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{future}(BTCUSDT) The size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet has shrunk to approximately US$7.109 trillion as of September 17, a cumulative decrease of approximately US$1.39 trillion from the beginning of the year, showing a continued trend of balance sheet reduction. Although the market is generally optimistic due to the 50 basis points cut by the Federal Reserve, believing that this marks the beginning of the bull market, attracting a large influx of new investors, and is accompanied by the significant rise of Bitcoin and some altcoins such as aave, sui, saga, etc., Among them, SUI and SAGA even achieved doubling, but the author is cautious about this. The author emphasizes that although interest rate cuts are regarded as positive, they do not mean a direct increase in liquidity. Real liquidity improvement requires funds to actually flow into the market. He further explained the basic principles of the Fed's balance sheet expansion and reduction, pointing out that balance sheet reduction is the Fed's behavior to reduce the size of its balance sheet as a means of monetary tightening. In the process of shrinking its balance sheet, the Fed mainly reduces the size of its securities holdings by stopping reinvestment in maturing securities, rather than actively selling them. If the interest-bearing Treasury bonds maturing that month are not enough to meet the reduction target, the Fed will sell short-term Treasury bonds to make up the difference. As the bonds held by the Fed mature, the Treasury issues new Treasury securities to the private sector to refinance the principal, which in the process withdraws money from banks, reducing bank reserves. Ultimately, as the principal of maturing bonds is repaid, the Fed's securities holdings on the asset side decline, and the reserve balances of commercial banks on the liability side also decrease accordingly. To sum up, although the market is optimistic in the short term due to interest rate cuts, the author remains cautious about the future market based on the continued lack of liquidity caused by the Fed's balance sheet reduction.

The size of the Federal Reserve's balance sheet has shrunk to approximately US$7.109 trillion as of September 17, a cumulative decrease of approximately US$1.39 trillion from the beginning of the year, showing a continued trend of balance sheet reduction. Although the market is generally optimistic due to the 50 basis points cut by the Federal Reserve, believing that this marks the beginning of the bull market, attracting a large influx of new investors, and is accompanied by the significant rise of Bitcoin and some altcoins such as aave, sui, saga, etc., Among them, SUI and SAGA even achieved doubling, but the author is cautious about this.
The author emphasizes that although interest rate cuts are regarded as positive, they do not mean a direct increase in liquidity. Real liquidity improvement requires funds to actually flow into the market. He further explained the basic principles of the Fed's balance sheet expansion and reduction, pointing out that balance sheet reduction is the Fed's behavior to reduce the size of its balance sheet as a means of monetary tightening. In the process of shrinking its balance sheet, the Fed mainly reduces the size of its securities holdings by stopping reinvestment in maturing securities, rather than actively selling them. If the interest-bearing Treasury bonds maturing that month are not enough to meet the reduction target, the Fed will sell short-term Treasury bonds to make up the difference. As the bonds held by the Fed mature, the Treasury issues new Treasury securities to the private sector to refinance the principal, which in the process withdraws money from banks, reducing bank reserves. Ultimately, as the principal of maturing bonds is repaid, the Fed's securities holdings on the asset side decline, and the reserve balances of commercial banks on the liability side also decrease accordingly.
To sum up, although the market is optimistic in the short term due to interest rate cuts, the author remains cautious about the future market based on the continued lack of liquidity caused by the Fed's balance sheet reduction.
{future}(BTCUSDT) 连续两日的上涨势头之后,市场预计将进入一段横盘震荡阶段,此期间任何回调都可能成为新的入场契机。降息政策实施以来,市场迅速反弹,几乎收复了之前的失地,重返次高点,这一景象极大地提振了市场情绪,让许多原本岌岌可危的交易单起死回生,投资者的热情也随之悄然复苏。 然而,市场的两面性在此刻尤为明显,有人因正确判断而收获颇丰,也有人因逆向操作,尤其是那些在降息后冒险开立高杠杆空单的投资者,此刻正面临爆仓的危机,心中满是苦涩。 对于新加入“十三圈”的每一位成员,我通常都会强调我们的投资哲学——即在趋势未明朗之前,谨慎对待合约交易。遗憾的是,尽管多次提醒,仍有个别成员未能遵循建议,反而在降息后冒险操作,现在陷入了进退两难的境地,纷纷向我寻求指导。面对这样的情境,即便是经验丰富的我也难以给出万全之策,因为此刻的任何操作都如同在刀锋上舞蹈,稍有不慎便可能满盘皆输。 借此机会,我再次郑重提醒所有币圈参与者:切勿怀揣着一夜暴富的幻想踏入这个领域。相反,我们应当将目标设定得更加实际和稳健,比如通过稳健的投资策略,逐步积累小额收益,以此来改善生活品质。作为散户,在币圈追求直接实现财富自由的道路充满荆棘,尤其是试图通过单次高杠杆交易来达成这一目标的做法,更是风险极高,极易导致无法挽回的损失。

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{future}(BTCUSDT) {future}(ETHUSDT) {future}(BNBUSDT) In the current bull market environment, three altcoins have shown significant potential. They are REEF, OSMO and LINK. Each has become the focus of market attention with its different advantages and recent developments. REEF: REEF has recently ushered in a series of positive developments, not only recruiting engineers who focus on DAO protocol development, but also actively negotiating cooperation with CeFi and DeFi aggregators, centralized exchanges (CEX), and well-known wallet application teams. It is particularly worth mentioning that the REEF team has initially determined to cooperate with a CEX to list REEF and explore the feasibility of integrating the REEF chain into the existing CEX platform. In addition, REEF has also entered the gaming field, signing an agreement with a game development company, and plans to sponsor and participate in European blockchain events in the first quarter of 2025. Currently, the price of REEF is stable around US$0.002. Technical analysis shows that market sentiment is optimistic, indicating that it is expected to move towards US$0.0033 in the short term, and the longer-term goal is to rise to US$0.007876. However, all this depends on the overall market trend. Especially the stability of Bitcoin. OSMO: The Polaris function launched by the Osmosis platform aims to solve the DeFi fragmentation problem caused by the proliferation of blockchains. This feature provides users with a more convenient and smooth DeFi experience by simplifying multi-wallet management and cross-network transaction processes. From a technical analysis perspective, current market sentiment on Osmosis remains neutral, but 18 indicators show a positive outlook. In the short term, the price of Osmosis is expected to fluctuate in the range of $0.421898 to $0.587368. If it hits the upper limit, it will mean a 39.22% increase by September 23, 2024. LINK: As a decentralized platform, Chainlink's core value lies in seamlessly connecting smart contracts with external data sources through its node network, enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world data safely and reliably. Chainlink not only supports real-time data integration, but also provides solutions for off-chain computing and cross-chain interoperability, greatly expanding the functional boundaries of decentralized applications (dApps) that rely on external data. As Chainlink’s native cryptocurrency, LINK plays an important role in paying and compensating nodes that provide off-chain data and services to the platform.

