Binance Square
Syed Muhammad Hamza
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🚹 ŰšŰ±ÛŒÚ©Ù†ÚŻ نیوŰČ đŸšš Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ú©Ű±ÛŒŰŽ ŰłÙ…ÛŒŰȘ ŰŻÙ†ÛŒŰ§ ŰšÚŸŰ± کی گ۱ŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ ŰłÙčۧک Ű§ÛŒÚ©ŰłÚ†ÛŒÙ†ŰŹ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ú©Ű±ÛŒŰŽŰŽ کے Ù…ŰŻŰŻ Ù†ŰžŰ± ۧ۳ وقŰȘ ÛÙ†ÚŻŰ§Ù…ÛŒ Ű”ÙˆŰ±ŰȘ میÚș "Jerome Powell" کی Ű·Ű±Ù ŰłÛ’ Ű§ŰŹÙ„Ű§Űł ŰšÙ„Ű§ÛŒŰ§ ÚŻÛŒŰ§ ہے ŰąÚŻÛ’ ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Û’ ŰłÛ’ مŰčŰČŰČ ŰłŰ§Ù…Űčین کے Űčلم میÚș یہ ۚۧŰȘ ہونی Ú†Ű§ÛÛŒÛ’ کہ ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ : Chairman Of the federal Reserve of United States Ke Spokesperson Hein' Ú†Ù†Ű§Ù†Ú†Û ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ نے Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو ŰłÙ…ÛŒŰȘ ŰŻÙ†ÛŒŰ§ ŰšÚŸŰ± کی گ۱ŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ű§ÛŒÚ©ŰłÚ†ÛŒÙ†ŰŹ کے Ù…ŰŻÙ„Ù„ ÙˆŰŹÙˆÛŰ§ŰȘ میÚș ŰłÛ’ Ű§ÛŒŰ±Ű§Ù† Ű§ŰłŰ±Ű§ŰŠÛŒÙ„ Ű­Ű§Ù„ÛŒÛ Ú©ŰŽÛŒŰŻÚŻÛŒ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű±ŰŽÛŒÛ ÛŒÙˆÚ©Ű±ÛŒÙ† کی ŰȘین ŰłŰ§Ù„ ŰłÛ’ چلŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ ŰŹÙ†ÚŻ کو ŰšŰȘŰ§ÛŒŰ§ ہے نیŰČ ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ کۧ مŰČÛŒŰŻ Ú©ÛÙ†Ű§ ŰȘÚŸŰ§ Ù„ÙˆÚŻÙˆÚș کو ŰȘÚŸŰ±Úˆ ÙˆŰ±Ù„Úˆ ÙˆŰ§Ű± کۧ ŰźŰŻŰŽÛ ہے ŰŹŰł ÙˆŰŹÛ ŰłÛ’ ŰčÙˆŰ§Ù… Ű§ÙŸÙ†Û’ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÙˆŰšŰ§Ű±ÛŒ Ù…Ù‚Ű§Ű”ŰŻ Ú©ÛŒÙ„ŰŠÛ’ Ű§Ù†ÙˆÛŒŰłÙč کیے ÛÙˆŰŠÛ’ ÙŸÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰšÛŒÙ†Ú©ÙˆÚș میÚș Ű±Ú©ÚŸÛ’ ÚŻŰŠÛ’ ÙŸÛŒŰłÛ’ ŰȘیŰČی ŰłÛ’ Ù†Ú©Ű§Ù„ Ű±ÛÛ’ ہیÚșی ÙŸŰ± Ű§Ű”Ù„ میÚș Ű§ÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű­Ű§Ù„Ű§ŰȘ ÛŰ±ÚŻŰČ Ù†ÛÛŒÚș ہے کہ ŰŹÙˆ ŰȘÛŒŰłŰ±ÛŒ ŰčŰ§Ù„Ù…ÛŒ ŰŹÙ†ÚŻ چڟیڑ ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ ŰŹŰł ۚۧŰȘ کۧ ŰźÙˆŰš Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ§ŰČہ Ű§ÚŻÙ„Û’ Ú©Ú†ÚŸ ŰŻÙ†ÙˆÚș میÚș Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ű§Ù†ÙˆÛŒŰłÙč۱ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰčÙˆŰ§Ù… Ű§Ù„Ù†Ű§Űł کو ŰšÚŸÛŒ ہو ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ گۧ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű­Ű§Ù„Ű§ŰȘ ÙŸÚŸŰ± ŰłÛ’ ٟہلے کی ۷۱ۭ ہو ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ ÚŻÛŒÚș ŰȘŰš ŰȘلک ۔ۚ۱ ŰłÛ’ Ú©Ű§Ù… لیÚș ۔ ۹۟۱ میÚș ۧگ۱ ŰąÙŸ ۭ۶۱ۧŰȘ کو Ù…ÛŒŰ±Û’ مŰčÙ„ÙˆÙ…Ű§ŰȘ ÙŰ±Ű§ÛÙ… Ú©Ű±Ù†Û’ کۧ Ű·Ű±ÛŒÙ‚Û Ű§Ú†ÚŸŰ§ Ù„ÚŻŰ§ ہو ŰȘو Ù…ŰŹÚŸÛ’ ÛŰ± ŰšŰ±ÙŰ§ŰčŰžÙ… میÚș ŰšÛŒÚŸÙčۧ ÛŰ€Ű§ وہ Ű§Ù†ŰłŰ§Ù† Follow Ú©Ű±Ù„ÛŒÚș ŰŹÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű§Ű±ŰŻÙˆ ŰČŰšŰ§Ù† ÙŸÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Ű§ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰłÙ…ŰŹÚŸÙ†Ű§ ŰąŰȘۧ ہے کیونکہ میÚș Ű§ÚŻÛŒÚș ŰšÚŸÛŒ Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو ŰłÛ’ Ù…Ù†ŰłÙ„Ú© مŰȘŰčŰŻÙ„ Ű§ÙˆŰ± مŰȘŰčŰ§ŰŻÙ„ مŰčÙ„ÙˆÙ…Ű§ŰȘ ÙŰ±Ű§ÛÙ… ک۱ŰȘۧ Ű±ÛÙˆÙ†ÚŻŰ§ 📈Crypto Market Crash📉 📈Global Market Crash 📉 #MarketDownturn #BtcAnalysis #cryptotrading #MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square!
🚹 ŰšŰ±ÛŒÚ©Ù†ÚŻ نیوŰČ đŸšš

Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ú©Ű±ÛŒŰŽ ŰłÙ…ÛŒŰȘ ŰŻÙ†ÛŒŰ§ ŰšÚŸŰ± کی گ۱ŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ ŰłÙčۧک Ű§ÛŒÚ©ŰłÚ†ÛŒÙ†ŰŹ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ú©Ű±ÛŒŰŽŰŽ کے Ù…ŰŻŰŻ Ù†ŰžŰ± ۧ۳ وقŰȘ ÛÙ†ÚŻŰ§Ù…ÛŒ Ű”ÙˆŰ±ŰȘ میÚș "Jerome Powell" کی Ű·Ű±Ù ŰłÛ’ Ű§ŰŹÙ„Ű§Űł ŰšÙ„Ű§ÛŒŰ§ ÚŻÛŒŰ§ ہے ŰąÚŻÛ’ ŰšÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Û’ ŰłÛ’ مŰčŰČŰČ ŰłŰ§Ù…Űčین کے Űčلم میÚș یہ ۚۧŰȘ ہونی Ú†Ű§ÛÛŒÛ’ کہ ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ :

Chairman Of the federal Reserve of United States Ke Spokesperson Hein'

Ú†Ù†Ű§Ù†Ú†Û ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ نے Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو ŰłÙ…ÛŒŰȘ ŰŻÙ†ÛŒŰ§ ŰšÚŸŰ± کی گ۱ŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ű§ÛŒÚ©ŰłÚ†ÛŒÙ†ŰŹ کے Ù…ŰŻÙ„Ù„ ÙˆŰŹÙˆÛŰ§ŰȘ میÚș ŰłÛ’ Ű§ÛŒŰ±Ű§Ù† Ű§ŰłŰ±Ű§ŰŠÛŒÙ„ Ű­Ű§Ù„ÛŒÛ Ú©ŰŽÛŒŰŻÚŻÛŒ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű±ŰŽÛŒÛ ÛŒÙˆÚ©Ű±ÛŒÙ† کی ŰȘین ŰłŰ§Ù„ ŰłÛ’ چلŰȘی ÛÙˆŰŠÛŒ ŰŹÙ†ÚŻ کو ŰšŰȘŰ§ÛŒŰ§ ہے نیŰČ ŰŹÛŒŰ±ÙˆÙ… ÙŸŰ§ÙˆÙ„ کۧ مŰČÛŒŰŻ Ú©ÛÙ†Ű§ ŰȘÚŸŰ§ Ù„ÙˆÚŻÙˆÚș کو ŰȘÚŸŰ±Úˆ ÙˆŰ±Ù„Úˆ ÙˆŰ§Ű± کۧ ŰźŰŻŰŽÛ ہے ŰŹŰł ÙˆŰŹÛ ŰłÛ’ ŰčÙˆŰ§Ù… Ű§ÙŸÙ†Û’ Ú©Ű§Ű±ÙˆŰšŰ§Ű±ÛŒ Ù…Ù‚Ű§Ű”ŰŻ Ú©ÛŒÙ„ŰŠÛ’ Ű§Ù†ÙˆÛŒŰłÙč کیے ÛÙˆŰŠÛ’ ÙŸÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰšÛŒÙ†Ú©ÙˆÚș میÚș Ű±Ú©ÚŸÛ’ ÚŻŰŠÛ’ ÙŸÛŒŰłÛ’ ŰȘیŰČی ŰłÛ’ Ù†Ú©Ű§Ù„ Ű±ÛÛ’ ہیÚșی ÙŸŰ± Ű§Ű”Ù„ میÚș Ű§ÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű­Ű§Ù„Ű§ŰȘ ÛŰ±ÚŻŰČ Ù†ÛÛŒÚș ہے کہ ŰŹÙˆ ŰȘÛŒŰłŰ±ÛŒ ŰčŰ§Ù„Ù…ÛŒ ŰŹÙ†ÚŻ چڟیڑ ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ ŰŹŰł ۚۧŰȘ کۧ ŰźÙˆŰš Ű§Ù†ŰŻŰ§ŰČہ Ű§ÚŻÙ„Û’ Ú©Ú†ÚŸ ŰŻÙ†ÙˆÚș میÚș Ù…Ű§Ű±Ú©ÛŒÙč Ű§Ù†ÙˆÛŒŰłÙč۱ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰčÙˆŰ§Ù… Ű§Ù„Ù†Ű§Űł کو ŰšÚŸÛŒ ہو ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ گۧ Ű§ÙˆŰ± Ű­Ű§Ù„Ű§ŰȘ ÙŸÚŸŰ± ŰłÛ’ ٟہلے کی ۷۱ۭ ہو ŰŹŰ§ŰŠÛ’ ÚŻÛŒÚș ŰȘŰš ŰȘلک ۔ۚ۱ ŰłÛ’ Ú©Ű§Ù… لیÚș ۔ ۹۟۱ میÚș ۧگ۱ ŰąÙŸ ۭ۶۱ۧŰȘ کو Ù…ÛŒŰ±Û’ مŰčÙ„ÙˆÙ…Ű§ŰȘ ÙŰ±Ű§ÛÙ… Ú©Ű±Ù†Û’ کۧ Ű·Ű±ÛŒÙ‚Û Ű§Ú†ÚŸŰ§ Ù„ÚŻŰ§ ہو ŰȘو Ù…ŰŹÚŸÛ’ ÛŰ± ŰšŰ±ÙŰ§ŰčŰžÙ… میÚș ŰšÛŒÚŸÙčۧ ÛŰ€Ű§ وہ Ű§Ù†ŰłŰ§Ù† Follow Ú©Ű±Ù„ÛŒÚș ŰŹÛŒŰłÛ’ Ű§Ű±ŰŻÙˆ ŰČŰšŰ§Ù† ÙŸÚ‘ÚŸÙ†Ű§ Ű§ÙˆŰ± ŰłÙ…ŰŹÚŸÙ†Ű§ ŰąŰȘۧ ہے کیونکہ میÚș Ű§ÚŻÛŒÚș ŰšÚŸÛŒ Ú©Ű±ÙŸÙčو ŰłÛ’ Ù…Ù†ŰłÙ„Ú© مŰȘŰčŰŻÙ„ Ű§ÙˆŰ± مŰȘŰčŰ§ŰŻÙ„ مŰčÙ„ÙˆÙ…Ű§ŰȘ ÙŰ±Ű§ÛÙ… ک۱ŰȘۧ Ű±ÛÙˆÙ†ÚŻŰ§

