I have been hearing and reading about cryptocurrencies for years, it all starts on internet forums in 2012 where users charged for services or asked for a donation to support content creators, at that time I started to investigate what it is or what it was, I was so excited that I spent day and night researching how and on which platforms I could earn cryptos until I came across a spirited user, he seemed to be a good person who explained and gave me a lot of information, it is worth mentioning that we communicated through Messenger at that time we had a friendship of months we played online games like Halo, Counter Strike and we talked about paranormal topics until one day innocently and excitedly I asked him for help to create my account and manage my information since I was about 16 years old and my computer was family, I was afraid that someone would find out who I was talking to and sharing my information, he agreed, he sent me information and photography of what he was doing until the time came and he told me that if I wanted cryptos he would pass me the ones he had but I had to make a deposit to his account bank, and so I made the deposit which was money I had saved to build a gaming computer, a total of $6000, I told him and sent him a photo of the deposit, he told me that everything was fine but that I had to wait since it took a few days for the deposit to fall and once it was there he would give me the account credentials, days and weeks went by and the user "cheer up" I never found him again and that's how I lost the opportunity to have $BTC of that time, and now I'm back and I want to start earning cryptos, some recommendations for a new user. #nuevosenbinance #estafas #estafadores