In the current bull market environment, three altcoins have shown significant potential. They are REEF, OSMO and LINK. Each has become the focus of market attention with its different advantages and recent developments.
REEF has recently ushered in a series of positive developments, not only recruiting engineers who focus on DAO protocol development, but also actively negotiating cooperation with CeFi and DeFi aggregators, centralized exchanges (CEX), and well-known wallet application teams. It is particularly worth mentioning that the REEF team has initially determined to cooperate with a CEX to list REEF and explore the feasibility of integrating the REEF chain into the existing CEX platform. In addition, REEF has also entered the gaming field, signing an agreement with a game development company, and plans to sponsor and participate in European blockchain events in the first quarter of 2025. Currently, the price of REEF is stable around US$0.002. Technical analysis shows that market sentiment is optimistic, indicating that it is expected to move towards US$0.0033 in the short term, and the longer-term goal is to rise to US$0.007876. However, all this depends on the overall market trend. Especially the stability of Bitcoin.
The Polaris function launched by the Osmosis platform aims to solve the DeFi fragmentation problem caused by the proliferation of blockchains. This feature provides users with a more convenient and smooth DeFi experience by simplifying multi-wallet management and cross-network transaction processes. From a technical analysis perspective, current market sentiment on Osmosis remains neutral, but 18 indicators show a positive outlook. In the short term, the price of Osmosis is expected to fluctuate in the range of $0.421898 to $0.587368. If it hits the upper limit, it will mean a 39.22% increase by September 23, 2024.
As a decentralized platform, Chainlink's core value lies in seamlessly connecting smart contracts with external data sources through its node network, enabling smart contracts to interact with real-world data safely and reliably. Chainlink not only supports real-time data integration, but also provides solutions for off-chain computing and cross-chain interoperability, greatly expanding the functional boundaries of decentralized applications (dApps) that rely on external data. As Chainlink’s native cryptocurrency, LINK plays an important role in paying and compensating nodes that provide off-chain data and services to the platform.
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{future}(TRXUSDT) This week, the overall performance of the digital asset market was relatively stable, with the total market value shrinking slightly, down 0.11%, and finally settled at the level of US$1.94 trillion. Although the overall market atmosphere is slightly dull, some cryptocurrencies have shown strong upward momentum, especially the leaders in the "Meme coins" category. Among them, Mystiko Token (XZK) is particularly eye-catching, with an increase of 86.71% in the past 24 hours, becoming a bright spot in the market. At the same time, GameStop’s cryptocurrency price also achieved significant growth, soaring more than 82% in 24 hours, and its market value subsequently expanded to $33.7 million. In addition, other Meme coins such as Ben the Dog also performed well, with an increase of 50.3%, further proving the activity and appeal of this category in the current market. In addition to the outstanding performance of Meme coins, on-chain tokens such as LINK (Chain Link), TRX (Tron) and ADA (Cardano) also stand out among the top 20 market capitalization cryptocurrencies, showing their stability in the market status and investor confidence in its future development. However, it is worth noting that despite the significant growth of some cryptocurrencies, the overall market sentiment is leaning towards the negative. As a bellwether for the market, Bitcoin's price has fallen below $55,000, which has had a certain impact on the overall market sentiment. Against this background, some assets such as DigiByte and OpenPlatform suffered relatively sharp declines, recording losses of 23.5% and 18.5% respectively, becoming the biggest losers in this week's market performance.

This week, the overall performance of the digital asset market was relatively stable, with the total market value shrinking slightly, down 0.11%, and finally settled at the level of US$1.94 trillion. Although the overall market atmosphere is slightly dull, some cryptocurrencies have shown strong upward momentum, especially the leaders in the "Meme coins" category. Among them, Mystiko Token (XZK) is particularly eye-catching, with an increase of 86.71% in the past 24 hours, becoming a bright spot in the market.
At the same time, GameStop’s cryptocurrency price also achieved significant growth, soaring more than 82% in 24 hours, and its market value subsequently expanded to $33.7 million. In addition, other Meme coins such as Ben the Dog also performed well, with an increase of 50.3%, further proving the activity and appeal of this category in the current market.
In addition to the outstanding performance of Meme coins, on-chain tokens such as LINK (Chain Link), TRX (Tron) and ADA (Cardano) also stand out among the top 20 market capitalization cryptocurrencies, showing their stability in the market status and investor confidence in its future development.
However, it is worth noting that despite the significant growth of some cryptocurrencies, the overall market sentiment is leaning towards the negative. As a bellwether for the market, Bitcoin's price has fallen below $55,000, which has had a certain impact on the overall market sentiment. Against this background, some assets such as DigiByte and OpenPlatform suffered relatively sharp declines, recording losses of 23.5% and 18.5% respectively, becoming the biggest losers in this week's market performance.
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$SNX {future}(SNXUSDT) Indeed, the market has witnessed a series of eye-catching myths of hundreds of times coins and even thousands times coins, including several notable examples such as SNX, LINK, BAND and the leading AAVE. SNX: This coin has almost touched the miracle of thousand-fold growth, and its rising process can be roughly divided into three main stages (big waves). The first wave brought about a 50-fold increase, the second wave contributed a 25-fold increase, and the third wave also had a 10-fold increase. Its price soared from an initial low of $0.03 to a high of $28, but peaked eight months earlier. At its peak, SNX's market value was close to tens of billions of dollars. LINK: As another dazzling star, LINK has experienced three significant waves of rise. The first wave brought a 28-fold surge, followed closely by the second wave with an increase of about 15 times, and the third wave also had a 7-fold increase, adding up to an overall increase of more than 300 times. Its price started from an extremely low level of $0.16 and eventually hit a high of $53, reaching it half a year earlier than the peak. During this period, LINK’s market capitalization once climbed to approximately $20 billion, successfully ranking among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. BAND: Although BAND started later than the aforementioned two, it still caught up with the last two trains of the DeFi wave and achieved a total growth of approximately 100 times. However, this is mainly due to its strong performance in the first wave, which almost reached a nearly 100-fold increase, while the second wave appeared to be more moderate, achieving only a 7-fold increase in value. BAND's price started from a low of $0.2 and rose as high as $23, with its market capitalization approaching $3 billion at its peak. AAVE: As one of the leaders in this field, AAVE’s performance is even more amazing, achieving an astonishing increase of up to 2,000 times. Its upward trajectory can also be divided into three major waves, eventually reaching its peak half a year ahead of schedule. Especially in the last wave, AAVE achieved an explosive growth of 25 times. In its glory days, AAVE's market value was approaching the tens of billions of dollars. These examples all demonstrate the huge potential and volatility in the cryptocurrency market, and also remind investors to treat high-risk investments with caution and understand the uncertainties and risks involved.

