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Have you ever withdrawn 10 times in a month? 2 Wu fans joined the real market on July 3rd, followed orders for a month, and have withdrawn a total of 15 Wu so far! A solid plan to turn over a million, I just want to ask, are you surprised!
Have you ever withdrawn 10 times in a month? 2 Wu fans joined the real market on July 3rd, followed orders for a month, and have withdrawn a total of 15 Wu so far! A solid plan to turn over a million, I just want to ask, are you surprised!
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Liang Xi, the "Internet celebrity" in the currency circle, made 20 million from 1,000 in one month. He is a crazy genius!Liang Xi, the famous grassroots genius trader, earned 20 million from 1,000 in one month. At his peak, his total assets exceeded 40 million, and he achieved a 20,000-fold return, becoming a myth in the currency circle. It's just that today is different from the past. Today, he can only survive by borrowing money from netizens. He has gone from a millionaire in his peak period to a well-known gambling dog with a debt of tens of millions. So what happened in just one year? Call him a genius? Today we talk about Liang Xi, an old acquaintance in the cryptocurrency industry. What everyone is most curious about is how Liang Xi turned 1,000 yuan into 20 million in one month? The story of Liang Xi and his 20 million starts with the 519 major event in the currency circle in 2021, which was when Bitcoin plummeted. At that time, the prices of virtual assets headed by Bitcoin collectively jumped off the floor, and for a time the currency circle was filled with grief. However, Liang Xi was not afraid of tigers at this time. He boldly shorted with a high leverage of more than 60 times. By speculating on contracts, he increased the originally loss-making account to 20 million, and the peak income even reached 40 million a few days later.

Liang Xi, the "Internet celebrity" in the currency circle, made 20 million from 1,000 in one month. He is a crazy genius!

Liang Xi, the famous grassroots genius trader, earned 20 million from 1,000 in one month. At his peak, his total assets exceeded 40 million, and he achieved a 20,000-fold return, becoming a myth in the currency circle. It's just that today is different from the past. Today, he can only survive by borrowing money from netizens. He has gone from a millionaire in his peak period to a well-known gambling dog with a debt of tens of millions.
So what happened in just one year? Call him a genius? Today we talk about Liang Xi, an old acquaintance in the cryptocurrency industry. What everyone is most curious about is how Liang Xi turned 1,000 yuan into 20 million in one month? The story of Liang Xi and his 20 million starts with the 519 major event in the currency circle in 2021, which was when Bitcoin plummeted. At that time, the prices of virtual assets headed by Bitcoin collectively jumped off the floor, and for a time the currency circle was filled with grief. However, Liang Xi was not afraid of tigers at this time. He boldly shorted with a high leverage of more than 60 times. By speculating on contracts, he increased the originally loss-making account to 20 million, and the peak income even reached 40 million a few days later.
很多人都在关心牛市何时到来,曾几何时币价在抵达73800后,很多人预测下半年币价会到达10万,现在都不说话了?说牛来了的是那批人,喊熊来了的的还是那批人。下面来说说币圈牛市来的一些常见特征吧! 一,比特币、以太坊双双超越上个牛市的历史高点,这就是大牛市开启的标志了。 二,指数在10以上,指数化低于0.2,江卓尔连续60日涨幅指数高于80%。这些基本上是牛顶。 三,比特币以太坊日K线价格,偏离60日均线达30%以上,60日均线持续上行。说明各个时间段入场的人都盈利了。 四,30日60日120日200日均线分散,说明筹码不集中开始派发了,大家都赚钱了这就很危险。 五,交易所的活动层出不穷,基本上是一个月1-2次活动,各个项目方趁着有钱使劲发项目争取卖个好价钱。 六,朋友圈到处都是晒收益的,群里面到处都是暴富神话,你自己也赚了点钱了,情绪激动想跟他们一样暴富一把。 七,比特币市值占比下降到了30%左右,因为山寨都涨到几千亿市值了,这个时候就危险了。 八,交易量换手续非常高,交易量一天可以打上干亿美金。 九,以太坊基金会开始频繁卖币,他们的钱包 资产开始打入交易所卖出。 十,市场好消息不断,一个接一个,故事讲不完, 而且每个故事都不同。 总结:币圈牛市一般持续时间为6个月至2年不等。比如,2016年年末至2017年初,比特币价格从不到1000美元上涨到了近20000美金,牛市持续了一年多的时间。而2019年初,比特币价格从3000美金逐渐上涨,到6月份达到14000美金的高点,小牛持续了近6个月时间。 需要注意的是,数字货币价格行情的张跌是非常不稳定。价格涨得越大,越容易发生调整, 调整幅度也越大。因此,币圈牛市的持续时间不可能一直保持上涨,一定会有优化与起伏$BTC $ETH $BNB

