dollar or euro), a commodity, or even another cryptocurrency that is stable in value. The main goal of stablecoins is to create stability of value in transactions and provide a more stable alternative to cryptocurrencies whose value is highly volatile.

What is Stablecoin?

Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency designed to maintain the stability of their value. In contrast to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin whose prices are very volatile, stablecoins have the main goal of creating stability and maintaining a fixed value in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Let's discuss what stablecoins are, how they work, and why they are important in the world of cryptocurrency.

1. Stablecoins:

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies whose value is tied to or tied to a stable asset, such as a fiat currency (such as the US dollar or euro), a commodity, or even another cryptocurrency that is stable in value. The main goal of stablecoins is to create stability of value in transactions and provide a more stable alternative to cryptocurrencies whose value is highly volatile.
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Altcoins: Another Alternative to BitcoinBesides Bitcoin, there are many other cryptocurrencies known as "altcoins" (alternative coins). Altcoin is a term commonly used to refer to all cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. Altcoins have a variety of different characteristics, goals and technologies. In this article, we'll explain what altcoins are, why they're important, and some examples of popular altcoins worth paying attention to. 1. What are Altcoins? Altcoin is an abbreviation of "alternative coin", which means a cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, many developers and project teams have tried to create new innovations in the world of cryptocurrency by creating altcoins. Altcoins have unique features and often target different use cases.

Altcoins: Another Alternative to Bitcoin

Besides Bitcoin, there are many other cryptocurrencies known as "altcoins" (alternative coins). Altcoin is a term commonly used to refer to all cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. Altcoins have a variety of different characteristics, goals and technologies. In this article, we'll explain what altcoins are, why they're important, and some examples of popular altcoins worth paying attention to.

1. What are Altcoins?

Altcoin is an abbreviation of "alternative coin", which means a cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, many developers and project teams have tried to create new innovations in the world of cryptocurrency by creating altcoins. Altcoins have unique features and often target different use cases.
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Securing Accounts: Tips to protect yourself from Phishing and Hacking AttacksIn an increasingly advanced digital era, cryptocurrency account security is very important. Here are practical tips on how you can secure your cryptocurrency account from phishing and hacking attacks. By following the right steps, you can protect your investments and maintain privacy and security when using cryptocurrency. 1. Recognize Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks are a common method used by cybercriminals to steal personal information such as passwords and private keys. It's important to recognize the signs of a phishing attack, such as fake emails or websites that imitate genuine platforms. Pay attention to suspicious URLs and never give out your personal information carelessly.

Securing Accounts: Tips to protect yourself from Phishing and Hacking Attacks

In an increasingly advanced digital era, cryptocurrency account security is very important.

Here are practical tips on how you can secure your cryptocurrency account from phishing and hacking attacks. By following the right steps, you can protect your investments and maintain privacy and security when using cryptocurrency.

1. Recognize Phishing Attacks:

Phishing attacks are a common method used by cybercriminals to steal personal information such as passwords and private keys. It's important to recognize the signs of a phishing attack, such as fake emails or websites that imitate genuine platforms. Pay attention to suspicious URLs and never give out your personal information carelessly.
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BITCOIN Vs ETHEREUM : Understanding the Differences Between the Two Biggest Crypto Currencies In the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum have become two very well-known names. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum have played an important role in the development of blockchain technology and the decentralized financial revolution. However, there are important differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the basic differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum and their roles in the crypto ecosystem. I. Bitcoins: Understanding Bitcoin: The first cryptocurrency introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.

BITCOIN Vs ETHEREUM : Understanding the Differences Between the Two Biggest Crypto Currencies

In the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum have become two very well-known names. Both Bitcoin and Ethereum have played an important role in the development of blockchain technology and the decentralized financial revolution. However, there are important differences between the two. In this article, we will explore the basic differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum and their roles in the crypto ecosystem.

I. Bitcoins:

Understanding Bitcoin: The first cryptocurrency introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
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A recent poll conducted by Harvard University revealed that Elon Musk is considered one of the most liked political figures in the US, even surpassing Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
A recent poll conducted by Harvard University revealed that Elon Musk is considered one of the most liked political figures in the US, even surpassing Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
CEO BlackRock mengatakan peran kripto adalah untuk mendigitalkan emas dan Bitcoin adalah aset internasional yang independen, tak terikat dengan negara mana pun serta mata uang mana pun. #crypto2023 #bitcoin
CEO BlackRock mengatakan peran kripto adalah untuk mendigitalkan emas dan Bitcoin adalah aset internasional yang independen, tak terikat dengan negara mana pun serta mata uang mana pun.