Indeed, the market has witnessed a series of eye-catching myths of hundreds of times coins and even thousands times coins, including several notable examples such as SNX, LINK, BAND and the leading AAVE.
SNX: This coin has almost touched the miracle of thousand-fold growth, and its rising process can be roughly divided into three main stages (big waves). The first wave brought about a 50-fold increase, the second wave contributed a 25-fold increase, and the third wave also had a 10-fold increase. Its price soared from an initial low of $0.03 to a high of $28, but peaked eight months earlier. At its peak, SNX's market value was close to tens of billions of dollars.
LINK: As another dazzling star, LINK has experienced three significant waves of rise. The first wave brought a 28-fold surge, followed closely by the second wave with an increase of about 15 times, and the third wave also had a 7-fold increase, adding up to an overall increase of more than 300 times. Its price started from an extremely low level of $0.16 and eventually hit a high of $53, reaching it half a year earlier than the peak. During this period, LINK’s market capitalization once climbed to approximately $20 billion, successfully ranking among the top ten cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
BAND: Although BAND started later than the aforementioned two, it still caught up with the last two trains of the DeFi wave and achieved a total growth of approximately 100 times. However, this is mainly due to its strong performance in the first wave, which almost reached a nearly 100-fold increase, while the second wave appeared to be more moderate, achieving only a 7-fold increase in value. BAND's price started from a low of $0.2 and rose as high as $23, with its market capitalization approaching $3 billion at its peak.
AAVE: As one of the leaders in this field, AAVE’s performance is even more amazing, achieving an astonishing increase of up to 2,000 times. Its upward trajectory can also be divided into three major waves, eventually reaching its peak half a year ahead of schedule. Especially in the last wave, AAVE achieved an explosive growth of 25 times. In its glory days, AAVE's market value was approaching the tens of billions of dollars.
These examples all demonstrate the huge potential and volatility in the cryptocurrency market, and also remind investors to treat high-risk investments with caution and understand the uncertainties and risks involved.
{future}(ETHUSDT) Nabox与AlpacaMoney已正式确立战略合作伙伴关系,共同致力于推动用户基数的增长及技术创新。根据合作协议,Nabox将向AlpacaMoney的用户群体空投价值约300万美元的$NABOX代币,以此作为对两个社区成员的双重回馈。 双方简介 Nabox:作为Web3领域的佼佼者,Nabox不仅提供功能强大的区块链钱包,还构建了一个全面的生态系统。其钱包服务无缝集成了Web3应用,为用户提供了既安全又便捷的跨链资产管理体验。Nabox始终致力于推动区块链技术的普及,让去中心化操作变得简单直观 AlpacaMoney:AlpacaMoney巧妙地利用Telegram小程序这一平台,成功地将区块链元素融入传统社交场景,实现了Web2用户向区块链世界的无缝过渡。其独特的游戏化机制与社交互动功能相结合,为用户在日常活动中轻松参与区块链活动提供了可能,同时带来了娱乐与收益的双重享受。 合作伙伴关系解析 此次合作标志着Nabox与AlpacaMoney在区块链领域的深度合作。双方将携手促进用户数量的快速增长及生态系统的繁荣发展。作为合作的一部分,Nabox将向AlpacaMoney投放高达100亿个$NABOX代币,这些代币在NABOX市场表现强劲时,其价值将轻松超过300万美元。 AlpacaMoney计划通过其即将上线的Bubble Pool功能,逐步将这些NABOX代币分发给用户。用户只需参与AlpacaMoney的各类游戏、邀请新用户、完成指定任务或销毁游戏内货币(如GRASS积分),即可加入Bubble Pool并有机会获得更多代币奖励。特别地,活跃用户将凭借其积累的GRASS积分,在NABOX代币空投中获得更为丰厚的回报。 总结 此次战略合作不仅为Nabox Wallet带来了宝贵的用户资源,进一步拓宽了其Web3生态的边界;同时也为AlpacaMoney的社区生态注入了新的活力。双方的合作不仅实现了用户群体的有效扩张,还激发了区块链行业内关于用户参与模式及应用创新的深刻思考。
AlpacaMoney计划通过其即将上线的Bubble Pool功能,逐步将这些NABOX代币分发给用户。用户只需参与AlpacaMoney的各类游戏、邀请新用户、完成指定任务或销毁游戏内货币(如GRASS积分),即可加入Bubble Pool并有机会获得更多代币奖励。特别地,活跃用户将凭借其积累的GRASS积分,在NABOX代币空投中获得更为丰厚的回报。
此次战略合作不仅为Nabox Wallet带来了宝贵的用户资源,进一步拓宽了其Web3生态的边界;同时也为AlpacaMoney的社区生态注入了新的活力。双方的合作不仅实现了用户群体的有效扩张,还激发了区块链行业内关于用户参与模式及应用创新的深刻思考。
{future}(ETHUSDT) Telegram平台上的空投盛宴!NABOX与ALPACAMONEY携手,共同推出了一场简单而低调的空投活动,诚邀您免费参与!此次空投由NABOX钱包(即官方Nuls钱包)与Alpaca Money联合举办,慷慨地提供了超过一百亿个NABOX代币作为奖励。值得注意的是,这并非尾声,而是一场刚刚拉开序幕的中期空投活动,意味着您仍有机会加入并开启免费赚取积分的旅程。 最令人兴奋的是,尽管这是中期空投,奖励将在活动尾声统一发放,但整个过程中,您将享受到来自合作伙伴的额外空投及丰富多彩的活动,为您赚取更多代币提供无限可能。值得一提的是,瑞士区块链平台Suissex的代币也已在此轮活动中进行了迷你空投,为参与者带来了更多惊喜。 简而言之,这是一场不容错过的Telegram空投盛宴,赶快加入,与NABOX和ALPACAMONEY一起,开启您的免费赚取积分之旅吧!
Telegram平台上的空投盛宴!NABOX与ALPACAMONEY携手,共同推出了一场简单而低调的空投活动,诚邀您免费参与!此次空投由NABOX钱包(即官方Nuls钱包)与Alpaca Money联合举办,慷慨地提供了超过一百亿个NABOX代币作为奖励。值得注意的是,这并非尾声,而是一场刚刚拉开序幕的中期空投活动,意味着您仍有机会加入并开启免费赚取积分的旅程。
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{future}(ETHUSDT) Project Rating: NULS ($NULS) As a domestic public chain with a long history, NULS has been working silently behind the scenes for many years and has continued to contribute its strength. The first time I came into contact with the concept of "modularity" in the field of cryptocurrency was from NULS. However, it is worth noting that the modular concept advocated by NULS is different from the popular concept in the current market. The current popular modularization often focuses on the role of service providers (similar to Party B), while the modularization under the NULS framework tends to play the role of demand leader (ie Party A). NULS greatly improves development efficiency, shortens development cycles, and reduces development costs by providing various modules required to build blockchains, thereby accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications. From the perspective of market performance, NULS's trend is also quite stable. However, I think the most striking thing about the project is its perseverance and continuous innovation. Although at some times, NULS's progress may be slightly slower than the market rhythm, it has always been working silently and continuously launching new results, showing strong vitality and development potential.

