#交易热点 Even with the best technology, it's difficult to achieve a unity of knowledge and action; if you can't execute well yourself, copying top traders from Binance will still lead to losses. Therefore, I have written my techniques into code for automatic execution. The accuracy rate in testing is 99.9% (achieving the highest at the peak, the lowest at the bottom, and quick profit-taking). It should be operational in about three days.
Starting in December, aiming for a threefold increase in January and a tenfold increase in three months.
Sorry, this program cannot handle the unilateralism. The public domain is suspended, the risk is too high. Wait for the direction to be determined and manually make long-term trend orders
Today's order is a loss. It is recommended to withdraw the money, keep a small amount of funds for gamble, or move it to the private domain. The bull market volatility is too high and has exceeded control. The proportion has been reduced. The private domain has configured a new strategy
Those who have followed me can decide whether to allocate some funds to the private domain. Private domain operations are flexible and can gain higher profits, and there is a stop loss.