一,比特币、以太坊双双超越上个牛市的历史高点,这就是大牛市开启的标志了。 二,指数在10以上,指数化低于0.2,江卓尔连续60日涨幅指数高于80%。这些基本上是牛顶。





七,比特币市值占比下降到了30%左右,因为山寨都涨到几千亿市值了,这个时候就危险了。 八,交易量换手续非常高,交易量一天可以打上干亿美金。


十,市场好消息不断,一个接一个,故事讲不完, 而且每个故事都不同。


需要注意的是,数字货币价格行情的张跌是非常不稳定。价格涨得越大,越容易发生调整, 调整幅度也越大。因此,币圈牛市的持续时间不可能一直保持上涨,一定会有优化与起伏$BTC $ETH $BNB
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Good afternoon, friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Here is your band goddess ~ Man Shuang! The breeze is clear and the moon is bright, and the world is beautiful. The moon is slowly getting rounder, things are slowly going as expected, and the love is gradually getting stronger. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and I wish you peace and happiness, and everything goes well. After the price fell yesterday morning, it was driven by the US stock market in the evening, and the short position continued, and the low point hit 57400 and stopped the rebound. Yesterday, Man Shuang Shi Pan also failed to resist the market trend and unfortunately lost thousands of points! #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? The four-hour line is also an obvious top signal. At the same time, the price of the currency deviates far from the moving average. This is definitely not a good signal. The K line must return to the moving average. The closing price of the big Yin line entity is obviously lower than the closing price of the Yang line. This is an obvious downward signal rebound empty Tuesday afternoon ideas and operation suggestions: $BTC $ETH $BNB BTC operation suggestion 58700-59000 area continue to empty target near 57000 ETH operation suggestion 2330-2350 area continue to empty Target is around 2250 If you are confused and have no direction at the moment, you might as well pay attention to Manshuang. I can make a perfect plan for you, the best suggestions, and organize a set of methods corresponding to the trend, and finally execute them to realize the position reversal.
Good afternoon, friends in the cryptocurrency circle! Here is your band goddess ~ Man Shuang! The breeze is clear and the moon is bright, and the world is beautiful. The moon is slowly getting rounder, things are slowly going as expected, and the love is gradually getting stronger. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and I wish you peace and happiness, and everything goes well. After the price fell yesterday morning, it was driven by the US stock market in the evening, and the short position continued, and the low point hit 57400 and stopped the rebound. Yesterday, Man Shuang Shi Pan also failed to resist the market trend and unfortunately lost thousands of points! #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?

The four-hour line is also an obvious top signal. At the same time, the price of the currency deviates far from the moving average. This is definitely not a good signal. The K line must return to the moving average. The closing price of the big Yin line entity is obviously lower than the closing price of the Yang line. This is an obvious downward signal rebound empty