Project Rating: NULS ($NULS)
As a domestic public chain with a long history, NULS has been working silently behind the scenes for many years and has continued to contribute its strength. The first time I came into contact with the concept of "modularity" in the field of cryptocurrency was from NULS. However, it is worth noting that the modular concept advocated by NULS is different from the popular concept in the current market. The current popular modularization often focuses on the role of service providers (similar to Party B), while the modularization under the NULS framework tends to play the role of demand leader (ie Party A).
NULS greatly improves development efficiency, shortens development cycles, and reduces development costs by providing various modules required to build blockchains, thereby accelerating the implementation of blockchain applications. From the perspective of market performance, NULS's trend is also quite stable. However, I think the most striking thing about the project is its perseverance and continuous innovation. Although at some times, NULS's progress may be slightly slower than the market rhythm, it has always been working silently and continuously launching new results, showing strong vitality and development potential.
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{future}(ETHUSDT) $ETH successfully crossed the important milestone of $2,670, an achievement I have mentioned many times before, and I firmly believe that the curtain of the bull market has officially opened. 🚨 Emergency report! $ETH/USDT breakout alarm sounded again! 🚨 Ethereum performed extremely well today, with its price soaring +2.37% to a high of $2,670.00. This impressive new high of $2,672.40 not only demonstrates the strength of Ethereum, but also indicates that the bulls are sprinting forward with unprecedented momentum, leaving the previous low of $2,524.58 far behind. At the same time, the trading volume in 24 hours reached an astonishing 252,320.94 ETH, which fully reflects the high activity of the market and the enthusiastic participation of investors. The strong upward momentum shown by Ethereum is likely to indicate that a more ambitious rebound has just begun.

$ETH successfully crossed the important milestone of $2,670, an achievement I have mentioned many times before, and I firmly believe that the curtain of the bull market has officially opened.
🚨 Emergency report! $ETH /USDT breakout alarm sounded again! 🚨 Ethereum performed extremely well today, with its price soaring +2.37% to a high of $2,670.00. This impressive new high of $2,672.40 not only demonstrates the strength of Ethereum, but also indicates that the bulls are sprinting forward with unprecedented momentum, leaving the previous low of $2,524.58 far behind.
At the same time, the trading volume in 24 hours reached an astonishing 252,320.94 ETH, which fully reflects the high activity of the market and the enthusiastic participation of investors. The strong upward momentum shown by Ethereum is likely to indicate that a more ambitious rebound has just begun.
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{future}(ETHUSDT) There are different observations and analyzes regarding the rise and fall of Bitcoin (BTC) and whether it is suitable to buy the bottom right now. The strong rally in Ethereum (ETH) has indeed led to an upward trend in other altcoins, including tokens such as SOL which have also recovered significantly. However, there are many factors that need to be considered when judging whether it is a bargain hunting opportunity. The author of the original article does not support immediate bargain hunting. The reason is that when Bitcoin was hovering in the range of 54,000-57,000 US dollars, the market fear and greed index was in the fear range. At that time, it was recommended to adopt the DCA (regular fixed investment) strategy to buy. In contrast, if investors did not take action at the time and chase high prices now, it would not be cost-effective from a cost-benefit perspective. Currently, the market's panic and greed index has reached 54, showing that market sentiment is still fluctuating. The author maintains his previous view and believes that the market is still choosing a direction. The future will not simply rise all the way, but will be affected by a variety of on- and off-site factors. Judging from the price trend of Bitcoin, although there has been an increase since the interest rate hike, the increase from US$58,000 to US$62,000 cannot be simply defined as a big rise or a bull market, because market forces have not shown sufficient strong momentum. To sum up, although the rebound of altcoins such as Ethereum is encouraging, when judging whether it is a bargain hunting opportunity, investors should carefully consider the overall market trend, sentiment indicators and historical price performance, and avoid blindly chasing highs.

There are different observations and analyzes regarding the rise and fall of Bitcoin (BTC) and whether it is suitable to buy the bottom right now. The strong rally in Ethereum (ETH) has indeed led to an upward trend in other altcoins, including tokens such as SOL which have also recovered significantly. However, there are many factors that need to be considered when judging whether it is a bargain hunting opportunity.
The author of the original article does not support immediate bargain hunting. The reason is that when Bitcoin was hovering in the range of 54,000-57,000 US dollars, the market fear and greed index was in the fear range. At that time, it was recommended to adopt the DCA (regular fixed investment) strategy to buy. In contrast, if investors did not take action at the time and chase high prices now, it would not be cost-effective from a cost-benefit perspective.
Currently, the market's panic and greed index has reached 54, showing that market sentiment is still fluctuating. The author maintains his previous view and believes that the market is still choosing a direction. The future will not simply rise all the way, but will be affected by a variety of on- and off-site factors. Judging from the price trend of Bitcoin, although there has been an increase since the interest rate hike, the increase from US$58,000 to US$62,000 cannot be simply defined as a big rise or a bull market, because market forces have not shown sufficient strong momentum.
To sum up, although the rebound of altcoins such as Ethereum is encouraging, when judging whether it is a bargain hunting opportunity, investors should carefully consider the overall market trend, sentiment indicators and historical price performance, and avoid blindly chasing highs.
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$BNB {future}(BNBUSDT) $DODO For investors holding BNB, good news is coming one after another. Following CATI, hmstr hamster will also be unveiled on Launchpad. This is an opportunity not to be missed. The outstanding performance of CATI is well known, and it quickly climbed to 1U once it was launched. Investors who invested 50 BNB (worth 400U at the time) not only successfully mined more than 200 CATI, but also received an additional generous return of about 9000U. . Now, they are actively turning to the mining of hamster HMSTR. This event not only supports BNB, but also accepts FUSD to participate. In addition, the DODO platform is also worthy of attention. As a promoter of the development of Meme coins, it has recently achieved a significant increase of 55%. DODO is a cutting-edge decentralized trading platform tailored for BTCFi and Meme coin projects. Its special features include: PMM (Active Market Maker) algorithm: effectively improves liquidity management efficiency and reduces transaction slippage, especially suitable for asset classes with insufficient liquidity, such as BTCFi and Meme coins. One-click token issuance: greatly simplifies the token creation and issuance process, and provides a convenient channel for Meme coin projects and cross-chain issuance needs. Autonomous mining: Encourage users to obtain rewards by providing liquidity, effectively meeting the liquidity needs of BTCFi and Meme projects. Pegged Pool: Ensures the price stability of specific assets (such as BTCFi assets linked to Bitcoin and stable Meme coins). Multi-chain support: It realizes the layout across multiple blockchain networks and broadens the issuance and liquidity channels of tokens. Looking forward to the future, the growth potential of the Meme industry is huge. DODO's one-click coin issuance function will accelerate the incubation and launch of the Meme coin project. At the same time, the upcoming Meme platform will further bring together users and funds to promote the prosperity and development of the ecosystem. For BTCFi and Meme projects, DODO not only provides a way to quickly go online, but also maintains the price stability of the projects through mechanisms such as Pegged Pool, and the independent mining mechanism further stimulates market vitality. From the perspective of market potential, DODO's current low market value indicates its huge room for growth in the future. Coupled with the support of top institutions, it not only enhances market confidence, but also brings abundant strategic resources and cooperation opportunities.