#crypto2023 #bitcoin
Mengenal DeFi (Keuangan Terdesentralisasi): Revolusi Keuangan di Era Digital.Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, perkembangan teknologi blockchain telah membawa transformasi besar dalam dunia keuangan. Salah satu inovasi terpenting yang muncul adalah DeFi, singkatan dari Keuangan Terdesentralisasi. DeFi menghadirkan sistem keuangan baru yang tidak bergantung pada lembaga keuangan tradisional. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi konsep dan potensi DeFi serta bagaimana hal itu dapat mengubah cara kita memandang dan menggunakan uang. I. Apa itu DeFi? Definisi DeFi: Konsep Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk menciptakan layanan keuangan yang terbuka dan transparan. Perbedaan antara DeFi dan Keuangan Tradisional: Penghapusan perantara, transparansi, aksesibilitas yang lebih luas, dan kendali penuh oleh pengguna. II. Komponen Utama DeFi: A. Smart Contracts: Pengertian Smart Contract: Protokol yang dieksekusi secara otomatis berdasarkan kondisi yang ditentukan. Peran Smart Contract dalam DeFi: Membuat transaksi dan layanan keuangan dapat dilakukan tanpa kehadiran perantara. B. Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): Pengertian DEX: Platform pertukaran aset digital yang tidak diatur oleh pihak ketiga. Keuntungan DEX: Tidak memerlukan kepercayaan pada pihak ketiga, kontrol pengguna atas dana mereka, dan likuiditas yang lebih tinggi. C. Lending dan Borrowing: Pengertian Lending dan Borrowing di DeFi: Pengguna dapat meminjam dan meminjamkan aset digital mereka secara langsung, tanpa melalui lembaga keuangan tradisional. Keuntungan Lending dan Borrowing di DeFi: Tingkat suku bunga yang lebih kompetitif, aksesibilitas yang lebih luas, dan penyelesaian cepat. III. Potensi DeFi: A. Inklusi Keuangan: DeFi memberikan akses ke layanan keuangan bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki akses ke sistem keuangan tradisional. Potensi mengatasi masalah ketidaksetaraan akses ke layanan keuangan di negara-negara berkembang. B. Pengurangan Biaya: Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lembaga keuangan tradisional. Mengurangi biaya intermediasi dan birokrasi dalam transaksi keuangan. C. Inovasi Keuangan: DeFi mendorong inovasi baru dalam produk dan layanan keuangan. Contoh inovasi seperti tokenisasi aset, prediksi pasar, dan manajemen risiko otomatis. IV. Tantangan dan Risiko DeFi: ‱ Keamanan: Risiko serangan siber dan kerentanan dalam smart contracts.

Mengenal DeFi (Keuangan Terdesentralisasi): Revolusi Keuangan di Era Digital.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, perkembangan teknologi blockchain telah membawa transformasi besar dalam dunia keuangan. Salah satu inovasi terpenting yang muncul adalah DeFi, singkatan dari Keuangan Terdesentralisasi. DeFi menghadirkan sistem keuangan baru yang tidak bergantung pada lembaga keuangan tradisional. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi konsep dan potensi DeFi serta bagaimana hal itu dapat mengubah cara kita memandang dan menggunakan uang.

I. Apa itu DeFi?

Definisi DeFi: Konsep Keuangan Terdesentralisasi yang menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk menciptakan layanan keuangan yang terbuka dan transparan.

Perbedaan antara DeFi dan Keuangan Tradisional: Penghapusan perantara, transparansi, aksesibilitas yang lebih luas, dan kendali penuh oleh pengguna.

II. Komponen Utama DeFi:

A. Smart Contracts:

Pengertian Smart Contract: Protokol yang dieksekusi secara otomatis berdasarkan kondisi yang ditentukan.

Peran Smart Contract dalam DeFi: Membuat transaksi dan layanan keuangan dapat dilakukan tanpa kehadiran perantara.

B. Decentralized Exchanges (DEX):

Pengertian DEX: Platform pertukaran aset digital yang tidak diatur oleh pihak ketiga.

Keuntungan DEX: Tidak memerlukan kepercayaan pada pihak ketiga, kontrol pengguna atas dana mereka, dan likuiditas yang lebih tinggi.