Tuesday afternoon ideas and operation suggestions: $BTC $ETH $BNB

BTC operation suggestion 58700-59000 area continue to empty target near 57000

ETH operation suggestion 2330-2350 area continue to empty Target is around 2250

If you are confused and have no direction at the moment, you might as well pay attention to Manshuang. I can make a perfect plan for you, the best suggestions, and organize a set of methods corresponding to the trend, and finally execute them to realize the position reversal.
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Finally, the interest rate cut is coming! On Thursday, the big drama of the Federal Reserve will begin! $BTC $ETH $BNB After four years, the Federal Reserve is finally going to cut interest rates. At 2 a.m. on Thursday, trillions of dollars of assets around the world will be reshuffled at this moment. What should we look at in the upcoming Federal Reserve interest rate decision? There are three points that are most worthy of attention. The first is the extent of the interest rate cut. At present, the market’s debate on whether to cut by 25 or 50 basis points has reached the stage of daylight. The market generally expects that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by at least 25 basis points, but Nick Timiros, a new Federal Reserve news agency, wrote an article last week that was interpreted as tending to support a larger interest rate cut. Greg I P, a senior central bank reporter, also called for a 57-point interest rate cut and believed that the Federal Reserve should start cutting interest rates in July. If it points to 25 basis points this time, if more weak data is released in the future, the Federal Reserve will only lag further behind market expectations. The market has been arguing, just waiting for the Federal Reserve to reveal the answer. In addition to the rate cut, the dot plot is also very important for this year's rate cut forecast. This chart can be said to be the voice of the Fed officials, which can directly reflect their expectations for future interest rates. If more US dollars support a substantial rate cut, the Fed may take more aggressive actions in the future, and the market will adjust asset pricing accordingly. Finally, how Powell explains the rate cut at the 2:30 press conference will also cause a huge shock in the financial market. His words often provide more background and details, especially for the considerations behind the policy. If he hints in his speech that the Fed is ready to cut interest rates further, or expresses concerns about economic risks, the market may adjust its investment strategy accordingly. Will he bring surprises or shocks to the market this time? The moment to determine the fate of global assets is coming. Are you ready? #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
Finally, the interest rate cut is coming! On Thursday, the big drama of the Federal Reserve will begin! $BTC $ETH $BNB
After four years, the Federal Reserve is finally going to cut interest rates.
At 2 a.m. on Thursday, trillions of dollars of assets around the world will be reshuffled at this moment. What should we look at in the upcoming Federal Reserve interest rate decision?
There are three points that are most worthy of attention. The first is the extent of the interest rate cut. At present, the market’s debate on whether to cut by 25 or 50 basis points has reached the stage of daylight.
The market generally expects that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by at least 25 basis points, but Nick Timiros, a new Federal Reserve news agency, wrote an article last week that was interpreted as tending to support a larger interest rate cut.
Greg I P, a senior central bank reporter, also called for a 57-point interest rate cut and believed that the Federal Reserve should start cutting interest rates in July. If it points to 25 basis points this time, if more weak data is released in the future, the Federal Reserve will only lag further behind market expectations. The market has been arguing, just waiting for the Federal Reserve to reveal the answer.
In addition to the rate cut, the dot plot is also very important for this year's rate cut forecast. This chart can be said to be the voice of the Fed officials, which can directly reflect their expectations for future interest rates. If more US dollars support a substantial rate cut, the Fed may take more aggressive actions in the future, and the market will adjust asset pricing accordingly.
Finally, how Powell explains the rate cut at the 2:30 press conference will also cause a huge shock in the financial market. His words often provide more background and details, especially for the considerations behind the policy.
If he hints in his speech that the Fed is ready to cut interest rates further, or expresses concerns about economic risks, the market may adjust its investment strategy accordingly. Will he bring surprises or shocks to the market this time? The moment to determine the fate of global assets is coming.
Are you ready? #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?
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From the analysis of the four-hour candlestick chart, the current Bollinger channel shows obvious shrinking and oscillating characteristics, and the recent market dynamics are also mainly concentrated in the repeated fluctuations within this range. The oscillation range currently defined by the Bollinger channel is 60,500 to 57,000. In the absence of clear high and low point breakthrough signals, the market will find it difficult to get rid of the current oscillation pattern in the short term, so the short-term trading strategy should continue to focus on buying low and selling high within the range. #加密市场急跌 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB Operation suggestions for Tuesday morning: Big cake: around 57700-57500, target 59500 around 59500-59800, target 58000 Ethereum around 2230-2250, target 2370 around 2340-2370, target 2230
From the analysis of the four-hour candlestick chart, the current Bollinger channel shows obvious shrinking and oscillating characteristics, and the recent market dynamics are also mainly concentrated in the repeated fluctuations within this range. The oscillation range currently defined by the Bollinger channel is 60,500 to 57,000. In the absence of clear high and low point breakthrough signals, the market will find it difficult to get rid of the current oscillation pattern in the short term, so the short-term trading strategy should continue to focus on buying low and selling high within the range. #加密市场急跌 #币安上线NEIRO #新币挖矿HMSTR #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH $BNB

