$DOGS vẫn chăm chỉ miệt mài ôm spot bất chấp giá từ 0.00016 quay lại… đã ôm tổng 17 triệu dogs giá trung bình 0.000186 rồi. Chờ bơm thôi là có cháo ae ơi 😳
PEPE (PepeCoin) has had an exciting journey recently. Although it is difficult to predict cryptocurrency prices accurately, I can provide some context and insights. PEPE has experienced a strong upward trend, with significant price increases in recent weeks. However, reaching $10 in just two weeks will require a significant breakout. Here are some points to consider:
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Viết tuyển
Can I ask if it's okay to keep money here? I've heard that cold wallets and hot wallets are safe, but I don't know how to use them. I want to buy more to keep more money here, but I'm not sure if that's okay. I hope you can advise me.
Cài authy vào bạn và dùng điện thoại iphone nhé. Androi dễ bị hack chiếm quyền lắm
Viết tuyển
Can I ask if it's okay to keep money here? I've heard that cold wallets and hot wallets are safe, but I don't know how to use them. I want to buy more to keep more money here, but I'm not sure if that's okay. I hope you can advise me.
Đi max vol 2-3x thôi đi thế kia đỡ sao đc chart mùa này
the future prediction that BTC will become garbage due to the price fluctuation being too fast and too large. within less than 30 minutes, a difference of 2k. that is also the reason why cryptocurrency cannot be used as a medium of exchange. it is impossible that when you enter to eat a bowl of pho for 30k, by the time you finish, the price is 45k 😂
This season, the volatility is very strong; a slight change of 10-15% and if you go max volume 20x, you can only burn continuously.
the future prediction that BTC will become garbage due to the price fluctuation being too fast and too large. within less than 30 minutes, a difference of 2k. that is also the reason why cryptocurrency cannot be used as a medium of exchange. it is impossible that when you enter to eat a bowl of pho for 30k, by the time you finish, the price is 45k 😂
$SUI this time coming to the shore, I withdraw all the money, I won't play this market anymore, a bunch of scammers, I've been in this for more than a year without making a penny. A bunch of dogs.
$SUI this time coming to the shore, I withdraw all the money, I won't play this market anymore, a bunch of scammers, I've been in this for more than a year without making a penny. A bunch of dogs.
Unless no one wants to make money anymore, BTC will go to 0. The issue is that it is harder to happen than winning the Vietlot lottery, as some analysts have stated.
Bitcoin Will Eventually Be Zero, Economist Predicts: Here’s When
Eugene Fama, the renowned “Father of modern finance,” predicts Bitcoin will be worthless in a decade.
Why? Cryptocurrencies “violate all the rules of a medium of exchange,” Fama said on the Jan. 30 episode of Capitalisn’t. “They don’t have a stable real value. You know, they have highly variable real value. That kind of medium of exchange is not supposed to survive.”
Fama, who authored the efficient markets hypothesis in the 1960s, didn’t actually guarantee that Bitcoin will be worthless. Rather, he agreed when podcast host, finance professor Luigi Zingales, asked what the probability was that, “within 10 years, the value of Bitcoin would go to zero?”
“I would say it’s close to one,” Fama replied.
‘Is it a bubble?’
The interview started with Fama expressing disapproval of the term “economic bubble” as bubbles need to have a predictable ending. But nothing in the market is predictable, he argues.
Journalist Bethany McLean, who cohosts the show with Zingales, asked Fama whether Bitcoin was a bubble, Fama indicated that he hopes it bursts.
“I’m hoping it would bust because, if it doesn’t, we have to start all over with monetary theory — it’s gone,” Fama said. “It might be gone already.”
“All we thought we know about monetary theory says [cryptocurrency] shouldn’t survive,” Fama adds.
Crypto violates all the rules of a medium of exchange as they don’t have stable value and people won’t use it as a currency, he explained. This sentiment, predictably so, angered some in the crypto community.
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“What about stablecoins?”
McLean posed that question to Fama, who said using U.S. dollars on the blockchain “could work,” because dollars have “stable, real value.”
Another big threat to Bitcoin voiced by Fama is 51% attack. Although such an attack would have been costly, Fama says that every transaction system faces “a problem of verification and a problem of who is enforcing the rules.”
Fama, who was awarded with a Nobel Prize in economics in 2013, also insists that — unlike Bitcoin — gold is more favorable because it has many use cases. And the government’s role in the crypto market may speed up the loss of value of Bitcoin.
It’s worth noting that Fama essentially checked the boxes of the main surface-level threats to decentralized digital money, but that none of his predictions were expressed with utmost confidence.
“His open-mindedness for admitting that he might be wrong… he’s willing to adapt his universe at age 86,” Zingales said. “I think that’s really remarkable.”
Read more: UBS’ Paul Donovan Claims Bitcoin Is in its Death Throes and Wants it “Buried”