I bought Ton a long time ago, starting at $1.5 and only because of Pavlik Durov. There is a product, there are real users of Telegram. It was clear what he wanted to do, but the risks were that his friends from the SEC could interfere and try to ruin the global plan. To some extent, they succeeded, but that time, in the end, money triumphed over evil) I was sure that Binance would list the project; they needed to enter the UAE market. I fixed my profit at 7.9. And now I'm buying NOT. It's "lighter" and not yet filled with news agenda. Plus, this is reinvestment from the profit of Ton, so I am ready to take the risk. So far, +5% from the entry point. $TON
BTC is trading at $75k, and traders report 8-12 months until the peak of the cycle. Let's hope history repeats itself once again 💸 Despite yesterday's record trading volume of Bitcoin-ETF ($6 billion), the inflow was only $621.9 million. IBIT from BlackRock took $4.1 billion in volume, and by the end of the trading day, their ETF was down $69 million 😮 Senator Cynthia Lummis has proposed a bill to create a strategic BTC reserve: the U.S. should purchase 200,000 BTC per year to accumulate 1,000,000 BTC over 5 years 💰 France plans to ban Polymarket. According to the country's law, the service is comparable to gambling 🚫 A whale who bought 11,005 ETH 8 years ago for $38k sold everything and made $30.56 million (802x) 🤑 After Trump's victory, Elon Musk's capital grew by 7.5% ($20 billion) 🕑 🔹 Top-3 in 24 hours: Ethena - $0.5278 (↑30.40%) Raydium - $4.81 (↑30.12%) Neiro - $0.002081 (↑20.54%) $BTC
🚨Whale investors are pouring millions into $PEPE as interest grows
The token $PEPE is back in the spotlight as large investors, known as whales, are buying huge volumes of the meme token. Recent purchases show that interest in PEPE is growing, with millions being invested in just a few hours. A major investor identified by the wallet '0x51c' recently drew attention by buying over $5.1 million in $PEPE . This whale deposited $5.5 million USDT on Binance, then withdrew 535.81 billion PEPE tokens, worth about $5.09 million. This is not the first big success for 0x51c, who previously made a total of $2.02 million on tokens like $BRETT, $TURBO, $LINK, and $PEPE . However, they also incurred a loss of $238,000 on investments in $ONDO and $FLOKI.
How I turned $15 into $10,789 in just 3 months – a step-by-step guide
🚨# 🚨🚨 The world of cryptocurrency trading is full of excitement, volatility, and the potential for incredible profits. As a newcomer, it may seem like a daunting task to turn a small investment into a substantial amount, but with the right strategy and mindset, it is absolutely possible.