Operation suggestions for Tuesday morning:

Big cake: around 57700-57500, target 59500

around 59500-59800, target 58000

Ethereum around 2230-2250, target 2370

around 2340-2370, target 2230
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A deep understanding of the root causes of the difficulty in maintaining long-term positions is the key to improving trading strategies. The following are several core elements: $BTC $ETH $BNB Although it is important to grasp the timing of entry, even if the low point is accurately cut, the moment is often accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty. The price may briefly fall below the previous low point, or fall into a long period of horizontal consolidation, which poses a great challenge to investors' patience. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? The bottom area is often accompanied by violent price fluctuations, and the amplitude may be large. This erratic trend makes it easy for investors to rush to sell when they make a profit, and they are also eager to escape when they lose money. The result is often that they are gradually eliminated in the market fluctuations, and ultimately miss the subsequent rising opportunities, which is deeply regrettable. #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即 Improper position management is also an important reason for the difficulty in holding positions for a long time. Overweight positions can easily cause investors to lose their original positions in market fluctuations, while light positions can provide greater flexibility, allowing investors to calmly deal with market fluctuations. #美联储利率决议公布在即 Therefore, for short-term trading, positions can be appropriately increased, but stop-loss points should be set more closely to control potential risks; for long-term trend trading, stop-loss points can be relatively relaxed, but position management must be stricter to ensure that a stable position can be maintained in the long-term market fluctuations.
A deep understanding of the root causes of the difficulty in maintaining long-term positions is the key to improving trading strategies. The following are several core elements: $BTC $ETH $BNB

Although it is important to grasp the timing of entry, even if the low point is accurately cut, the moment is often accompanied by a high degree of uncertainty. The price may briefly fall below the previous low point, or fall into a long period of horizontal consolidation, which poses a great challenge to investors' patience. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业?

The bottom area is often accompanied by violent price fluctuations, and the amplitude may be large. This erratic trend makes it easy for investors to rush to sell when they make a profit, and they are also eager to escape when they lose money. The result is often that they are gradually eliminated in the market fluctuations, and ultimately miss the subsequent rising opportunities, which is deeply regrettable. #加密市场急跌 #美联储利率决议公布在即

Improper position management is also an important reason for the difficulty in holding positions for a long time. Overweight positions can easily cause investors to lose their original positions in market fluctuations, while light positions can provide greater flexibility, allowing investors to calmly deal with market fluctuations. #美联储利率决议公布在即

Therefore, for short-term trading, positions can be appropriately increased, but stop-loss points should be set more closely to control potential risks; for long-term trend trading, stop-loss points can be relatively relaxed, but position management must be stricter to ensure that a stable position can be maintained in the long-term market fluctuations.
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Bitcoin may have the following three situations next: 1. The first situation (most likely): $BTC $ETH $BNB Bitcoin rises to the $60,000-61,000 range in the short term, followed by a short-selling outbreak, and the price falls back, testing liquidity again, but will not fall below the previous low of $52,510, forming a higher low and entering a period of shock adjustment. It is expected that in mid-October, Bitcoin will rise again, breaking through the September high to around $65,000, and then go sideways, waiting for the third rate cut. In mid-November, Bitcoin will officially enter the main rising wave, breaking through $70,000 several times, sprinting to $85,000, and stabilizing at around $88,000 at the end of the month. It is expected that Bitcoin will break through $100,000 in December. 2. The second situation (bull market starting point): Bitcoin will break through $60,000 in the next few days, opening a bull market. Before the third rate cut, the price will break through the historical high and reach $74,000. After the rate cut, Bitcoin will soar all the way. After accumulating strength, it is expected to sprint directly to $100,000 in November. 3. The third scenario (least likely): After Bitcoin rises to around $60,000 in the short term, the short-selling outbreak causes the price to continue to fall and enter a deep bear market. In the early stage of the rate cut, an economic crisis may break out, further suppressing the price of Bitcoin. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? 你#新币挖矿HMSTR #美联储利率决议公布在即 #加密市场急跌 #新币挖矿CATI
Bitcoin may have the following three situations next:
1. The first situation (most likely): $BTC $ETH $BNB

Bitcoin rises to the $60,000-61,000 range in the short term, followed by a short-selling outbreak, and the price falls back, testing liquidity again, but will not fall below the previous low of $52,510, forming a higher low and entering a period of shock adjustment.
It is expected that in mid-October, Bitcoin will rise again, breaking through the September high to around $65,000, and then go sideways, waiting for the third rate cut.
In mid-November, Bitcoin will officially enter the main rising wave, breaking through $70,000 several times, sprinting to $85,000, and stabilizing at around $88,000 at the end of the month.
It is expected that Bitcoin will break through $100,000 in December.

2. The second situation (bull market starting point):
Bitcoin will break through $60,000 in the next few days, opening a bull market.
Before the third rate cut, the price will break through the historical high and reach $74,000.
After the rate cut, Bitcoin will soar all the way. After accumulating strength, it is expected to sprint directly to $100,000 in November.

3. The third scenario (least likely):
After Bitcoin rises to around $60,000 in the short term, the short-selling outbreak causes the price to continue to fall and enter a deep bear market.
In the early stage of the rate cut, an economic crisis may break out, further suppressing the price of Bitcoin. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #新币挖矿HMSTR #美联储利率决议公布在即 #加密市场急跌 #新币挖矿CATI
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In the current market, "knowing how to sell" is far more important than "knowing how to buy". This round of bull market is obviously different from the previous rounds of bull market. There are fewer and fewer stories of young people rushing in and buying a random one and getting rich by 10000 times. $BTC $ETH $BNB The main reason is that there are now a large number of institutions entering the market to play games, and market makers are becoming more and more professional. It is no longer the previous "market making = pulling the plate" game. The difficulty of the entire industry has risen to a higher level. At this time, what to buy, what position to buy, and what coins not to touch, retail investors' cognitive ability must be iterated, and the previous logic must be brave enough to break and start over. For example, should we look at the circulating market value or the total market value? The previous experience must be to look at the circulating market value. From another perspective, if you are an investment institution, do you look at the circulating market value or the total market value? How do investment institutions set prices? This is just an example, and we all have to rethink and rebuild the logic. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
In the current market, "knowing how to sell" is far more important than "knowing how to buy". This round of bull market is obviously different from the previous rounds of bull market. There are fewer and fewer stories of young people rushing in and buying a random one and getting rich by 10000 times. $BTC $ETH $BNB

The main reason is that there are now a large number of institutions entering the market to play games, and market makers are becoming more and more professional. It is no longer the previous "market making = pulling the plate" game. The difficulty of the entire industry has risen to a higher level.

At this time, what to buy, what position to buy, and what coins not to touch, retail investors' cognitive ability must be iterated, and the previous logic must be brave enough to break and start over. For example, should we look at the circulating market value or the total market value? The previous experience must be to look at the circulating market value. From another perspective, if you are an investment institution, do you look at the circulating market value or the total market value? How do investment institutions set prices? This is just an example, and we all have to rethink and rebuild the logic. #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
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Events preview for this week: Federal Reserve interest rate decision; TOKEN2049 opening; Trump family project launch$BTC $ETH $BNB 5 minutes ago The following are the key events worth noting in the industry during the week of September 16 to September 22. September 16: "FAT Awards 2024" opens; Ethereum Eingapore opens (ends September 22); WazirX second reorganization meeting; Ethena second season airdrop query; September 17: Trump family project WLFI goes online (8:00); EigenLayer second season airdrop claim (may be early); third season airdrop query; Sushi's meme launch product Dojo goes online; September 18: Trump's "hush money" case verdict; TOKEN2049 Singapore opens (ends September 19); "Vitalik: The Story of Ethereum" movie released; Maker rebranded Sky goes online (token migration is open); Focus app goes online; September 19: Federal Reserve interest rate decision (2:00); Powell speech (2:30); Terra bankruptcy confirmation hearing (22:00); September 20 Day: Bank of Japan interest rate decision (11:00); BreakPoint 2024 opens (ends on September 21); ETHGlobal Singapore opens (ends on September 22). #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
Events preview for this week: Federal Reserve interest rate decision; TOKEN2049 opening; Trump family project launch$BTC $ETH $BNB
5 minutes ago
The following are the key events worth noting in the industry during the week of September 16 to September 22.

