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Majed Ismael
Acala Token Analysis
Acala Token ( $ACA ). It is considered a long-term investment currency. By watching the monthly currency frame, we find that the currency was in a sideways trend stage (a stage of currency accumulation, and in very large quantities). The accumulation began in June of last year 2023 AD. As for the current month (November 2024 AD), we find that the largest number of the currency has been accumulated since its history.
A respected point of view. And basically, if it is not a sale, it will not be a purchase. Look at the amount of the symbol $PIVX, it is very small. So I am fully confident that it will lead to a ride 🚀 not to the moon, but to Ulyanus. Hold on 😎
Elayne Valenzano k1AU
$PIVX My point of view Leave the short positions alone, he will sell where others buy and he will not be able to buy again, and believe it or not, it will exceed $1 and may be further than that
$TNSR The snake has passed, passed, passed, from its tail seven turns. Instead of making one turn, make it seven turns, and so on, meaning a 10% increase. Do it the Yemeni way, 50%, and so on 😜😇
marginal demand When you place a limit order, you can choose the maximum buy price or the minimum sell price. The trading platform will automatically attempt to execute the limit order when the market price reaches the limit price or a better price. These orders are useful when you are targeting a specific price to enter or exit a trade and don’t mind waiting for market conditions to meet your criteria.