For investors holding BNB, good news is coming one after another. Following CATI, hmstr hamster will also be unveiled on Launchpad. This is an opportunity not to be missed. The outstanding performance of CATI is well known, and it quickly climbed to 1U once it was launched. Investors who invested 50 BNB (worth 400U at the time) not only successfully mined more than 200 CATI, but also received an additional generous return of about 9000U. . Now, they are actively turning to the mining of hamster HMSTR. This event not only supports BNB, but also accepts FUSD to participate.
In addition, the DODO platform is also worthy of attention. As a promoter of the development of Meme coins, it has recently achieved a significant increase of 55%. DODO is a cutting-edge decentralized trading platform tailored for BTCFi and Meme coin projects. Its special features include:
PMM (Active Market Maker) algorithm: effectively improves liquidity management efficiency and reduces transaction slippage, especially suitable for asset classes with insufficient liquidity, such as BTCFi and Meme coins. One-click token issuance: greatly simplifies the token creation and issuance process, and provides a convenient channel for Meme coin projects and cross-chain issuance needs. Autonomous mining: Encourage users to obtain rewards by providing liquidity, effectively meeting the liquidity needs of BTCFi and Meme projects. Pegged Pool: Ensures the price stability of specific assets (such as BTCFi assets linked to Bitcoin and stable Meme coins). Multi-chain support: It realizes the layout across multiple blockchain networks and broadens the issuance and liquidity channels of tokens.
Looking forward to the future, the growth potential of the Meme industry is huge. DODO's one-click coin issuance function will accelerate the incubation and launch of the Meme coin project. At the same time, the upcoming Meme platform will further bring together users and funds to promote the prosperity and development of the ecosystem. For BTCFi and Meme projects, DODO not only provides a way to quickly go online, but also maintains the price stability of the projects through mechanisms such as Pegged Pool, and the independent mining mechanism further stimulates market vitality.
From the perspective of market potential, DODO's current low market value indicates its huge room for growth in the future. Coupled with the support of top institutions, it not only enhances market confidence, but also brings abundant strategic resources and cooperation opportunities.
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$DOGE {future}(DOGEUSDT) Dogecoin, a virtual currency that once became famous due to Musk's Twitter support, has a humorous origin story, but has now developed into a force that cannot be ignored in the virtual currency market. Although it is just a joke whether Musk really raised funds for his space dream through the promotion of Dogecoin, it is undeniable that Dogecoin has surpassed the joke nature of its birth and has become a relatively stable cryptocurrency. At present, the market value of Dogecoin has firmly stood on the step of about 100 billion yuan, ranking first in the meme coin field. Although its increase may not be as thrilling as those meme coins with smaller market value, Dogecoin has won market recognition with its smaller decline and overall stability. Regarding the issuance mechanism of Dogecoin, this is a controversial topic. The setting of issuing 5 billion coins each year is considered by some to be a potential threat to the stability of the coin price and is regarded as an inflationary behavior. However, from another perspective, this issuance rate is only about 3% relative to the current total of 146 billion coins, and as the total amount increases, the issuance rate will gradually decrease, which is consistent with the natural growth of money supply in economic development. More importantly, moderate issuance is essential to maintain the actual transaction value of currency and avoid the adverse effects of deflation on the economy. Looking back at history, Dogecoin's performance in the bull market is also remarkable. From the low point in 2018, Dogecoin has achieved an astonishing 270-fold growth; and in the 2021 market, it has soared 560 times from the lowest point. These data not only prove the market potential of Dogecoin, but also reflect investors' recognition of its value. Looking to the future, although it is impossible to accurately predict the specific increase in Dogecoin, based on past trends and historical cycle analysis, we have reason to believe that at some point in the future, Dogecoin may once again usher in its highlight moment. As for what kind of multiple growth that will be, perhaps only time can reveal the answer. In short, as a loyal supporter of Dogecoin, we have reason to be optimistic about its future development.