September 16: "FAT Awards 2024" opens; Ethereum Eingapore opens (ends September 22); WazirX second reorganization meeting; Ethena second season airdrop query;

September 17: Trump family project WLFI goes online (8:00); EigenLayer second season airdrop claim (may be early); third season airdrop query; Sushi's meme launch product Dojo goes online;

September 18: Trump's "hush money" case verdict; TOKEN2049 Singapore opens (ends September 19); "Vitalik: The Story of Ethereum" movie released; Maker rebranded Sky goes online (token migration is open); Focus app goes online;

September 19: Federal Reserve interest rate decision (2:00); Powell speech (2:30); Terra bankruptcy confirmation hearing (22:00);

September 20 Day: Bank of Japan interest rate decision (11:00); BreakPoint 2024 opens (ends on September 21); ETHGlobal Singapore opens (ends on September 22). #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托
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Two scenarios for the Fed's rate cut this week Rate cut of 25: Not as expected, fall! Rate cut of 50: Exceeding expectations, rise! Rate cut of 25: Soft landing, rise! Rate cut of 50: Premonition of hard landing, fall! Rate cut of 25: In the morning, I felt that it was not as expected, fall! In the afternoon, I thought it was a soft landing, rise! At the end of the trading day, I was afraid of being attacked by others, so I took the initiative, fall! Rate cut of 50: In the morning, I felt that it was beyond expectations, rise! In the afternoon, I thought it seemed to imply the risk of hard landing, fall! At the end of the trading day, others were panicking and I was greedy, rise! #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Two scenarios for the Fed's rate cut this week

Rate cut of 25: Not as expected, fall!

Rate cut of 50: Exceeding expectations, rise!

Rate cut of 25: Soft landing, rise!

Rate cut of 50: Premonition of hard landing, fall!

Rate cut of 25: In the morning, I felt that it was not as expected, fall! In the afternoon, I thought it was a soft landing, rise! At the end of the trading day, I was afraid of being attacked by others, so I took the initiative, fall!

Rate cut of 50: In the morning, I felt that it was beyond expectations, rise! In the afternoon, I thought it seemed to imply the risk of hard landing, fall! At the end of the trading day, others were panicking and I was greedy, rise! #新币挖矿HMSTR #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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Summary of personal experience in the currency circle for many years, professional online unwinding First, either lay the foundation yourself or find a reliable teacher to learn from. Second, strictly set the defense. The defense price of long orders must be placed below the key important support level, and the defense price of short orders must be placed above the key important resistance level to truly play a defensive role. Third, reasonable allocation of positions can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and it is easier to achieve the profit growth model of "small losses and big profits". Fourth, control your emotions, minimize emotional commands, and avoid frequent mistakes and mistakes. Fifth, entry is important, and exit is more important. Choose a reasonable entry time. If you don’t understand, pay attention to Manshuang to help you avoid detours. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
Summary of personal experience in the currency circle for many years, professional online unwinding

First, either lay the foundation yourself or find a reliable teacher to learn from.

Second, strictly set the defense. The defense price of long orders must be placed below the key important support level, and the defense price of short orders must be placed above the key important resistance level to truly play a defensive role.

Third, reasonable allocation of positions can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and it is easier to achieve the profit growth model of "small losses and big profits".

Fourth, control your emotions, minimize emotional commands, and avoid frequent mistakes and mistakes. Fifth, entry is important, and exit is more important. Choose a reasonable entry time. If you don’t understand, pay attention to Manshuang to help you avoid detours. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #美国8月核心CPI超预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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From the daily line, Bitcoin is still at the pressure level of 60,300 above the trend line, which is also in line with the target level given last Friday. After two days of adjustment and repair, the market failed to break through and stabilize at 60,300 for the third time, and the indicator did not go directly down, so the callback is only temporary. Combined with the market news that the interest rate cut is expected on the 19th, the market will definitely be released in advance, so this week is still buying on dips, and the general direction in the morning remains bullish. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana $BTC $ETH $BNB Monday morning direction and operation suggestions: Big cake: 58300-58500 area is more, and the target is around 60,000! Aunt: 2880-2300 area is more, and the target is around 2380!
From the daily line, Bitcoin is still at the pressure level of 60,300 above the trend line, which is also in line with the target level given last Friday. After two days of adjustment and repair, the market failed to break through and stabilize at 60,300 for the third time, and the indicator did not go directly down, so the callback is only temporary. Combined with the market news that the interest rate cut is expected on the 19th, the market will definitely be released in advance, so this week is still buying on dips, and the general direction in the morning remains bullish. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana $BTC $ETH $BNB

Monday morning direction and operation suggestions:

Big cake: 58300-58500 area is more, and the target is around 60,000!