📈Crypto Market Crash📉
📈Global Market Crash 📉

#MarketDownturn #BtcAnalysis #cryptotrading
#MyFirstSquarePost Hello, Binance Square!
According to my prediction right now BTC going to feel one more her fair volue gap nd touched the almost $56k resistance that's why candle pattern analysis is more important then liquidation heatmap 😎 $BTC {future}(BTCUSDT)
According to my prediction right now BTC going to feel one more her fair volue gap nd touched the almost $56k resistance that's why candle pattern analysis is more important then liquidation heatmap 😎 $BTC
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Currently, the unofficial and unofficial results of the crypto market are coming to us because of this 😅 Rumors are circulating in the market that crypto will go further and lower but the real story is that crypto will not go down anymore but will go up because all Well investors are seizing the opportunity âœŒđŸ»
Currently, the unofficial and unofficial results of the crypto market are coming to us because of this 😅 Rumors are circulating in the market that crypto will go further and lower but the real story is that crypto will not go down anymore but will go up because all Well investors are seizing the opportunity âœŒđŸ»
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Read these risk management tips to increase your trading success 1. Follow the 2% rule: invest only 2% of your total investment on a single coin. 2. Apply Volatility Based Stop Loss: Adjust your stop loss level to match the current market volatility for better risk management. 3. Enter and exit your positions slowly to minimize losses and maximize your potential gains. 4. Set the price amount: Then notify stop loss at the key levels of the set amount which will allow you to take immediate profit when the market opportunity arises. 5. In order to accurately estimate your potential profit, include these factors in your backtesting, i.e. do paper work regularly for at least 30 minutes a day. Prepare well in the beginning, then when you have money, start with an investment of more than 50$, God willing, very soon you will be converting your 50$ into 100$ and a hundred into 500$. #MarketDownturn #BinanceTurns7 $BTC $ETH
Read these risk management tips to increase your trading success

1. Follow the 2% rule: invest only 2% of your total investment on a single coin.

2. Apply Volatility Based Stop Loss: Adjust your stop loss level to match the current market volatility for better risk management.

3. Enter and exit your positions slowly to minimize losses and maximize your potential gains.

4. Set the price amount: Then notify stop loss at the key levels of the set amount which will allow you to take immediate profit when the market opportunity arises.

5. In order to accurately estimate your potential profit, include these factors in your backtesting, i.e. do paper work regularly for at least 30 minutes a day. Prepare well in the beginning, then when you have money, start with an investment of more than 50$, God willing, very soon you will be converting your 50$ into 100$ and a hundred into 500$.

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Now let's talk a little bit about bitcoin, dear listeners. As far as the falling price of bitcoin is concerned, I think we should take advantage of this opportunity, the way the American trader Microstar has taken it. Now buy 169 Bitcoins, whose total value is 11.4$ million dollars. However, those who have already invested in Bitcoin should hold it, because soon Bitcoin will return to its previous record margin of 73000$ . is going to turn and some moderate analysts said that this time Bitcoin will touch 75000$ dollars, which is the obvious reason that thousands of investors like Microstar are investing their million of millions of dollars on the declining price of Bitcoin. ° After all if you guys want to get basic information related to crypto currency in urdu language then follow me for that thanks âœđŸ» #BTCMarketPanic #MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip?
Now let's talk a little bit about bitcoin, dear listeners. As far as the falling price of bitcoin is concerned, I think we should take advantage of this opportunity, the way the American trader Microstar has taken it. Now buy 169 Bitcoins, whose total value is 11.4$ million dollars. However, those who have already invested in Bitcoin should hold it, because soon Bitcoin will return to its previous record margin of 73000$ . is going to turn and some moderate analysts said that this time Bitcoin will touch 75000$ dollars, which is the obvious reason that thousands of investors like Microstar are investing their million of millions of dollars on the declining price of Bitcoin. °

After all if you guys want to get basic information related to crypto currency in urdu language then follow me for that thanks âœđŸ»

#BTCMarketPanic #MarketDownturn #RecessionOrDip?
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For authentic crypto related information in urdu language call me #BTCMarketPanic
For authentic crypto related information in urdu language call me #BTCMarketPanic
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