The current price of USUAL against USDT is $1.0679. Over the past 24 hours, the price has seen a significant -8.30% decrease, indicating a decline in value. The highest price in the last 24 hours was $1.2111, and the lowest was $1.0303. The trading volume for USUAL over the past 24 hours is 161,296,563.50 USUAL, equating to a volume of 179,140,810.76 USDT. This suggests a significant trading activity in the pair. For the current price action, the 24-hour movement amplitude is 0.46%, reflecting relatively low volatility within the recent trading period. At 2024/12/29 17:15, the price opened at 1.0960, reached a high of 1.1002, touched a low of 1.0952, and closed at 1.1000, showing a 0.34% increase in price during that interval. In terms of technical indicators, the 7-period moving average (MA) is 1.1085, suggesting a slight downward trend in the short-term. The 25-period moving average (MA) is 1.1061, which also indicates a slight bearish sentiment over the medium-term. The volume on the order book shows consistent trades around the 1.0680 to 1.0698 USDT range. This token is tagged as RWA, Launchpool, Seed, and DeFi, indicating its involvement in decentralized finance, its early-stage development, and its potential use in the Launchpool. The pair's trading volume in USUAL is 112.82K, while in USDT it is 123.92K, showing a high level of liquidity for the pair.