Aunt: 2880-2300 area is more, and the target is around 2380!
See original
Key economic data for next week: $BTC $ETH $BNB Monday, US September New York Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index; Tuesday, US August retail sales monthly rate; Wednesday, UK August CPI monthly rate, UK August Retail Price Index monthly rate; Thursday, the Federal Reserve announced interest rate decision and economic forecast summary; Thursday, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell held a monetary policy press conference; Thursday, US initial jobless claims for the week ending September 14, US September Philadelphia Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index; Friday, the Bank of Japan announced interest rate decision; Friday, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda held a monetary policy press conference. #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #新币挖矿CATI #FTX赎回Solana #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
Key economic data for next week: $BTC $ETH $BNB

Monday, US September New York Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index;

Tuesday, US August retail sales monthly rate;

Wednesday, UK August CPI monthly rate, UK August Retail Price Index monthly rate;

Thursday, the Federal Reserve announced interest rate decision and economic forecast summary;

Thursday, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell held a monetary policy press conference;

Thursday, US initial jobless claims for the week ending September 14, US September Philadelphia Federal Reserve Manufacturing Index;

Friday, the Bank of Japan announced interest rate decision;

Friday, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda held a monetary policy press conference. #新币挖矿HMSTR #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #新币挖矿CATI #FTX赎回Solana #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币
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It is estimated that there will be another shock today. The operation is still mainly high-altitude and low-multiple. The current trend is still in a high-level repair pattern. Yesterday, the price tested the pressure at a high level and fell back by 1,000 points. It continues to rebound. The upper pressure test is strong. The daily level rebound high point gradually moves down. There is pressure on the upper track. If the fall signal is greater than the rise, then you can refer to the rebound short later. $ETH $BNB Short-term ideas for weekend late trading: Reference ideas 60300-60600 continue to short, the target is 59000 mark, and the break will look at the 57500 mark below #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana
It is estimated that there will be another shock today. The operation is still mainly high-altitude and low-multiple. The current trend is still in a high-level repair pattern. Yesterday, the price tested the pressure at a high level and fell back by 1,000 points. It continues to rebound. The upper pressure test is strong. The daily level rebound high point gradually moves down. There is pressure on the upper track. If the fall signal is greater than the rise, then you can refer to the rebound short later. $ETH $BNB

Short-term ideas for weekend late trading:

Reference ideas 60300-60600 continue to short, the target is 59000 mark, and the break will look at the 57500 mark below #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana
See original
The most practical trick for short-term trading in the cryptocurrency circle, the master teaches you the basic skills of cryptocurrency trading Some people may say that short-term operation is speculation! First of all, it should be said that short-term operation is not speculation. The real short-term operation is an investment behavior that has mastered certain market operation rules and requires strong skills. Short-term operation actually tests a person's skills and patience. People who are proficient in short-term trading must have seen a lot of K-line charts, studied their trends, and summarized the general rules. The rules mentioned here can only be a concept from a probabilistic perspective, and it is impossible to have a completely accurate judgment, because the entire market is carried out in multiple dimensions such as emotions, information, etc., and the most difficult to predict is emotion, so we can only try to make a rough judgment. How to do it specifically? We must learn to summarize historical transactions, summarize what conditions have appeared in historical transactions, and what rules will appear in the subsequent trends. In the meantime, the role of the K-line chart is indelible. In addition to reflecting short-, medium-, and long-term fluctuations, the most macro point is that The K-lines of these forked coins have been falling since the upper plate, with basically no fluctuations, like sitting on a slide and sliding down all the way, giving the leeks no chance to run away. It can be seen from their K-line charts that the dealers no longer have a large number of markets in their hands, and these markets are concentrated in the hands of retail investors, Therefore, if no one pulls the price, it basically becomes a legacy. Many leeks speculate these coins, from short-term speculation to medium-term speculation, from medium-term speculation to long-term speculation, and from long-term speculation to legacy. As leeks who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, we should pay attention to a few points: 1. First, we must ensure the probability of success, then consider the frequency of action, and pursue quality first and then quantity. In the process of short-term operation, we must take it step by step, and the principle is that there should be no big losses. 2. Be content when you make money, and be rational when you lose money. Speculating in coins is actually The art of regret, we can't ask too much of ourselves. 3. Practice makes perfect. If there is a master leading the way, ask him for advice, and you will progress faster. If we can do the above three points, then at least as an investor, we will not lose our way in the currency circle#新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana $BTC $ETH $BNB
The most practical trick for short-term trading in the cryptocurrency circle, the master teaches you the basic skills of cryptocurrency trading