C. Lending dan Borrowing:

Pengertian Lending dan Borrowing di DeFi: Pengguna dapat meminjam dan meminjamkan aset digital mereka secara langsung, tanpa melalui lembaga keuangan tradisional.

Keuntungan Lending dan Borrowing di DeFi: Tingkat suku bunga yang lebih kompetitif, aksesibilitas yang lebih luas, dan penyelesaian cepat.

III. Potensi DeFi:

A. Inklusi Keuangan:

DeFi memberikan akses ke layanan keuangan bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki akses ke sistem keuangan tradisional.

Potensi mengatasi masalah ketidaksetaraan akses ke layanan keuangan di negara-negara berkembang.

B. Pengurangan Biaya:

Biaya transaksi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lembaga keuangan tradisional.

Mengurangi biaya intermediasi dan birokrasi dalam transaksi keuangan.

C. Inovasi Keuangan:

DeFi mendorong inovasi baru dalam produk dan layanan keuangan.

Contoh inovasi seperti tokenisasi aset, prediksi pasar, dan manajemen risiko otomatis.

IV. Tantangan dan Risiko DeFi:

‱ Keamanan: Risiko serangan siber dan kerentanan dalam smart contracts.
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WHAT IS DEX?Hello! Have you ever heard of DEX? DEX stands for Decentralized Exchange. This is a platform where you can buy, sell, or exchange digital assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum without having to involve intermediaries such as banks. Here, I will explain DEX in simple language so that it is easy to understand. So, DEX is different from traditional digital asset exchanges. Usually, when you want to buy or sell cryptocurrency, you have to go through a bank or a platform like Binance. But with DEX, you can transact directly with other people without intermediaries. So, you have direct control over your digital assets.


Hello! Have you ever heard of DEX? DEX stands for Decentralized Exchange. This is a platform where you can buy, sell, or exchange digital assets such as Bitcoin or Ethereum without having to involve intermediaries such as banks. Here, I will explain DEX in simple language so that it is easy to understand.

So, DEX is different from traditional digital asset exchanges. Usually, when you want to buy or sell cryptocurrency, you have to go through a bank or a platform like Binance. But with DEX, you can transact directly with other people without intermediaries. So, you have direct control over your digital assets.
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WHAT IS CEX? CEX is an online platform used to buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. So, just imagine CEX like a place on the internet to trade cryptocurrencies. CEX is very popular because it is easy to use. You can register on the CEX platform and start buying or selling cryptocurrencies quickly. You can even exchange one cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency. The advantage of using CEX is that you can find buyers or sellers easily. So, if you want to sell Bitcoin for example, you can quickly find people who want to buy it. CEXs also usually have additional features, such as futures trading and margin trading, that can help you earn more profits.


CEX is an online platform used to buy and sell cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. So, just imagine CEX like a place on the internet to trade cryptocurrencies.

CEX is very popular because it is easy to use. You can register on the CEX platform and start buying or selling cryptocurrencies quickly. You can even exchange one cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency.

The advantage of using CEX is that you can find buyers or sellers easily. So, if you want to sell Bitcoin for example, you can quickly find people who want to buy it. CEXs also usually have additional features, such as futures trading and margin trading, that can help you earn more profits.
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South Korea has passed its first standalone cryptocurrency law, aimed at protecting investors and regulating the digital assets sector. The law defines digital assets, imposes penalties for violations, and grants supervisory powers to authorities.
South Korea has passed its first standalone cryptocurrency law, aimed at protecting investors and regulating the digital assets sector. The law defines digital assets, imposes penalties for violations, and grants supervisory powers to authorities.
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The UK Parliament has passed the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 recognizing cryptocurrencies as a regulated financial activity in the country. They received royal assent from King Charles and have become law. The bill gives regulatory powers to the Treasury, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Bank of England and the Payment Systems Regulator to introduce and enforce regulations for the crypto and stablecoin sectors. Specific regulations for this sector could be implemented within the next 12 months. #crypto2023
The UK Parliament has passed the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 recognizing cryptocurrencies as a regulated financial activity in the country. They received royal assent from King Charles and have become law.

The bill gives regulatory powers to the Treasury, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Bank of England and the Payment Systems Regulator to introduce and enforce regulations for the crypto and stablecoin sectors. Specific regulations for this sector could be implemented within the next 12 months.

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Hong Kong's largest bank, HSBC now allows customers to trade Bitcoin and Ether ETFs listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Hong Kong's largest bank, HSBC now allows customers to trade Bitcoin and Ether ETFs listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange.
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