Dogecoin, a virtual currency that once became famous due to Musk's Twitter support, has a humorous origin story, but has now developed into a force that cannot be ignored in the virtual currency market. Although it is just a joke whether Musk really raised funds for his space dream through the promotion of Dogecoin, it is undeniable that Dogecoin has surpassed the joke nature of its birth and has become a relatively stable cryptocurrency.
At present, the market value of Dogecoin has firmly stood on the step of about 100 billion yuan, ranking first in the meme coin field. Although its increase may not be as thrilling as those meme coins with smaller market value, Dogecoin has won market recognition with its smaller decline and overall stability.
Regarding the issuance mechanism of Dogecoin, this is a controversial topic. The setting of issuing 5 billion coins each year is considered by some to be a potential threat to the stability of the coin price and is regarded as an inflationary behavior. However, from another perspective, this issuance rate is only about 3% relative to the current total of 146 billion coins, and as the total amount increases, the issuance rate will gradually decrease, which is consistent with the natural growth of money supply in economic development. More importantly, moderate issuance is essential to maintain the actual transaction value of currency and avoid the adverse effects of deflation on the economy.
Looking back at history, Dogecoin's performance in the bull market is also remarkable. From the low point in 2018, Dogecoin has achieved an astonishing 270-fold growth; and in the 2021 market, it has soared 560 times from the lowest point. These data not only prove the market potential of Dogecoin, but also reflect investors' recognition of its value.
Looking to the future, although it is impossible to accurately predict the specific increase in Dogecoin, based on past trends and historical cycle analysis, we have reason to believe that at some point in the future, Dogecoin may once again usher in its highlight moment. As for what kind of multiple growth that will be, perhaps only time can reveal the answer. In short, as a loyal supporter of Dogecoin, we have reason to be optimistic about its future development.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) Alex Kuptsikevich, an analyst at FxPro, noted that the cryptocurrency market is currently in an active trading atmosphere, with its overall market value achieving a 3.2% increase in just 24 hours to $2.21 trillion, a performance that marks a renewed enthusiasm for challenging the local high of $2.27 trillion set a month ago. It is worth noting that the local low formed in early September is higher than the previous low, which is a sign that once the market successfully breaks through the recent price high, it may stimulate new buying momentum, indicating that the months-long downward trend is expected to be reversed. Specifically for Bitcoin, its price is about to hit an emotionally significant technical level - the 200-day moving average, which also guards the high at the end of August. If Bitcoin can successfully break through this key resistance level, it will further open the door to the upper edge of the downward channel - the price of $66,000. More optimistically, once Bitcoin breaks through $68,000, it will mark the end of its long-term downward trend. In addition, the improvement in market sentiment has also benefited Solana's token SOL, which has rebounded about 20% since the low before the Fed meeting. On the daily chart, the price of SOL has stabilized above the 50-day moving average, with the current price level close to $150, and is gradually approaching another important technical level-the 200-day moving average, which is located around $154.

Alex Kuptsikevich, an analyst at FxPro, noted that the cryptocurrency market is currently in an active trading atmosphere, with its overall market value achieving a 3.2% increase in just 24 hours to $2.21 trillion, a performance that marks a renewed enthusiasm for challenging the local high of $2.27 trillion set a month ago. It is worth noting that the local low formed in early September is higher than the previous low, which is a sign that once the market successfully breaks through the recent price high, it may stimulate new buying momentum, indicating that the months-long downward trend is expected to be reversed.
Specifically for Bitcoin, its price is about to hit an emotionally significant technical level - the 200-day moving average, which also guards the high at the end of August. If Bitcoin can successfully break through this key resistance level, it will further open the door to the upper edge of the downward channel - the price of $66,000. More optimistically, once Bitcoin breaks through $68,000, it will mark the end of its long-term downward trend.
In addition, the improvement in market sentiment has also benefited Solana's token SOL, which has rebounded about 20% since the low before the Fed meeting. On the daily chart, the price of SOL has stabilized above the 50-day moving average, with the current price level close to $150, and is gradually approaching another important technical level-the 200-day moving average, which is located around $154.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) Bitcoin fell after rising, triggering a discussion on whether it is time to buy the bottom. At the same time, Ethereum's strong rebound has driven the recovery of the entire altcoin market. Ethereum prices have climbed to around 2550, and altcoins such as SOL have also generally risen, showing a certain market vitality. However, I am cautious about whether it is the best time to buy the bottom. Looking back, when Bitcoin fluctuated between 54,000 and 57,000 and fear was pervasive in the market, I have repeatedly suggested using the DCA (regular fixed amount investment) strategy to buy. In contrast, if no action was taken at that time and the choice to enter the market now is obviously not cost-effective. At present, the market's panic greed index has reached 54, showing that market sentiment is still in an uncertain state. I stick to my previous view that the market is still choosing its future direction and will not directly enter the smooth road of unilateral rise. Many internal and external factors are still intertwined and affecting the market trend. Judging from the price performance of Bitcoin, although it has risen from 58,000 to 62,000 since the rate hike, it is still questionable whether this increase can be regarded as a real surge or the beginning of a bull market. The market's upward force does not seem to be fully released, showing a certain degree of hesitation and uncertainty. Therefore, I suggest that investors should remain calm, avoid blindly following the trend (FOMO), manage their positions well, and not rush to build large-scale positions. The market may still experience a series of fluctuations and adjustments in the future, and investors need to remain patient and wait for clearer signals to appear.

Bitcoin fell after rising, triggering a discussion on whether it is time to buy the bottom. At the same time, Ethereum's strong rebound has driven the recovery of the entire altcoin market. Ethereum prices have climbed to around 2550, and altcoins such as SOL have also generally risen, showing a certain market vitality. However, I am cautious about whether it is the best time to buy the bottom.
Looking back, when Bitcoin fluctuated between 54,000 and 57,000 and fear was pervasive in the market, I have repeatedly suggested using the DCA (regular fixed amount investment) strategy to buy. In contrast, if no action was taken at that time and the choice to enter the market now is obviously not cost-effective.
At present, the market's panic greed index has reached 54, showing that market sentiment is still in an uncertain state. I stick to my previous view that the market is still choosing its future direction and will not directly enter the smooth road of unilateral rise. Many internal and external factors are still intertwined and affecting the market trend.
Judging from the price performance of Bitcoin, although it has risen from 58,000 to 62,000 since the rate hike, it is still questionable whether this increase can be regarded as a real surge or the beginning of a bull market. The market's upward force does not seem to be fully released, showing a certain degree of hesitation and uncertainty. Therefore, I suggest that investors should remain calm, avoid blindly following the trend (FOMO), manage their positions well, and not rush to build large-scale positions. The market may still experience a series of fluctuations and adjustments in the future, and investors need to remain patient and wait for clearer signals to appear.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {future}(ETHUSDT) We still focus on whether Bitcoin can break through the key price of 65,000. Given the current low exchange rate of Ethereum relative to Bitcoin, it may be more cost-effective to participate in long trades on Ethereum. Once Bitcoin successfully reaches 65,000, Ethereum and other altcoins are expected to usher in a new round of rise. Yesterday's short-term market fluctuations have settled, and the Japanese yen interest rate remains unchanged. After Bitcoin traded sideways near 62,700 points all morning, as the news became clear, the price quickly rose to near 64,200 points, and the bullish power in the entire market Fully activated, market liquidity has been significantly improved. From a cyclical perspective, the logic that the bull market's relay phase is about to unfold is tenable. However, judging from the actual situation of increased liquidity, the market does not yet have the conditions for a direct reversal in the short term. The effects of interest rate cuts will not be achieved overnight, nor will the bull market end in one day. If 52,400 points becomes an important bottom for this round of market conditions, then in the future, Bitcoin’s callback to below 60,000 points will be a more solid accumulation process. Rapidly rising markets often encounter violent fluctuations at the top, while rhythmic step-by-step rises can provide stronger impetus for subsequent markets. From a macro perspective, positive signals have emerged in the capital flow of OTC ETFs. The overnight net inflow of the Bitcoin spot ETF was as high as 158 million U.S. dollars. The Ethereum spot ETF also rarely achieved a net inflow of funds. Although the amount was only 5.25 million U.S. dollars, Its symbolic significance is far greater than its actual value, indicating that market sentiment is brewing. In addition, the recent craze for the listing of new coins on an exchange has continued, and it is not uncommon for small market capitalization coins to rise by as much as 50% within a day, indicating that the active period of some altcoins has arrived. However, in this artificially created violent atmosphere, it is particularly important to have a clear understanding of the actual market situation. Before overall liquidity improves, blindly chasing the short-term burst of altcoins may cause people to get stuck at high prices in advance. Therefore, keeping the chips in hand stable and not being confused by short-term fluctuations is the way to win in the current market.