Some people may say that short-term operation is speculation! First of all, it should be said that short-term operation is not speculation. The real short-term operation is an investment behavior that has mastered certain market operation rules and requires strong skills. Short-term operation actually tests a person's skills and patience.

People who are proficient in short-term trading must have seen a lot of K-line charts, studied their trends, and summarized the general rules. The rules mentioned here can only be a concept from a probabilistic perspective, and it is impossible to have a completely accurate judgment, because the entire market is carried out in multiple dimensions such as emotions, information, etc., and the most difficult to predict is emotion, so we can only try to make a rough judgment.

How to do it specifically? We must learn to summarize historical transactions, summarize what conditions have appeared in historical transactions, and what rules will appear in the subsequent trends. In the meantime, the role of the K-line chart is indelible. In addition to reflecting short-, medium-, and long-term fluctuations, the most macro point is that

The K-lines of these forked coins have been falling since the upper plate, with basically no fluctuations, like sitting on a slide and sliding down all the way, giving the leeks no chance to run away. It can be seen from their K-line charts that the dealers no longer have a large number of markets in their hands, and these markets are concentrated in the hands of retail investors, Therefore, if no one pulls the price, it basically becomes a legacy. Many leeks speculate these coins, from short-term speculation to medium-term speculation, from medium-term speculation to long-term speculation, and from long-term speculation to legacy.

As leeks who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle, we should pay attention to a few points:

1. First, we must ensure the probability of success, then consider the frequency of action, and pursue quality first and then quantity. In the process of short-term operation, we must take it step by step, and the principle is that there should be no big losses.

2. Be content when you make money, and be rational when you lose money. Speculating in coins is actually The art of regret, we can't ask too much of ourselves.

3. Practice makes perfect. If there is a master leading the way, ask him for advice, and you will progress faster.
If we can do the above three points, then at least as an investor, we will not lose our way in the currency circle#新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana $BTC $ETH $BNB
See original
In the face of market fluctuations, investors need to remain rational, not blindly follow the trend, and not be dazzled by the fantasy of "getting rich overnight". Be clear about your investment goals and risk tolerance. Investment is not suitable for everyone. For risk-averse investors, you can choose a more stable investment method. Control your positions and do a good job of stop-profit and stop-loss. Do what you can and don't put all your eggs in one basket. Choose formal investment channels. Stay away from so-called "insider information" and "expert guidance" and beware of investment traps The market has always been a place where opportunities and risks coexist. For ordinary investors, instead of chasing the illusory "wealth code", it is better to be down-to-earth, do a good job of asset allocation, and invest rationally to be invincible in the volatile market. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 $BTC $ETH $BNB
In the face of market fluctuations, investors need to remain rational, not blindly follow the trend, and not be dazzled by the fantasy of "getting rich overnight".

Be clear about your investment goals and risk tolerance. Investment is not suitable for everyone. For risk-averse investors, you can choose a more stable investment method.

Control your positions and do a good job of stop-profit and stop-loss. Do what you can and don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Choose formal investment channels. Stay away from so-called "insider information" and "expert guidance" and beware of investment traps

The market has always been a place where opportunities and risks coexist. For ordinary investors, instead of chasing the illusory "wealth code", it is better to be down-to-earth, do a good job of asset allocation, and invest rationally to be invincible in the volatile market. #新币挖矿HMSTR #新币挖矿CATI #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #FTX赎回Solana #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 $BTC $ETH $BNB
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