Binance va extinde eticheta de monitorizare pentru a include BAL, CTXC, CVP, CVX, DOCK, HARD, IRIS, MBL, POLS, SNT și SUN și va elimina eticheta de monitorizare pentru MLN și ZEN pe 2024-07-01
Acesta este un anunț general. Este posibil ca produsele și serviciile menționate aici să nu fie disponibile în regiunea dvs. Colegii Binanciani, Pe baza recenziilor recente, Binance va extinde eticheta de monitorizare pentru a include mai multe jetoane pe 2024-07-01. Jetoanele care trebuie adăugate la lista de etichete de monitorizare sunt: Balancer (BAL) Cortex (CTXC) PowerPool (CVP) Finanțe convexe (CVX) Dock (DOCK) Kava Lend (HARD) IRISnet (IRIS) MovieBloc (MBL) Polka starter (POLS) Stare (SNT) Sun (SUN) Jetoanele care trebuie eliminate din lista de etichete de monitorizare sunt: Enzimă (MLN)
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #longbnb
#Write2Earn: i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #MANTA
#Write2Earn: : i think bnb will go to bullish way because it seems to going high and very high. so i think everyone should buy #BNB and when binance announce any launchpad news that time bnb just go as like Rocket i hope everyone understand the trick so #buyBNB #Spot #UMA
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