⛔⛔ BIG BREAKING ⛔⛔ PAVEL DUROV IS UNDER ARREST Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France, French media say. In the most shocking turn of events, Pavel Durov, billionaire founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app was arrested at the Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening, TF1 TV and BFM TV said, citing unnamed sources. Durov was travelling aboard his private jet, TF1 said on its website, adding he had been targeted by an arrest warrant in France as part of a prelim
Shocking Drop or Chance to Get Rich? Investors Are Buying Notcoin on the Crash! Find Out What They Know # Crash or Opportunity? How Notcoin's Crash Could Be Your Key to Success! $NOT Picture this: June 2024, when Notcoin, the flashy new token from Telegram, literally skyrocketed, setting records. Investors rejoiced, be cause behind every price jump was not only the technology, but also the faith in the future of Web3. But suddenly, something went wrong. In a matter of weeks, Notcoin crashed by 62%. Many panicked, but not those who see what is behind this fall. #Notcion #notcoincommunity
🔴🚨 TODAY BREAKING NEWS 🔴🚨 🔴🔴🔴 ALERT ALERT ALERT 🔴🔴🔴 The Central Bank kept the policy rate constant at 50%. #NewsAboutCrypto #newsdaily #BigNews #MicroStrategy
$NOT Current Price: 0.016246 (-0.73%) Since $NOT is currently classified as a gaming coin and is showing lower highs (LH) and lower lows (LL) daily, I believe many people will lose hope and sell at a loss. However, they should know that $NOT is filling the order block of the big bullish candle from last week. Those who buy and hold #Notcoin👀🔥 will profit because it will form higher lows (HL) and higher highs (HH) after filling the gap left by the big bullish candle on the daily chart. Simply wait for the significant volatility that is expected soon and avoid going below 0.035. #ETHETFsApproved #Binance200M #IOprediction
#NOT Notcoin token: a symbol of freedom and eternity! From this moment on, Notcoin token is no longer controlled by anyone, it is free! This not only means that no one can create this unique token at will, but also its name and that super cool image have become eternal classics and can never be changed. This project is now completely free from the shackles of centralization, like an unrestrained wild horse, galloping freely in the world of cryptocurrency. Notcoin now truly belongs to everyone, and no one can claim to be its owner. Its rights have been completely released and will never be taken back. That unique name? It is a unique logo! That eye-catching logo? It will shine forever in the history of cryptocurrency! What's more exciting is that the total amount of Notcoin has been firmly locked, and no one can let it overflow. Now, all we can do is cherish these unique tokens, make them our treasures, and witness this extraordinary legend of cryptocurrency together! #Notcoin👀🔥
I asked ChatGPT 4o The Future of #NotCoin: #### Short-term Price Prediction (One Month) In the next month, NotCoin is expected to grow a lot. Right now, NotCoin is worth about 8 cents. Some experts think that by the end of June 2024, it could go up to around 24 cents. This big increase is because more people are playing the game and earning NotCoins. When more people want a coin, its price usually goes up. #### Mid-term Price Prediction (One Year) Looking ahead to one year from now, experts believe that NotCoin will keep growing. By the end of 2024, NotCoin might be worth about 34 cents. This would be a big increase from its current price. The reasons for this growth include the ongoing development of the NotCoin game and more people using it. NotCoin is also getting more support from other blockchain projects and companies, which helps it grow. But just like with short-term predictions, the price can still change a lot because of different factors like market trends and regulations. #### Long-term Price Prediction (Ten Years) Thinking about the long-term future, like ten years from now, experts think NotCoin could grow even more. By 2034, NotCoin could be worth around $0.21. This prediction is based on the idea that more and more people will start using digital currencies for everyday things, and NotCoin will continue to be popular because of its fun and easy-to-use game. Over the next ten years, NotCoin will likely add more features and get more users, which can help its price go up. However, it's important to understand that the cryptocurrency market can be very unpredictable, and these long-term predictions are just estimates. ### Conclusion NotCoin is an interesting digital currency with a lot of potential for growth. In the short term, experts think its price could go up a lot, especially by the end of June 2024. Over the next year, the price might continue to rise as more people use the game and the currency. Looking even further ahead, NotCoin could see significant growth over the next ten years. Disclaimer: Includes thrid-party #Notcoin👀🔥 #NOT