We still focus on whether Bitcoin can break through the key price of 65,000. Given the current low exchange rate of Ethereum relative to Bitcoin, it may be more cost-effective to participate in long trades on Ethereum. Once Bitcoin successfully reaches 65,000, Ethereum and other altcoins are expected to usher in a new round of rise.
Yesterday's short-term market fluctuations have settled, and the Japanese yen interest rate remains unchanged. After Bitcoin traded sideways near 62,700 points all morning, as the news became clear, the price quickly rose to near 64,200 points, and the bullish power in the entire market Fully activated, market liquidity has been significantly improved. From a cyclical perspective, the logic that the bull market's relay phase is about to unfold is tenable. However, judging from the actual situation of increased liquidity, the market does not yet have the conditions for a direct reversal in the short term.
The effects of interest rate cuts will not be achieved overnight, nor will the bull market end in one day. If 52,400 points becomes an important bottom for this round of market conditions, then in the future, Bitcoin’s callback to below 60,000 points will be a more solid accumulation process. Rapidly rising markets often encounter violent fluctuations at the top, while rhythmic step-by-step rises can provide stronger impetus for subsequent markets.
From a macro perspective, positive signals have emerged in the capital flow of OTC ETFs. The overnight net inflow of the Bitcoin spot ETF was as high as 158 million U.S. dollars. The Ethereum spot ETF also rarely achieved a net inflow of funds. Although the amount was only 5.25 million U.S. dollars, Its symbolic significance is far greater than its actual value, indicating that market sentiment is brewing.
In addition, the recent craze for the listing of new coins on an exchange has continued, and it is not uncommon for small market capitalization coins to rise by as much as 50% within a day, indicating that the active period of some altcoins has arrived. However, in this artificially created violent atmosphere, it is particularly important to have a clear understanding of the actual market situation. Before overall liquidity improves, blindly chasing the short-term burst of altcoins may cause people to get stuck at high prices in advance. Therefore, keeping the chips in hand stable and not being confused by short-term fluctuations is the way to win in the current market.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) At El Salvador’s recent Independence Day celebrations, President Nayib Bukele announced a major decision: the country will no longer rely on foreign debt to maintain the national budget, marking a step forward in El Salvador’s pursuit of economic freedom. A solid step. This move not only demonstrates its determination to get rid of external debt constraints, but also echoes its active promotion of Bitcoin, jointly pointing to a future vision that embraces emerging technologies and reduces reliance on external financing. At the same time, Argentina’s stock market has performed extremely well, soaring 44% this year, becoming one of the world’s most outstanding markets in 2024. This achievement even won public praise from the technology giant Musk, calling it "So inspiring." Argentine President Milai, known for his excellent economic governance capabilities, successfully reversed the country's long-term economic situation plagued by inflation. President Milley also expressed high praise for Musk's Mars exploration plan. He believes that mankind has achieved the feat of landing on the moon and is now heading towards Mars, and all of this is inseparable from people like Musk who are full of ambition, creativity and enthusiasm. Promoted by characters with a spirit of optimism. It is worth noting that Musk and President Milley, two leaders from different fields, met in Texas earlier this year and discussed the possibility of jointly promoting the free market and potential cooperation on lithium projects. , further reflecting the deep integration and interaction between technology and economy, innovation and policy.

At El Salvador’s recent Independence Day celebrations, President Nayib Bukele announced a major decision: the country will no longer rely on foreign debt to maintain the national budget, marking a step forward in El Salvador’s pursuit of economic freedom. A solid step. This move not only demonstrates its determination to get rid of external debt constraints, but also echoes its active promotion of Bitcoin, jointly pointing to a future vision that embraces emerging technologies and reduces reliance on external financing.
At the same time, Argentina’s stock market has performed extremely well, soaring 44% this year, becoming one of the world’s most outstanding markets in 2024. This achievement even won public praise from the technology giant Musk, calling it "So inspiring." Argentine President Milai, known for his excellent economic governance capabilities, successfully reversed the country's long-term economic situation plagued by inflation. President Milley also expressed high praise for Musk's Mars exploration plan. He believes that mankind has achieved the feat of landing on the moon and is now heading towards Mars, and all of this is inseparable from people like Musk who are full of ambition, creativity and enthusiasm. Promoted by characters with a spirit of optimism.
It is worth noting that Musk and President Milley, two leaders from different fields, met in Texas earlier this year and discussed the possibility of jointly promoting the free market and potential cooperation on lithium projects. , further reflecting the deep integration and interaction between technology and economy, innovation and policy.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) On September 21, the air force (i.e. investors who short Bitcoin) needs to be cautious, because BTC's big players seem to be betting heavily on bulls, which may trigger a strong upward trend and hit the air force. The current wave of BTC's rise is obviously different from the past, so don't rush to short blindly now, or even if you short, you should stop when you are ahead, and don't be easily confused by the market pattern. Because the possibility of a large-scale trend reversal is getting smaller and smaller, the lows have gradually risen, and the highs are also ready to break through. 65,000 is the last hurdle that the bulls need to overcome, but I think this resistance level is easy to break through. Once 65,000 is successfully broken, the W-bottom pattern you like at the large level will be established, and the violent bull market will be re-established. From the perspective of volume and price structure, the possibility of a big drop is not high, but small drops and sharp drops will often occur. However, this should not make us lose the direction of trading. After a wave of consolidation, the intraday market has seen a strong pull-up, and after the high, it has formed a correction. There has been no significant decline at present, showing a trend of high-level correction. From the trend point of view, after the accumulation of power to the high, the space has not been fully released, so today I am still optimistic about the further continuation of the market. But this is also accompanied by a periodic consolidation and further accumulation of power. If you are not satisfied with the market operation recently, you can consult btc0796 to find me, and we will communicate and plan the medium and long-term market together.

On September 21, the air force (i.e. investors who short Bitcoin) needs to be cautious, because BTC's big players seem to be betting heavily on bulls, which may trigger a strong upward trend and hit the air force.
The current wave of BTC's rise is obviously different from the past, so don't rush to short blindly now, or even if you short, you should stop when you are ahead, and don't be easily confused by the market pattern. Because the possibility of a large-scale trend reversal is getting smaller and smaller, the lows have gradually risen, and the highs are also ready to break through. 65,000 is the last hurdle that the bulls need to overcome, but I think this resistance level is easy to break through.
Once 65,000 is successfully broken, the W-bottom pattern you like at the large level will be established, and the violent bull market will be re-established. From the perspective of volume and price structure, the possibility of a big drop is not high, but small drops and sharp drops will often occur. However, this should not make us lose the direction of trading.
After a wave of consolidation, the intraday market has seen a strong pull-up, and after the high, it has formed a correction. There has been no significant decline at present, showing a trend of high-level correction. From the trend point of view, after the accumulation of power to the high, the space has not been fully released, so today I am still optimistic about the further continuation of the market. But this is also accompanied by a periodic consolidation and further accumulation of power. If you are not satisfied with the market operation recently, you can consult btc0796 to find me, and we will communicate and plan the medium and long-term market together.
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$BTC {future}(BTCUSDT) BTC seems to be entering a waterfall-like decline again. Although altcoins have risen in the past few days, if the price of Bitcoin (BTC) plummets, altcoins are likely to follow suit. At present, the price of Bitcoin is stable at around 62,000, but if it falls to 50,000, altcoins may fall to a new low again. Some specific currencies mentioned, such as Dogs, VIDT, SUN coins that often disappoint fans, and MEW, which caused me heavy losses. I lost at least more than a thousand on it. Let's talk about ETH, which is often used to "pick up girls". It is also washing the market as always. I expect it to bottom out at least once more, and 2,100 may not be the bottom. As for BTC Bitcoin, I bought it at 63,850 and stopped profit at 62,400. Later, when the price rose to 63580, I bought a short position again, hoping to make a short-term profit, but now I am stuck. It is like this every time, I will be stuck when I make a short-term profit, but now I am not afraid anymore, I plan to hold it for a long time! If the price drops again, I will hedge or even increase my position! Now I really hope that the price can drop so that I can have a chance to buy at the bottom.

BTC seems to be entering a waterfall-like decline again. Although altcoins have risen in the past few days, if the price of Bitcoin (BTC) plummets, altcoins are likely to follow suit. At present, the price of Bitcoin is stable at around 62,000, but if it falls to 50,000, altcoins may fall to a new low again.
Some specific currencies mentioned, such as Dogs, VIDT, SUN coins that often disappoint fans, and MEW, which caused me heavy losses. I lost at least more than a thousand on it.
Let's talk about ETH, which is often used to "pick up girls". It is also washing the market as always. I expect it to bottom out at least once more, and 2,100 may not be the bottom.
As for BTC Bitcoin, I bought it at 63,850 and stopped profit at 62,400. Later, when the price rose to 63580, I bought a short position again, hoping to make a short-term profit, but now I am stuck. It is like this every time, I will be stuck when I make a short-term profit, but now I am not afraid anymore, I plan to hold it for a long time! If the price drops again, I will hedge or even increase my position! Now I really hope that the price can drop so that I can have a chance to buy at the bottom.
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$BNB {future}(BNBUSDT) I had 252 BNB on hand, and then I made a wise decision to borrow 850 BNB, even though I had to pay 1.7 BNB as interest. This decision allowed me to discover a valuable opportunity of about 4,600 CATI! I quickly converted 4,100 CATI into 4,100 shares of a certain digital currency (here "shares of oil and water" is used as a metaphor, which may actually refer to the number of a certain digital currency). After paying the interest, I finally realized a net profit of 3,000 shares of oil and water, which made me very excited. Now, I am looking forward to the new stock issuance on the 23rd. In the world of cryptocurrency, holding BNB is like having a ticket to receive regular income. Every new stock issuance will increase my BNB accumulation. I have planned that when the price of BNB drops to 550, I will convert all the income into BNB and prepare to invest again. This fully demonstrates my firm belief in the value of BNB and my confidence in the future development of the cryptocurrency market. I hope this BNB journey will bring us greater success!

I had 252 BNB on hand, and then I made a wise decision to borrow 850 BNB, even though I had to pay 1.7 BNB as interest. This decision allowed me to discover a valuable opportunity of about 4,600 CATI! I quickly converted 4,100 CATI into 4,100 shares of a certain digital currency (here "shares of oil and water" is used as a metaphor, which may actually refer to the number of a certain digital currency). After paying the interest, I finally realized a net profit of 3,000 shares of oil and water, which made me very excited.
Now, I am looking forward to the new stock issuance on the 23rd. In the world of cryptocurrency, holding BNB is like having a ticket to receive regular income. Every new stock issuance will increase my BNB accumulation. I have planned that when the price of BNB drops to 550, I will convert all the income into BNB and prepare to invest again. This fully demonstrates my firm belief in the value of BNB and my confidence in the future development of the cryptocurrency market. I hope this BNB journey will bring us greater success!
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$BNB {future}(BNBUSDT) $SOL {future}(BNBUSDT) $WIF {future}(WIFUSDT) A new round of bull market seems to have begun. In the two days since the announcement of the interest rate cut, the price of Bitcoin has risen by more than 7%. At the same time, many altcoins have also generally risen. Of course, the projects that I led my fans to lay out in advance, such as Sol, Wif, Pepe, People, Ton, BNB, BTC, and ETH, are currently in a profitable state. I firmly believe that if we can hold on until the end of the bull market next year, it will be no problem to achieve a 5-fold return. Assuming that you invest 100,000 U now (here U may represent a certain digital currency or a value unit such as the US dollar) and hold on until next year, it should be no problem to earn 500,000 U in return. The key lies in whether you can stick to your investment and whether you can resist the temptation from the outside world.

A new round of bull market seems to have begun. In the two days since the announcement of the interest rate cut, the price of Bitcoin has risen by more than 7%. At the same time, many altcoins have also generally risen. Of course, the projects that I led my fans to lay out in advance, such as Sol, Wif, Pepe, People, Ton, BNB, BTC, and ETH, are currently in a profitable state. I firmly believe that if we can hold on until the end of the bull market next year, it will be no problem to achieve a 5-fold return.
Assuming that you invest 100,000 U now (here U may represent a certain digital currency or a value unit such as the US dollar) and hold on until next year, it should be no problem to earn 500,000 U in return. The key lies in whether you can stick to your investment and whether you can resist the temptation from the outside world.
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